The Ordinary retinol before and after Reddit

The Ordinary retinol before and after Reddit

Never tried it and wondering if it is any good, I have some skin issues like dryness, irritation and acne. My skin type lies more on the dry side. Up till now I’ve been using Epiduo (Benzoyl Peroxide) for ages just to keep my acne in check, but wondered if Retinol could act as a replacement? Thanks for reading.

The Ordinary retinol before and after Reddit

level 1

I started my skincare journey in november -which included TO retinol (started at 0.2% and am now using 0.5%) - and I've noticed diminished wrinkles and wouldn't consider it very drying, although at higher %s this may not be the case.

If you primarily want something to help with acne then you're far better off going for a topical retinoid which are far stronger than retinols. Also maybe consider salicylic acid in some form i.e. a face wash or serum.

level 2

Thanks for the response. I’m glad to hear you have had success with retinol. I am currently using the Cerave Salicylic acid face wash which is great, all I need is the retinol or retinoid :-)

level 1

It’s a good introduction to retinol as it’s in squalene. I used this before my transition into prescription retinol (tret). It’s good to start with over the counter retinol first to build skin irritation level up

level 1

I was using TO Retinol for almost a year it didn't do much for my skin. If you have the option try Retinal from Geek&Gorgeous, it is much easier to use and my complexion is definitely brigher!

level 2

Honestly the TO one just isn’t really worth getting even for the price. OP listen to this person! RetinAl is much better than retinOl

level 1

I don’t love it - not convinced the retinol is penetrating as much bc of the squalene. Have switched brands. It was v gentle though, didn’t cause any irritation at all

level 1

Don’t know about the retinoids in squalane but their granactive retinoids 2% emulsion is excellent. It’s what I use in the winter as I have more dry skin but also acne. It’s really moisturising and the packaging isn’t an issue as it’s stays stable better than the retinols in squalane. However these will be much weaker than epiduo so might not be strong enough for you. Perhaps you can ask your dermatologist for differin instead of epiduo?

I used it for a bit and was mildly impressed with the results. After the bottle was done, I tried the Granactive which I found better still.

With that said, I’m not sure of LONG long term effects. Using a retinol for 6 months was proof enough that “this shit works”, and I moved onto Tret, which is like the Big Daddy of Vit A products.

I would recommend you research how to start using it, then give it at least 3 months before making a decision.


I've been using every now and then 1% retinol (Dermaceutic activ-retinol 1.0), with quite a lot of success.

After the initial reaction, my pores were minimized, skin was looking and feeling better.

I switched to The Ordinary 1% retinol in squalane. According to DECIEM website, it has been 10 months (I received my first retinol bottle the 5th of March 2018), and honestly, I'm not sure if I like it.

Texture-wise, it is oily like squalane (duh), I used it by itself in summer and have been layering a moisturizer under in winter (I tried on top but I hate that it slips because of the squalane). I would prefer a serum or a lotion.

I had 0 initial reaction. I can apply it on my eyes and neck. I even accidentally got some in my eyes, I freaked out but actually nothing happened.

Results, are not exactly there, acne is getting worse because of winter, no wrinkles (I'm 24), pores are the same (I used 2% BHA daily in summer, I stopped in winter). But I feel like I don't need to exfoliate that often (I use 30% AHA + 2% BHA once every two to three weeks).

I have one last bottle in my fridge, but I'm planning on stopping retinol when I finish it to see if I miss it. Maybe I'm too young ?

My biggest concern is, since this is my 4th bottle, that half way through I always notice a change in the smell (it initally smells like nothing for 2-3 weeks, then like coconut cake, then slightly rancid), it also gradually turns yellowish/light green. I'm concerned that I'm applying oxidized retinol, and that would be why I'm not seeing huge improvements nor irritation. I also think that the dropper packaging is not truly the best packaging for retinol. A squeezy tube or an air tight pump bottle would be much better.

I'll go for nightly glycolic acid when I'm done with retinol.

I also want to try Paula's choice clinical 1% retinol and see if I see any difference.

Thanks for reading.


Can I use the ordinary retinol every night?

Is it safe to use retinol every day? For most people, yes — once your skin is used to it, that is. That said, there are some people who may not want to use it frequently or at all.

What happens if you don't refrigerate retinol the ordinary?

Retinol and vitamin C products Make sure to leave some space in your fridge for your retinol and vitamin C skincare, as these antioxidants can degrade much quicker and become unstable when exposed to heat and sunlight. Storing these products in the fridge keeps the formulas stable and helps with preservation.

Does retinol make skin look worse at first?

Retinol is just one ingredient that can help clear and plump your skin. It can take several weeks before you'll start to see results from retinol, and your skin may look worse before it gets better, so try not to get discouraged. Start slowly and increase your use of retinol gradually.

Is 1% retinol the strongest?

High-strength retinol – 0.3%-1% Look for formulations with a percentage between 0.3% and 1%, with retinol 1% being the strongest option.