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Oneration,in-nér-a'shủn. s. the act of loading Opinion, ó-pin'yin. s. persuasion of the mind
Onerous, Ốnon.r-vs. a. burthenome. without proof; judgment, notion. Ouion, ảnyển. 8. a plant.

Opinionated, d-pin'yin--têd. a. attached to Only, one'ld. a. single.

certain opinions. Only, one'lė. ad. simply, singly.

Opinionative, d-pin'yản-nå-tiv. a. fond of Onset, ôn'sét. s. attack, assault.

preconceived notions. Ontologist, on-t8I'16-jist. s. a metaphysician. Opinionist, 6-pin'yản-nist. 2. one fond of his Ontology,-on-181'16-jé. s. metaphysicks. own notions. Onward,on'wård. ad. forward, progressively Opium, &'pe-im. 8. a inedicine used to pro Onyx, oniks. v. a semipellucid gem. mote sleep Ooze, bỏze. s. soft mud; slime.

Oppidan, Op'pe-dån. s. a townsman, an in Ooze, boze. o. n. to run gently.

habitant of a 'town. Oozy, dô‘zė. a. miry, muddy.

Oppilation, ôp-pe-là'shin. s. obstruction. Opacate, o-på'kåte. 0. n. te shade, to darken. Opponent, Op-poinent. a. opposite, adverse. Opacity, ó-pis'sė-tė. s. cloudiness.

Opponent, dp-ponent. s. antagonist, adverOpacous, o-på'kús. a. dark, obscure.

sary. Opal, d'pål. s. a precious stone.

Opportune, öp-pôr-túne'. a. seasonable. Opaque, d-páko'. a. not transpirent, dark. Opportunely, op-per-túne'le. ad. seasonably Open, o'pn. 0.a. to unclose; to divide ; to Opportunity, Ap-por-tů'nė-tė. s. fit place, disclose.

time, convenience.

[resist. Open, o'pn. a. unclosed ; apparent ; sincere. Oppose, åp-poze'. 0. a. to act against ; to Openeyed, dʻpn-ide.a. vigilant, watchful.[al. Opposeless, op-poze'lés. a. irresistible. Openbanded, d-pn-hånd'éd. 0.generous,liber. Opposer, op-pd’zůr. s. one that opposos, an Openhearted, d-pn-hårt'éd. a. generous, antagonist.

[trary candid

[dawn. Ipposite, 8p'pd-zit. a. placed in front; con Opening, d'pn-ing. s. aperture ; breach; Opposite, op pd-zit. s. adversary, opponent. Openly, o'pn-lė. ad. publickly, plainly. Opposition, öp-po-zish'ån. s. situation so as Openness, o'pn-nés. s. plainness, cléarness. to front something opposed ; hostile resistOpera, op'pér-rå. s. a poetical firtion, repre- ance; contrariety of interest.

sented by voca} and instrumental musick. Oppress, op-prés'. v. u. to crush by hardship. Operant, Op'pér-rånt. a. active. [agency. Oppression,&p-présh'ûn. 8. cruelty, severity; Operate, čpʻper-ate. o n. to act, to have calamity.

[overwhelming. Operation, op-pér-ra'shûn. s. agency, pro- Oppressíve, dp-prés'siv. a. cruel

, inhuman; duction of effects, influence.

Oppressor, op-prés'sår. s. one who harasses Operator, &p'pêr-ra-túr. 3. one that performs others with unjust severity. any act of the hand.

Opprobrions, &p-pro'bré-ůsa. reproachful, Operose, op-per-rose'. a. laborious. [eye.


[proachfulness. Ophthalmiik, dp-thål’mik. a. relating to the Opprobriousness, Op-pro'bré-is-nis. s. reOphthalmy, op'thål-mè. s. a disease of the Oppugn, ôp-puno'. v.a. to oppose, to resist. eyes.

Oppugnancy, op-påg'nân-se. s. opposition. Opiate, g'pe-at.e. a medicine that causes sleep. Optative, Op'tå-tiv. a. cxpressive of desire.

pive, -pine'. o. n. to think, to jndge. Optical, &p'tê-kål. a. relating to the science [ipiniative, 6-pin'yé-å-tiv. u. stiff in a pre- of opticks. conceived notion

Optician, öp-tish'an. s. one skilled in opticks Optick, opstik. a. visual, relating to the sci. []rbicular, ör-bik'ku-lar. a. circular. enco of vision.

Page 3

Packthread, påk'thred. 3. strong thread used Paint, pånt. s. colours reprezentative of any in tying up parcels.

thing ; colours laid on ihe ter.o. [ing Pact, påkt. shăn. s. a bargain, a covenant. Painter, pan'tår. s. one who prosessos paint

Painting, pån’ting. s. the act of representing Pad, påd. s. the road, a foot-path; an easy objects by delineation and colours, a picpaced horse ; a rohber that infesis the road

[a couple. on foot; a low soft saddle.

Pair, pare. s. two things suiting one ancıher, Par!, påd. 0. n. to travel gently; to rob on Pair, påre. o. a. to join in couplos.

fuot; to beat away sinoot], and level. Palace, pilʻlås. s. a royal house. Padelle, påd’dl. o.n. to ruw; to play in the Palanquin, pål-án-kéóñ . s. a kind of coverca

carriage, supported on the shou.ders of Paddle, påddl. s. an oar, particularly that slaves.

-[taste. which is used by a single rower in a boat. Pozlatable, pållåt-tå bl. a. pleasing to the Paddock, påd důk. s. a great froy or toad; Palate, pål·lát. s. the instrument of taste ;, a small cnclosure for decr.

mental relish.

[lustre, dim. Pärlock, påd.'lók. s. a hanging lock. [lock. Pale, påle. a. wan, white of look; faint of Parlock, pád.ok. 0.0. to fasten with a pad- Pale, påle. s. an enclosure; a district or terPaar], pé'ån. s. a song of triumph.

ritory; the middle part of a scutcheon. Fagan, på gån. s. a heathen.

Pale, påle. o.a. to enclose with pales. Pagan, płgån. a. bcathenishi


Pelefaced, påle'faste. a. having the face wan. Paganis:, pà'gån-izm. s. heathenism.

Paleness, pálc'nés. 8. wanness. Page, pådje. s. one side of the leaf of a book ; Paletie, pál·lit. s. a painter's board.

a young boy attending on a great person. Palfrey, pål’fre, or pålitrė. s. a small horse Page, pådje. 7. a. to mark the pages of a fit for ladies.

book. Tspectacln of entertainment. Palinode, pål'in-ode. ? Pageant, påd'jánt. s. a sline in a slow, a Palinody, pál'lin-d-dė.

s. a recantation. Pageant, påd jint. a. showy, pompous, Palisade, pál-le-sade'. s, pales set by way of Pageantry, påd'jún-tré. s. pony, show. enclosure. Payod, på god. s. an Indian idol ; the temple Palish, påle’ish. a, somewhat pale. of the idol.

