Science subject là gì

Topic này cực kì challenging cho các bạn không thích các môn tự nhiên như Toán, Lý, Hoá, Sinh và đó chính là cái khó của IELTS vì bạn phải trình bày tốt kể cả cho những mảng không phải là sở trường của mình =)). Đừng lo đã có sample tuyệt vời của team nhà BEC giúp bạn rùi đây :3

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Talk about a science subject that you enjoyed studying at school.

You should say:

– What was the subject?
– Who were your teachers?
– How useful was the subject?
and explain why you enjoyed it

Sample answer:

Well, I am going to talk about Physics - an interesting science subject that I found most enjoyable when I studied at school.

OR: Well, one of the most enjoyable science subjects which I love to talk about is definitely Physics. It was a compulsory subject and we had to study at least twice a week. So, the lesson basically involved both theoretical and practical part. We studied Physics theory in class and then spent time doing some experiments.

Science subject là gì

I still vividly rememberthat our Physics teacher was Mr Minh - an experienced teacher with a fantastic teaching method. Through his clear explanation,everything about Physics was just a piece of cake. I acquired some basic knowledge of Physics which included Newton's laws, some theories about waves and particles, and Einstein's principle of relativity.


What I found this subject tremendously useful is that it provides a great number of unknown facts such as how sound and light travel, how Quantum mechanics works and so on.


Actually, at first, I couldn’t see any realistic applications in this subject but eventually it turned out to be much more practical.

Gradually, I developed a great sense of interest in this subject because it enabled me to understand how the universe works as well as unlocks most of the mysteries of life. I started to know how to explain some common phenomena, such as why there are storms and why we always see lightning before we hear the thunder’s sound.

The amazing thing from this subject is that it enhances my logical thinking. Therefore, I could see things from different perspectives and care about every variable.

All in all, studying Physics was always a fascinating experience and I really loved it.

Useful vocabulary:

1. Einstein's principle of relativity : Nguyên lý tương đối của Einstein.

2. Acquired some basic knowledge:  Lĩnh hội 1 số kiến thức cơ bản

3. Newton's laws : định luật Newton

4. Critical thinking : tư duy phản biện

5. Logical thinking : tư duy lô-gíc

6. A compulsory subject : môn học bắt buộc

7. An interesting science subject : một môn khoa học thú vị

8. Clear explanation : lời giải thích rõ ràng

9. Vividly remember :  nhớ rõ (1 cách sống động)

10. Tremendously useful : hữu dụng vô cùng

11. A piece of cake = dễ dàng 

12. Develop a great sense of interest in sth - bắt đầu cực kì thích cái gì đó

13. Realistic applications (n): những ứng dụng thực tiễn

14. Turn out to be (v): hóa ra, trở nên

15. Phenomenon (n)   /fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən/ : hiện tượng 

16. Variable (n) /ˈveə.ri.ə.bəl/ : biến số, giống như factor

17. Particle (n)  /ˈpɑː.tɪ.kəl/ : hạt, phần tử

18. Quantum (n) :  lượng tử

P/s: Vì đây là sản phẩm tự tay team BEC làm, nên để tôn trọng tác giả các bạn khi copy hay chia sẻ nhớ ghi nguồn hen

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