Pall, påll. s. a cloak or mantle of state ; the Paid, pade. tho pret. and part. pass. of pay. covering thrown over the dead. Pail, påle. 8. a wooden vessel. [will hold. Pall, påll. d. a. to make insipid or vapid ; tc Pailfiil, påle'fill. s. the quantity that a pail dispirit; to cloy. l'ain, pane. s. penalty ; sensation of uneasi- Pallet, pál’lit. s. a small mean bed.

[laborious. Pallmall, pël-mėl'. s. a play in which the bal} Painful, páne'fül. a. full of pain ; afflictive; is struck with a mallet through an iron ring Painfully, páne'fål-lè. ad. with great pain.; Palliate, pålle-áte. 0. a. to.cover with ex laboriously.


cuse ; to extenuate. Painfulness, påne'fdl-ness. s. atfliction ; la- Palliation, pål-lé-a'shản. s. extenuation, fa. Painless, páne'lly. a. without pain.

vouable representation.

[ing Painstaker.panz'tu-kúr. s. a laboricus person. Palliative, pålle-4-tiv. s. something mitigat Painstaking, pånz'th-king. a. laborious, in- Pallid, påltid. a. pale, not high-coloured. dustrious.

[and colours. Palm, påm. s. a trce ; victory ; inner part Paint, pånt. 0. a. to represent by delii cation of the hand.

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Paunch, pảnsh. s. the helly.

Pear, påre. s. a well-known fruil-tree; the Pauper, påw'půr. s. a poor person.


[of a testaceous fish. Pause, påwz. s. a stop ; suspense ; break. Pearl, perl. s. a gem generated in the body Pause, påwz, v.n. to wait, to stop ; to de- Pearly, perl'è. u. abounding with or reseniliberate.

[to floor with stone. bliny pearls. [ness is rural labour. Pave, påve. 0. a. to lay with brir k or stone, Peasant, pêz'zânt. s. a hind, one whose busiPavenient, påve'mỏnt. s. stones or bricks láid Peasantry, pézzánt-ré. s. peasants, rusticks. on the ground.

Peashell, pė'shểl. s. the husk that contains Pavier, påve'yår. s. one who lays with stones. Pavilion, pà-vil'yún. 8. a tent.

Pease, pezo. s. food of peas. Paw, påw. s. the foot of a beast.

Peat, père. s. a species of turf use for fire. Paw, påw. 0. a. lo strike with the fore foot; Pebble, peb'bl. to handle roughly.

Pebblestone, péb'bl-stone.

} s.a round hard Pawn, påwn. 0. a. to pledge.

stone ; a sort of basta d gem. Pawn, påv 31. 8. something given in pledge. Pebbly, pebbie. a. full of pcbbles. Pawnbroker, påwn'brd-kůr. s. one who lends Peccability, pék-kå-bil'é-tė. s. state of being money upon pledge.

subject to sin. Pay, pá. v.a. lo discharge a debt; to reward. Peccable, pékskå-bl. a. liahle to sin. Pay, pà. s. wages, hire.

Pecca.lillo, pék-ka-dil'ld s. a petty fault. Payable, på'à-bl. a. due ; to be paid. Peccancy, pěk’kản sé. s. bad quality. Paymaster, på må-står. s. one from whom Peccant, pèk'kânt. a. criminal ; ill-disposed.

wages or reward is received. [reward. Peck, pök. s. the fourth part of a bushel. + Payment, på'ment. s. the act of paying; a Peck, pék. v.a. to strike with the beak as a Pea, pė. s. a well-known kind of pulse. bird, to pick up food with the beak. Peace, pése. s: respite from war ; quiet ; Pectoral, påk'tür-ål. a. belonging to the rest ; silence.

breast. Peace,p-se. int. a word commanding silence. Pectoral, pék’tår-ål. ... a medicine proper to Peaceable, pése'å-bl. a. free from war; quiet, si ongthen the breast and stomach.

undisturbed. [disposition to peace. Peculate, pêk'ku-låte. o. n. to rob or defraud Peaceablenése, pi'se'ä-bl-nés. s. quietness, the publick.

[publick. Peaceably, pèse'å-ble. ad. without turnult. Peculation, pék-kų-là'shủn. s. robbery of the Peaceful, pèse'fål. a. quiet ; pacifick, mild. Peculritor, pêk'ků-là-túr. s. robber of the Peacefully, pèse'fül-d. ad. quietly; mildly, publick.

[ticular, single. gently:

[from disturbance. Peculiar, pe-ku le-air. a. appropriate; par-, Peacefulness, pèse'fül-nés. . quiet, freedom Feculiarity; pe-kı-lé-år'ı-td. s. particularity Peash, petsh. s. a fruit-tree ; che fruit: Peculiarly, pe-ku le-ir-lė. ad. particularly, Peach-coloured, petsh'kål-lůrd. a. of a cor singly

[money. lour like a peach. [beauty of his feathers. Pecuniary, po kil'ne-ir-d. a. relating to Peccock, pékôk. s. a fowl eminent for the Pedagogue, péd'då-gðg. s. a school naster, Peahen, pé'hén. s. the female of a peacock. a pedunt.

[.pan. Peak, péke. s. the top of a hill ; the rising Pedals, pėd'dåls. s. the large pipes of an orforepart of a head-dress.

Pedant, pėd'dânt. s. a man vain of low Peal, pele. s. a succession of loud sounds, as knowledge.

[tatious of learning. of bells, thunder, or cannon.

Pedantick, pedan'tik. a. awkwarrily osten

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Persuasive, pér-swå siv. Persuasory, pér-swa'sir-é.

} a. having the l'estiferous, pës-tit' fér-is. a. destructive; pestilential.

[gious distemper power to persuade.

l'estilence, pês'tė-lanse. s. plague, conta Pert, pért. 8. brisk ; smart; saucy. Pestilential, pås-lé-lén'shäl. a. infectious, Periain, pêr-táne'. v. n. to belong to relate to. contagious. Pertinacious, pêr-te-ni'shis. a. obstinate, Pestle, păs'tl. s. an instrument with which stubborn.

[natoly. any thing is broken in a mortar Pertinaciously, pêr-te na’shús-le. ad. cbsti- Pet, pél. s. a slight passion or fil ofanger; a Pertinacity, pér-é-nis'se-tė. s. obstinacy. favourite. Pertinence, pêr'td-nense. s. propriety to the Pet, pết. 0.a. to spoil by too much fondling. parpose, appositeness.

[apposito. Petal, pé'tál, or pet'ål. s. the leaf of a flower Pertinent, për tė-nént. s. just to the purpose; as distinguished from the leaf of a plant. Pertingent, për-tinéjént. a. reaching tn, Petition, pe-tish'ún. s. request, supplication. torching.

Petition, ive-tislrún. 0. u. to solicit. Pertly, pêrt'le. ad. briskly, smartly, saucily. Petitionary, pé-tislrún-å-ré. a. supplicatory. Pertness, pért'nës. s. brisk foily, sauciness, Petitioner, ju-tish'ån-ir. s. one who offers a petulance.

petition. Perturb, pér-Lårb'. v. a. lo disquiet, Petre, peter. s. nitre, salt-petre. Perturbate, pir-túr båte. ] to disturb. Petrescent, pe-tris'sent. a. becoming stone. Perturbation, pểr-tir-bá'shan. s. disquiet of Petrifáction, pèt-tre-fåk'shin. s. the act of mind; commotion of passions.

turning to stone; that which is made Pertusion, pér-túrhån. s. the act of pierc- stonc. ing or punching.

Petrifi pit'tre-fl. 0.a. to change to stone. Peruke, per rúko'. s. a cap of false hair, a Petrity, pet'tré.fl. 0. n. to be some stone. periwig.

Petticoai, pět' s. the lower part of a Perusal, pe-ru'zál. s. the act of reading. woman's dress.

[rate lawyer. Peruse, pe-rúze'. 7. a. to read ; to examine. Petrisogger, påt'te-fog-går. s. a petty small. Peruser, pe-růzár. s. a reader, examiner. Pettishi, pët tish. a. fre: Ful, peevish. Pervade, pér-våde'. o.a. to pass through an Pettishness, pět'tish-nés. s. fretfulness, peoaperture, te perineale. [through., vishness.

[pig Pervasion, per-va'zhủn. s. the act of passing Pettitoes, pèt'te-toze.s. the feet of a sucking Perverse, pér-vérse'. a. obstinate in the Petty, pét'te. a. small, little. [vishness. wrong, stubborn.

[tiously. Petulance, pét'tsha-lånse. s. sauciness, pooPerversely, pêr-versle. ad. peevishly, vexa- Petulant, pét'tshu-lånt. a. saucy, perverse. Perverseness, pér-vérs'nės. s. petulance, Pew, pů. s. a scat enclosed in a church. peevishness.

Pewter, på'tår. s. an artificial metal. Perversion, per-věr'shản. s. change to worse. Pewterer, pıl tůr-ir. s. a smith who works Pervert, pér-vért'. v. u. io distort from the in pewter. [in the works of nature.

true end or purpose ; to corrupt. Phænoincnon,fè-nôm'é appearance Pervious, pêr've-is. [. aunitting passage. Phaeton, id'l-tón. s. a high open carriage. Pest, pést. s. plague, pestilence.

Phalaux, få links. s. a troop of meu closely Pester, pasit?r. o. a. lo disturb, to harass. cmbodied.

[anco. l'esthouse, pëst höůse. s. an hospital for per- Plantasm, fån'tåzı... s. vain and airy appear. gons infecic with the plague.

Phantom, län'tủin. s. a spectre, an apparition

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Plough, plöt. an agricultural instrument. Ply, pll. 0. a. to work on any thing closely Plough, pldů, 0.a. to turn with the plough; and importunately; to keep busy, to furrow, to divide.

licit importunately Ploughboy, plod/bot. s. a boy that follows Pnevinatick, nu-måttik. d. moved bý wind, the plough.

relative to wind. Ploughman, pldd'man. s. one who attends Pneumaticks, nu-måt'tiks. s. the doctrine of or uses the plough...

the air.

[of spiritual cxistence. Pluck, plák. 0.2. to pull with force, to snatch, Pneumatology,nu-mă-:81'10-jd....the doctrine Pluck, plúk, s. a pull; the heart, liver, and Poach, potsh. 0.a. to boil slightly; to plun. lighits of an animal.

der by stealth. Plug, plåg. s. a stopple.

Poaclier, potsh'ůr. 8. one who steal game. Plug, plug. 0. a. to stop with a plug. Pock, pok. s. a pustule raised by the smali Plumn, plům. 8. a fruit; the sum of one hun- pox.

[into clothes ared thousand pounds.

Pocket, pókíkit: 3. the small bag inserted Plumage, phı'midje, s. feathers.

Pocket, pók'kit. 7. a. to put in the pocket. Plumb, plum. s. a leadun weight. let down Pod, pôd. s. the case of seeds. at the end of a line.

[horizon.Poem, po'ém. s. the work of a pet, a me. Plumb, plům. ad. perpendicularly to the trical composition.

[poetry. Pluind, pliin. 7. u. to sound; to regulate. Poesy, po'i-ge!. s. the art of writing poenis, Plumber, plånı'mir. s. one who works upon Poet, poyét. s. a writer of poems. lead.

Poetaster, po's-lås-túr. s. a vile petty poet Plume, plumé. s. a feather, pride.

Poetess, poét-tes. 8. a femalo poet. Plume, plume. 0. di to adjust feathers; to Poctical, po-et'te-kål. ll. pertaining tc adorn with plumes. [pencil. Poetick, pó-et'tik.

poetry. Plummet, plùm'mit. s. a leaden weight or Poetically; po-ét'te-kål-lé, ud. with the quaPlumous, plu'ınús. a. feathery.

lities of poetry Plump, plámp. a: sleek, full and smooth. Poetry, pó'c-tré. s. metrical composition, the Plump, plamp. 0. a. to fatten, to swell. art or practice of writing poems Plump], plump. ad. with a sudde fall. Po.: "sney, pôlénån-sé. s. sharpness. Plumpness, plåmp'nés. s. fulness.

Pou...ant, por nảnt. d. satirical, keen. Plumy, plume. a. covered with feathers. Point, point. s. a sharp end; headland; Plunder, plón dår. d. 4. to pillago.

sting of an epigrain; a moment; space, Plunder, plůn'důr. s. pillaye, spoils gotten punctilio; a spot. in war.

[a robber. Point, point. 0. a. to sharpen ; to direct toPlunderer, plůn'důr-år. s. a hostile piilager, wards an object; to show; to distinguish Plunge, plůnje. 0. a. to put suddenly under by stops or points. water ; to force in suddenly.

Poivted, päint'id. a. sharp ; epigrammatical. Flunge, plinge.s. act of sinking wr !er water. Pointer, point'ůr. s. any thing that points; a Plural, plu'r 1. a. inplying more lian onė. dog

[injures life ; venom Plurality, pli-rål'e-cė. s. a numbor more than Poison, poézn. s. thet which destroys of ong; the majority:

Poison, påė'zn. 0. a. to infect with poison , lo Plush, plåsh, s a kind of shaggy cloth. corrupt. Pluvious pluve-Lis } a. rainy, relating to rain. Poisonous, păè'zn is

. a. venomous. Poise, poéze. s. nuance, equipoise.

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Poise, pởéze. 0. a. to balance.

Pollute, pol-lute'. o 4. to 'make unclean; ta Poke, póke. s..a-pocket, a small bæg.

defile. Poke, poke. o. un to feel in the dark, to Pollutedness, pol-lå'téa-nės.

s. the stato search any thing with a long instrument. Pollution, pål-i'shản Poker, po'kúr. s. the iron bar with which the of teing defiled, defilement. fire is stirred.

Poltron, pôl.tröðn'. s. a coward, à soundrel Polar, poʻlår. a. found near the pole. Polyanthus, po-le-ân this.s. a plant bearing Polarity, po-lär'e-tė. s. tendency to the pole. many flowers.

[sides. Volary, polår-ė. a. having a direction to- Polyedrous, pe-le-d'drůs. a. having many. wards the pole.

Polygamy, po-1?g'gå-nrė. s. plurality of wives. Pole, pole. s. the extremity of the axis of the Polyglot, pul'le-glôt. a. having - inany lan.

earth; a long staff'; a measure of length, guages.

containing five yards and a half. [pole. Polygon,pólle-grn. s.a figure of many angles. Poleaxe, pole’åks. s. an axe fixed to a long Polygonal, po-lig'go-nál. a. having many Polecat, pole'kit. s. a stinking animal. angles.

[many petals. Polemical, pó-lēm'me-kál. a. controversial, Polypetalous, psi-le-pêt'tal-is. a. having Polemnick, po-em'mik.] disputative. Polypous, pôl·le-pås. 2. having the nature Polemick, po-lém'mik. s. a disputant, con- of a polypus.

troveriist.. {any guide or director. Polypus, polle-půs. 8. a swelling in the nos Polestar, pole'står. $. a star near the pole ; trils ; an animal with many feet. Police, pa-lees'. s. the government of a city, Polysyllable, pol'le-sil-la-bl. s. a word of so far as regards the inhabitants.

many syilables. :[of plurality of gods Policy, pol le-siė. s. thic art of government ; Polytheism, polle-the-izm. s. the doctrine

prudence. - [elegant of manners. Pomaceous,po-ma'shủs.a.consisting usapples Polish, pol'lish. 0. n to smooth; to make Pornade, po-måde'. 3. a fragrant ointment. Polishi

, pol'lishi. s. artificial gloss; elegance Pomander, po-mån'dir. s. a sweet ball. of manners.

Pomatui, po-ma'tin. s. an ointment. Polite, po-llte'. a. elegant of manners. Pornegranate půın-grån nåt. s. a lee; the Politeness, pó-lite nés. s. elegance of man.


[on a sword or saddle ners, gentility.

Pommel, pům'mll

. s. a round balì or knah Political, pé-litte-kål. a. relating to politicks. Poioiel, påm'mil. 0.-R. to bruise. Politically, polit'te-kil-d. ad. with relation Pump, põrnp. s. splendour, pride.

to publick adniinistration ; artfully. l'ompion, pům'pe-in. s. a pumpkin, Politiciau, pól-lé-lishřän. s. one versed in Pomposity, pom-;rôs'é-tė. s. affectation of politicks.

pompousness. Politicks, pol·ld-tiks. 's. the science of go- Pompous, pôm'půs. a. splendid, grand. vernment.

[civil constitution. Pompously, pôin'půs-lè. ad. magnificently Polity, pôlle-tė. : a form of government, Pompousness, põin'půs-nés. s. magnificence Poll, poll. s. the head; a list of voters at an splendour. election.

Porid, pônd. s 'a small pool or lake of water. Poll, poll. o. a. to lop the top of trees'; t. Pouder, pồn'důr. 7. a. to weigh mentally, to cut off hair froin the head; to insert into consider.

[viness. a number. as a votar.

Ponderosity, pôn-důr-ôs'se.té. s. weight, hea Pollard, polʻlård. s tree lopped.

Ponderous, pồn'důr-os. a. heavy, weighty.

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Prize, prize. Va to rate ; to value ; to esteem. Progeation, pro-kreá'shin. s. generation, Prizefighter, prize'fl-túr. s. one that figlets Procreative, prð kré-a-tiy. a. generative, publickly for a reward.

Proctor, prðk'tår, s. an attorney in the spiProbability, prób-a-bil'e-tė. s. likelihood, ap- ritual court. pearance of truth.

Proctorstaip, prøk'tø of a proeProbabile, proh'bi-bl. a. likely.

Procumbent,' ro kin bént. a. !ying Probably, próbbá-blè, ad, likely,

Procurable, pro-ků'r-bl. a. obtainable. Probat, próbåt. s. the proof of a will, Procurator, prok-ke-ra/tör. s. manager. Probation, pró-bá'slıún. s. proof, evidence, Procure, pro-kure'. 7. 4. to manage, to trans testimony.

[for trial. act for another; to obtain, to acquire. Probationary, pro-bashån-a-ré. Q. serving Procuress, pro-kurës. s. a bawd. Probationer, prá-ba'shủn:ur. s. a novicc. Prodigal, pród'de-gål. w. profuse, wasteful. Probatum est :pró-bá'tíım-ést. s. a Latin cx- Prodigal, prod’de-gál, S.à Waster; a -spend pression, signifying, It is tried or pruved. thrift.

[waste. Probe, práhe. s. a surgeon's instrument. Prodigality,prðd-de-gáld-te, s.extravagance, Probe, probe.: 0.U. to search, to try by an Prodigally, prod'de-gált. ad, profusely, instrument.

wastefully. Probity, prob'è lė, s. honesty, sincerity. Prodigious, pró-did'jas. an amazing. Problem, prób lém. s. a question proposed. Prodigiously, pro-did'jós-le. ad. amazingly. Problematical, prób-lé-måt'te-kål. a. uncer- Prorligy, prod de-je. s. any thing out of the

lain, disputable. [of an elephant.: ordinary process of nature portent; monster. Proboscis, pro-bös'sis. s. a snout, the trunk Produce, produse!, 0.9. to exhibit; to bear, Procedure, pro-séè'júro. s. manner of pro- to bring forth. ceeding

Produce, prod'dúse. s. product; gain. Proceed, prd-sééd'. 0.n. to go forward; to Producent, pro-du'sảnt. $. one that exhibits, come forth; to advance; to act.

one that offers. Proceeding, pro-séédiing. S. progress from Predụci, prðd'úkt. s. something produced.

one thing to anotlier, transaction. Production, pro-důk shủn. s. thing produced, Process, pros'sės. s. tendency ; gradual pro- product.

[to produce, fertile. gress; course of law.

Productive, pro-důk’tiv. a. having the power Procession, pro-sẽshủn. 8. a train marching Proen, pro'ểm. S. preface, introduction...

in ceremonious solcmnity. [procession. Profanation, próf-å-na'shann. s. the act of Processional, pro-sésh'ún-a!. Q. relating to violating any thing sacred. [polluted. Proclaim, prozkláme'.:0. a. to promulgate ; Profane, pro-fåne'. a. irreverent ; secular; to tell oponly...

Profane, pro-fane'...a to violate, to pollute. Proclamation, prok-klá-ma'shỉn. s. publica- Profanely, pro-lène lead. with irreverence tion by authority; a declaration of the to sacred names er things.. king's will.

[pension. Profaneness, pro-fåne!nés. s. irreverence. Proclivity, pro-kliv'è-td. s. tendency, pro- Profess, pro-fés: n. n, to declare openly.. : Procrastinatc, pokrås'tín-ate. 7. a, to defer, Professeilly, pra-Sès séd-lé. ad according to to delay


open declaration.ås-tin-d'shin. s.delay, Profession,pro-fêsh'ún. s.cailing,declaration Procreute nobre-éte. D. a. to-generate, to Professional, pro-fësh ôn-ál a. rclating to s urudhave.


Page 9

Professor, pro-fés sår. s. one who publickly Prohibit, pro-lub'it.».a. to forbid, to interdict. teaches ar art.

Prohibition, pro-he-bish'ún. si forbiddance, Professorship, pro-f&s'sør-ship.s.. the station interdict. or office of a publick teacher.

Prohibitory, pro-hib be-túr-d. a. forbidding. Proffer, proffúr. o. a. to propose.

Project, pro jakt'. 0. a. to throw out, to cast Profiter, prof fúr. s. offer inade.

forward ; to scheme. Proficiency, pro-fish'én-sé, s. advancement Project, prod/jikt. S. scheine, contrivance.

in any thing, improvement gained. Projectile,prdo-jék’til. s. a body put in motion Proficient, pra-fisír'ini. s. one who has made Prøjectile, pro-jék’til. a.-impelled forward.

-advancement in any study or business. Projection, pro-jék'shủn. s. The act of shootProfile, pro-feel', s. the side face.

ing forward; plan, delineation; scheme. Profit, próf fit., s. gain, advantage. Projector, pro-jék'tür. S., one who forins Profit, proffit. v. a, lo benefit, to advantage. schemes or designs. Profitable, próf fit-a-bi. a. gainful, advanta: Prolate, pró-Jate'. v. q. to pronounce..

geous.. [ness, advantageousness. Prolation, pro-la'shủn. s. utterance. Profitableness, proffit-á-bl-nés. s. gainful- Prolifick, pro-liff.ix. a. fruitful, generative. Profitless, próf fit-lés. a. void of gain or ad- Prolix, pré-liks'. a. long, tedious. vantage.

[to virtue and decency. Prolixity, pro-liks'è-te. S. tediousness. Profligate, profes-gåt. a. abandoned, lošt Prolixly, pro-ríkséle. ad, at great length, Profligate, prðffle-gát. s. an abandoned, tediously shameless wrutzh. [of being profigate. Prolocutor, prôl-16-kurtår. s. the speaker of Profligateness, prof Ad gåt-nés. s. the quality a convocation. Profluence, próf Hu-ense... progress, course, Prologue, prôl'lôg s. introduction to a play Profluent, prof Alu-ént. d. flowing forward. Prolong, pró-lông: 0. u. to lengthen out., Profound, pro-fdůnd', a. deep; submissive ; Prolongation, prðl-lông-ga'shủn. s. delay to learned.

a longer time. Protoundness, pro-f3ind'nés. , pro-fúnd'étė.

. depth of Prominent, prům'nsd-nént. a. standing out

beyond the other parts, protuberant. place or knowledge.

Prominence, prðin'me-něnse. s. protuber. Profuse, pro-fuse'. a. lavish, prodigal. Promiuency, prôm'me-nen-eć.ance. Profyseness, pro-fuse'nės. s. prodigality, Prorniscuous, pro-mis/ka-ús. a. mingled, conProfusion, pro-førzhån. s. lavishness. fused.

Ľcnefit to be conferred. Progenitor, pro-jénfit-úr. 8, a forefather, an Promise, prðm'miz. s. dee aration of some ancestor.

Promise, prôm'miz. 7. n. to assure one by a Progeny, prod’je-nė. s. offspring, race. [tel. promise. Prognosticate, prog-nos'te-kåte. r.a. to fore- Promiser, prðm'miz-zar.s. one who promises. Prognostication, prog-nos-te-ka'shủn. s. a Promissory, prðin’mis-sir-d. a. containing foretoken.

[a. circuit. profession of some benefit to be conferred. Progress, progʻgrov. S course; advancement; Promissorily, prêm'mis-sir-é-lé. ad. by way Progression, pro-grèsh'ún. s. process, regu- of promise. lar and gradual advance.

Proniontory...prom'min tiré, s, a headland, Progressive, pro-grés'siv a. gning forward. a cape, high land jutting into the sca. Progressively, pre-grés'siv-ld, ad. by regular Promote, pro-nıdte. .. a. to forward to ad

vance; to clevate, tu exalty lo prefer.

Page 10

Quicksighted, kwik-sited. a. having a sharp Quodlibet, kwód'le-bét. s. a nice point, a sight.

subtilty. Quicksilver, kwik'ssl-vår. s. mercury: Quoit, kw8lt. 8. something thrown to a grcat Quidity, kwid'é-te. s. essence; a cavil. distance to a certain point. Quiescence, kwl-és'sense. s. rest, repose. Quondam,kwôn dåm.a.havirg been formerly Quiescent, kwl-ésésént. a. resting.

Quorum, kwo'rům. s. a bench of justices Quiet, kwl'ét. a. still, peaceable.

such a number of any officers as is sufficient Quiet, kwľét. s. rest, repose.

to do business. Quiet, kwyét. 0. a. to calm; to still. Quota, kwoʻtå. s. a share, a proportion. Quietly, kwl'ét-lè. ad. calmly; at rest. Quotation, kwo-ta'shủn. s. citation; passage Quietness, kwl'ét-nés. s. coolness of temper; quoted. peace; stillness.

Qliote, kwote, 0. a. to cite an author. Quietude, kwl'e-túde. s. rest, repose. Quoth, kwoth. verb imp. say or said. Quill, kwíl. s. the strong feather of the wing, Quotidian, kwo-ıld'jé-ản. a. daily.

of which a pen is made; dart of a porcupino. Quotient, kwo'shént. s. the number produced Quilt, kwilt. s. a cover of a bed.

by division. Quilt, hwilt. v. stitch one cloth upon another with something sof between them.

R. Quince, kwinse. s. a free, a fruit. Quinquangular, kwin-kwånggu-lår.o. hav- Rabbet, rabbit. s. a joint made by paring ing five corners.

two pieces so that they wrap over one anQuinquennial, kwin-kwêu'nė-ål. a. lasting other.

five years, happening once in five years. Rabbi, râb'hé. s. a ductor among the Quinsy, kwin'zė. s. a tumid inflamination in Rabbin, rab'bin.] Jews. the throat.

Rabbinical, råb bin'é-kål a. belongirg to tlo Quint, kint. s. a set of five.

Rabbins. Quintain, kwin'lin. s. a post with a turning Rabbit, råb bit. s. a furry animal. top

Rabble, råb'bl. s. a tumultuous crowd. Quiritessence, kwin-tês'sćnse. 8. an extract Rabid, ráb’bid. a. fierce, furious.

from any thing containing all its virtues. Race, ráse. s. a family, generation; a parQuintuplo, kwin'tu-pl. a. fivefok.

ticular breed; contest in running , course. Quip, kwip. s a sharp jest, a taunt. Racehorse, råse'hðrse. s. a horse bred to run Quire, kwire. s. a body of singers; a bundle

for prizes.

[in speed. of paper consisting of twenty-four sheets. Kacer, rase'år. s. runner, one that contends Quire, kwire. 0. n. to sing in concert. Raciness, ra'sė-nés. s. the quality of being Qurister, kwir'ris-túr. s. a chorister.

racy. Quirk, kwerk. s. subtilty, nicety.

Rack, råk. s. an engine of torture; torture; Quit, kwit. 0. a. to discharge an obligation, a wooden grate in which hay is placed for to make even ; to resign, to give up.

[draw off from the leos. Quite, kwite. ad. completely, perfectly. Rack, råk. 0. a. to torment; to stretch; to Quitrent, kwit'rênt. s. small rent reserved. Rack-rent, råk rént. s. rent raised to the Quittance, kwit'tấnse. s. discharge.

Page 11

Range, ranje. o. a. to place in order; to roveRarely, ráre'l.. ad. seldom ; finwiy. Range, ranje. 8. a rank; a class ; [xcursion; Rarity, rá're-te. room for excursion.

Rarity, rår'e-té. s. thinness.

[drel. Ranger, ranjic. s. a rover; an officer who Rascal, råskål. s. a mean fellow, a scoun. tends the game of a forest.

Rascallion, rås-kål'yån. s. one of the lowest Rank, rångk. a. high growing, luxuriant; people.

strong scented ; gross. [a row; class. Rascally, râs'kål-é. 1. mean, worthless. Ranik, rångk. s. line of men placed a-breast; Rase, ráze. D. a. to skim, to strike on the sur kank, rångk. o. a. to place a-breast; to range

face; to destroy in any particular class.

Rash, rash. a. lasty, precipitate. Rankle, rảngk'kl. o. n. to fester.

Rash, rash. s. a breaking out. Rankly, rângk'lė. ad. coarsely, grossly. Rasher, råslı år. s. a iliin slice of bacon. Rankness, rångk'nès

. s. exuberance, super- Rashly, råsh ld. nd. hastily, violently. [ger Anity of growth.

[narrowly: Rashness, råsh'nis. . foolish contempt of dan Ransack, rân'sák. v. a. to plunder; to search Rasp, råsp. s. a berry; a rough file. Ransom, rán'sům. s. price paid for liberty. Rasp, risp. o. a. to rub to powder. Ransom, rån'sim. v. a. to redeein.

Raspberry, rås'bêr-é. s. a kind of berry. Rant, rånt. 0. n. to rave in violent or high- Rasure, ra'zhůre. s. the act of scraping; a sounding language.

inark in a writing where something has Rant, rânt. s. high-sounding language,

been rubbel out. Rantipole, rảnt'e-polc. a. wild, rakisli. [blow. Rat, råt. s. an animal of the mouse kind. Rap, råp. v. n. to strike with a quick smart Ratable, rh'ta-bl. a. set at a certain value. Rap, råp. s. a quick smart blow.

Ratafia, rät-å-fe'd. •. a file liquor, prepared Rapacious; rå-på'shủs. a. given to plunder, from the kernels of apricots and spirits. seizing by violence.

Ratan, rất-tin. 5. an Indian cane. Rapacity, rå-pås-se-te. s. addictedness to Rate, råte. price fixed; degree ; quantity plunder, exercise of plurder.

assignable ; tax imposed by the parish. Rape, rape. s. violent defloration of chastity ; Rate, rate. v.a. to value ; to chide hastily.

something snatched aitay; a plant. Rath, råth. a. early, coining before the time. Rapid, rấp íd. a. quick, swift.

Rather, ră'rh'ůr. ad. inore willingly; preRapidity, rå-pid'é-te. s. velocity, swiftness. ferably.

[fruit-kernels. Rapidly, råp'id-lè, ad. swiftly.

Ratifia, rat-e-fee'. s. a liquor flavoured with Rapier, rape-ér. s. a small sword used only Ratification, råt-te-fe-ku'shủn.s confirination in thrusting

Ratify, råt'te-fl. v.a. to ccnrirn, to settle. Rapine, råp'in. violence, force.

Ratio, ra'shė-0. s. psoportion.

[to argue. Rapture, råp'tshúre. s. ecstasy, transport. Ratiocinate, råsh-e-ðs'é-náte. 7. a. to renson, Rapturous, râp'tshår-is. a. ecstatick, trans Patiocination, råsh-ė-os-e-na'stån. s. thë porting

act of reasoning

[wise. Rare, råre. a. scarce, uncommon ; subtile. Rational, råsh ủn-il. a. agreeable to reasuis ; Rarefaction, rår-re-fåk shản. s. extension of Rationality, rásh-d-6-nål e-té. s. the power the parts of a body.

of reasoning; Rarety, rår're-fi o. a. to make thin. Rationaliy, ráslı'ún-ål-ė. ad. reasonably. karefy, râr'rė-fl. v. n. to become thin. Ratslane, rấts/bine. s arsenick.

Page 12

Repertorý, rép pêr-tůr-é. $. a treasury. Representment, rép-pre-zentment.s, image, Repetition, répé-tish'ún. s. iteration of the or idea proposed. same thing:

Repress, re-prés'. 0. di'to crush, to subdue Repine, re-pine!..0. n. to fret, to vex, Repression, ré-présh'àn. s. act of repressing. Replace, re-pláse'. v.a. to put again in place. Repressive, re-prés'siv. a. having power to Replant, re-plånt'. v. a, to plant anew. repress.

[sentence of death. Replantation, re-plån-ta'shủn. s. the act of Reprieve, re-prèèv'. ö: a. to respite after planting again.

Reprieve, ré-predv', s. respite after sentence Replenish, re-plén'nish. r. a. to stock, to fill. of death. Replete, ré-pléte'. a. füll

, completely filled. Reprimand, rèp-pré-månd': 0..a. to reprore, Repletion, re-ple'shản. s. the state of being Reprimand, rép-pré-månd'. s. reprehension. over full.

[replevined. Reprint, re-print'. v.a. to print a new edition: Repleviable, re-pley've-a-bl. a. what may be Reprisal, ré-pri'zål. s. soinething seized by Bulete, re-pley'vin.

} 0..a. to take back Repronch, re-protsh'. v. a. to censure ; to


way of retaliation. or set at liberty any thing seized, upon Reproach, re-prótsh'. s. censure, shame. . security given.

Reproachable, ré-protsh'å-bl. a. worthy of Replication, rép-ple-kå'shản. s. a reply. reproach.

[infamous, vile Reply, re-pl'. v. n. to answer.

Reproachful, re-prótshfül.a. scurrilous; Reply, re-pll. s. return to an answer. Reprobate, réppro-båte, a: lost to virtue, Repolish, re-pol'lislı

. 0. a. to polish again. abandoned. Report, ré-port'. 0. a. to give an account of. Reprobate, rép/pro-bato. s. a wretch aban. Report, re-port'. s. rumour; repute; sound. doned to wickedness., Repose, ré-poze'. v. a. to lay to rest. Reprobate, rép'pro-båte. v.a. to disallow, lọ Repose, ré-poze'. 0. n. to sleep; to rest in reject.

[natory sentence. confidence.

Reprobation, rép-pro-bá'shản. s. a condem: Repose, ré-poze'. s. sleep, quiet.

Reproduce, re-pro-dúse?. v. a. to produce Reposit, re-pôz'zít. 7. a. to lodge as in a place again.

[producing anew. of safety. [any thing is safely laid up. Reproduction, ré-prd-důk'siin. s. the act of Repository, ré-poz'e-tår-é. s. a place where Reproof, re-proof', s. blame to the face. Repossess, re-pèz-zểs'. 0.a. to possess again. Reprovable, re-prðèv'å-bl. a. blameable. Reprehend, rép-pré-hén l'. v. a. to reprove, Reprove, re-proőv'. v.a. to blame; lo chide. to chide.

[ble, censurable. Reprune, rd-próðn'. 0. a. lo prune a second Reprehensible, rép-pré-hên'se-bl. a. blamca- time.

[upon many feet. Reprehension, rèp-pré-hën'shủn. s. reproof, Reptile, répʻtil. s. an animal that creeps

[reproof. Republicaii, ré-påböle-kån. a. placing the Reprehensive, rêp-pre-hênʼsiv. a. given in government in the people. Represent, rép-pré-zént'. o. a. to exhibit ; to Republican, ré-púbéll-kán. s. one who thinka

fill the place of another by a vicarious a commonwealth the best government. character

[age, likeness. Republicanisnı, re-påbʻld-kån-'zmi. S. attachRepresentation, rép-pré-zér.-ta shứn. s. im. ment to a republican government. Representative, rép-pré-zent'å-tiv. s. one ex- Republick, re-públik. s. commonwealth

hibiting the likeness, or exercising the Repudiate, re-pudé-ate. 0. a. to divorce. power, of another.

Repudiation, ré-på-de-a'shản. s. divorce.

Page 13

Ribaldry, rib båld-rė. s. mean, lewd language. Rigger, rig går. s. one that rigs or dresses.
Riband, rib?hin. s. a fillot of silk.

Rigging, rig'ing. s. the sails or tackling of Ribbed, ribd. a. furnished with ribs.

a ship. Ribbon, rib'bin. s:-Seç Riband. Riggish, riġleh. Q. wanton.

Rice, rise. s. one of the esculent grains. Right, rite. a. fit ; just, honest.

Rich, ritsh. a. wealthy, valuable ; fertile. Right, rlte. ad. properly, justly. [tive. Riches, ritsh'iz. 3. wealth, money.

Right, rlto. s. justice ; just claim ; preroga-
Riehly, ritsh'le. ad. wealthily, splendidly. Right, rlte. o.a. to do justice to ; to relieve Richness, ritsh'nés. 8. opulence, fertility. Rik, rik. s. a pile of corn or-hay. Righteous, eftshe-us. 2. just, virtuous. Rickets, rik/kits. s. a disteinper in children. Righteousness, r'lshé-ás-nés. s. justice, ho- Rickety, rik'it-ė. a. diseased with the rickets. nesty, virtue.

[just. Rid, rid.. pret. of ride.

Rightful, rlte'ful. a. having a just claim;
Rid, rid. o. a. to set free ; to clear. Rightly, rlte'lė. ad. properly, suitably; ho- Riddance, rid'dânse. s. deliverance. nestly; exactly.

Ridden, rid'dn. part. of ride. [question. Rigid, rid"jtd. a. stiff, severe, cruel.

Riddle, rid'dl. s. an enigiza, a puzzling Rigidity, re-jíd'e-tė, s. stiffness. [ty. Riddle, rid'dl. 0. a; to solve ; to separate by Rigidness, rid'jid-nês. s. severity, inflexibili- a coarse sieve.

Rigour, rig'går. 8. cold stiffness; severity, Ride, ride. o. n. to travel on horseback, to be strictness.

[no abatement. supported as ships on the water, Rigorous; rig'går-ús. a. severe, allowing Rider, ridår. s. one who is carried on a horse Rill, ril. s. a sinall-brook, a little streamlet or in a vehicle.

Rim, rim. s. à border, a margin. Ridge, ridje. 3. the rough top, of any thing: Rime; pimie. s. hoar frost ; a hole; a chink.

the ground thrown up by the plough; the Rind, rind. s. bark, husk. top of the roof rising to an acute angle.. [Ring, ring. S. a circlo; a circle of gold worn Ridgil, rid'jil. s.a ram half castrated.

as an ornament; a sound. Ridgling, ridje'l?ng.]

[rous metal.

Ring, ring. v. n. to sønnd as a bell or sono. Ridgy, ridjė. a: rising in a ridge. [laughter, Ringiove, ring'dův. s. a kind of pigeon: Ridicule, rid'é-kúlo. s. wit which provokes Ringer, ring'år. s. he who rings. Ridicule,rid'e-kate. q.u. to expose to laughter. Ringleader, rằngʻle-dúr. s. the head of a riRidiculous, ré-dik'ku-lås. a. worthy of la ngh- .. otous body:

[lity of being ridiculous. Ringlet, winglét. s. a small ring; a curl. idiculousness, ré-dik'ku-lås-nés. s. the qua- Ringstreaked, ring'strekt. s. circularly ding, riding. s. a district visited by an streaked. [lo wash soap out of clothes. officor.

Rinse, rinse. 0. to cleanse by washing; Ridotto, re-dðtötd, 8. a kind of opera. Riot, růt. s. wild and loose festivity ; se- Rife, rlfé. n. prevalent, abounding,

dition. Rifeness, rlfe'nés. s. prevalence, abundance. Riot, r1'31. 7. n. to revel; to raise a sedition.

Rifle, rl'H. o. Q. to pillage, to plunder. Ricter, rilt-ir. s. one who raises an 'proar.

Rift, rift. s. a cler, a breach.

Riotous, rlåt-is. a. licentio:sly festive ; se Rift, rift. v. n. to burst, to open. [ling. ditious.

[riotous. Rig, rig. o. a. to accontro; to fit with tack- Riviousness, rlåt-is-nės. s. the state of being Rigadoon; rig-å-dőón'. s. a dance. Rip], rip. o. a to tear, to iacerate.

Page 14

Ripe, ripe. a. mature ; complete.

Roast, rost. 0. a. to dress meat, by turning Ripely, ripe'lė. ad. maturely, at the fit time, it round before the fire Ripen, ri'pn. 0.n. to grow ripe.

Rob, rôb. o.a. to plunder. Ripeness, ripe'nės. s. maturity.

Robber, rob'bůr. s. a thief. Ripple, rippl. vin. to fret on the surface, as Robbery, robbůr-ė. s. theft perpetrated by water swiftly running.

force or with privacy. Rippling, rip'ling. s. a moving roughness on Robe, robe. s. a gown of state. the surface of running water.

Robe, róbe. o. a. to dress pompously. Rise, rlze. 0. n. to get; to spring; to swell; Robust, ro-růst'. q. strong, vigorous.

to break out from below the horizon ; to Rocambole, rök'àm-bóle, s. à sort of wild increase in price.


[alum. Rise, rise. s. the act of rising; elevated Roche-aluin, rôtsh-ål lům. 8. a purer kind of

place; increase of price ; original. Rock, rêk. s. a vast mass of stone ; protecRisibility, riz-e-bil'e-tė, s. the quality of tion ; a distaff. laughing

Rock, rồk. 0. a. to shake ; to move a cradle Risille, riz'e-bl. a. exciting laughter. Rocket, rök'kit. s. an artificial firework. Risk, risk. s. hazard, danger

Rockwork, rêk'wůrk. s. stones fixed in mor Risk, risk. o. a. to hazard. [observance. tar, in initation of the asperities of rocks. Rite, rlto. s. solemn act of religion, external Rocky, rökíkė. a. full of locks; hard. Ritual, rit'tshủ-al. a. solennly ceremonious. Rod, rôd. s. a long twig, an instrument of. Ritual, rit'tshư-ál. s. a book in which the correction.

rites and observancos of religion are set Rode, róde. pret, of ride. down:

Rodomontade, rod-0-mån-tade'. an empty Rival, r\'vål. s. a competitor.

noisy bluster or boast.

[of fish. Rival, rlvål. o. a. to oppose, to emulate. Roc, ro. s. the female of the hart; the eggs Rivalry, rl/vål-ré. s. competition, emulation. Rogation, ro-ga'shin,'s. supplication. Rivalslıip, r\/vål-ship. s. the state or charac- Rogation-week,rd-ga'shân-wéék.s.the week ter of a rival.

immediately preceding Whit-sunday. Rive, rive, v. a. part. riren. to split, to cleave. Rogue, rog. s. a vagabond; a knave. Rivel, riv'vl. v. a. to contract into wrinkles. Roguery,ro'gür-ė. s. knavish tricks; waggery River, rivir. $. a land-current of water Roguish, ro'gish. a. knavish ; waggish. larger than a brook.

[river. Roist, rðist. v. n. to behave turbulently, to River-god, riv'úr-god. stutelary deity of a act at discretion.

[wrap. Rivet, riyit. s. a fastening pin clenched at Roll, role. 0.a. to move in a circle, to enboth ends.

Roll, róle. 0. n. to run on wheels; to per. Rivet, riv'it. v. a. to fasten with rivets. form a periodical revolution; to move as Rivulet, riv'u-lét. E. a small river, a streamiet waves; to fluctuate ; to revolve on its Road, rode. s. large way.

axis. Roam, rome. o. n. to wander.

Roll, role. s a thing rolling; mass made Roan, rone. a. bay, sorrol, or black, with round; a register, a catalogue; a chronicle gray or white spots interspersed.

Roller, roʻlir. 8, any thing turning on its own Roar, rore, v. n. to make a loud noise. axis, bandage, fillet. Roar, ròre. s. the cry of a lion or other beast; Rollingpin, rõ líng-pin. s. a round piece of any loud noise.

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Sardonyx, sårds-niks. s. a precious stone. Saucepan, såwse'pån. s. a small skillet with Sarsaparilla, sár-så-på-rilʻlå. s. a plant. a. long handle. [which a tea-cup is set Sash, såsh, s, a belt; a silken band. Suucer, så w'sůr. s. a platter of china, into Sat, såt. the pret. of sit.

Sauciness, såw'sé-nés. s. impudence, petu Satan, sa'tân: s. the prince of hell.

lance. Satanical, så-tan'ne-kål. Satanick, så-tån'nik.

a. devilish. Saucy, såw'sė, a. pert, insolent.

Saunter, sản'tar, or sảwn/thr. . . to win. Satchel, såtshit. s. a little bag.

.der about idly, to loiter. Sate, såte. v. a. to satiate, to glut.

Sausage, såw'sidje, or sås'sldje. s.a roll mado Satellite, .såt/těl-llte. S. a small planet re: .commonly . of pork or beef minced very volving round a larger. .

small, with salt and spicé. Satiate, så'shé-åte. v. a, to satisfy, to fill. Sayage, såv/vidje. ą, wild, barbarous. Satiate, så'she-ate. a: glutted..

Savage, såv'vidje. s. a barbarian. Satiety, så-tié-te s. more than enough, state Savanna, så-våň'nél.-s. an open meadow with of being palled. [silk. out wood.

[destruction. Sativ, sát tin. sva soft, close, and shining Save, save. O., a. to preserve from danger or Satire, så'tår, sål'úr, så'tire, or såt'ire. s. a Save, save. pr. except. '[ends of candles. poem in which wickedness or folly are cen- Saveall, såveldll

. s. a small. pan to save the sured.

Savirig, sa'ving. a. frugal, parsimonious. Satirical,sa-tir're-kål: 2 a.bulonging to satire; Saving, sa'virg. pr. with exception. Satirick, så-tir'rik. severe in language. Saving, så'ving. s. escape of

expense, some Satirist, såt'tir-ist. s. one who writes satires. what preserved. Satirize, såt'tår-ize. o. a. to censure as in a Saviour, såvc'yår. s. Redeemer. satire.

Savour, sa'yår. s. ą scent, odour. Satisfaction, såt-tis-făk shin. s. the state of Savour, salvår. o. n. to have any particular

being pleased; gratification; atonement.smell or taste. [piquant to the taste. Satisfactorily, sat-tis-fåk'tår-e-le. ad. in a sa- Savoury, sa'vår-é, a. pleasing to the smell ;

tisfactory manner. [tent; atoning. Savoy, så-vod'. s. a sort of colewort. Satisfactory, såt-tis-fäk'tür-e. a. giving con- Saw, såw. the pret. of see. Satisiy, sát is-fl. d. a, to content; to feed to Saw, såw. 3, a dentated instrument for cut

the fill; to recompense ; to convince. ting ; a proverb. Saturate, såt'tshu-råte. 0.9. to impregnate Saw, såw. v. a. part. pass, sawed and saun.

till no more can be received. [veek. to cut timber. Saturday, såt'tår-da. s. the last day of the Sawdust, sảw'dåst. s. dust made by sawing. Saturity, så-tu're-t., s. fulness.

Sawpit, så w'pit. s. a pit where wood is sawn. Saturn, sa'tårn, er såt'tårn. s. the remotest Sawyer, såw'yår. s. one who saws timber.

planet of the solar system ; in chymistry, Saxifrage, såk'se-frédje. s. a plant. lead.

[choly. Say, så. 0. a. pret. said. to speak; to tell, Saturnine, sát'túr-nine. a. gloomy, melan-Saying, så'ing. s, expression. Satyr, sa'tår, or såt'tår. s. a sylvan god. Scab, skåb. s. an incrustation over a sore. Sauce, såwse. s. something eaten with food Scabbarri, skálybůrd. s. the sheath of a sword to improve its taste.

Scabby, skáhve. a. discased with scabs Saucebox, såwse'bôks. s. an impertinent or Scabious, skå'bé-ús. a. itchy, leprous. petulant fellow.

Scabrous, ska'brůs. a. rough, rugged

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Serenade, sér-e-nade'. s. musick with which Session, sésh'un. s. the act of sitting; an as

ladies are entertained by their lovers in the sembly of magistrates or senators. night.

[nocturnal musick. Set, sét. v.a. prct: spt. part. pass. set. to: Serenade, sér-e-nádo'. o a. to entertain with place; to fix; to adjust, to plant;' to em Sererie, se-rene'. a. calm, placid.

barrass. Serenely, sd-reneslė. ad, calmly, quietly.' Set, sét, part: a. regulat, not lax. Serenity, sé-rén'ne-tè. s. calmness. Set, sét. $. a number of things suited to each Serge, sèrdje. s. ą kind of cloth.

other. Sergeant, sảr'jânt. s: a petty officer in the Setaceous, se-ta'shús. a. bristly.

army; a lawyer of the highest rank under Seton, sé'tn. s. an issue in the neck. a judge.

Settee, set-téė!. 3. a long seat with a back. Series, séré-éz. S. sequence ; succession. Setter, séttår, s one who sets; a dog. Serious, sè're-ủs. a. grave, solenın. Settle, set tl

. s. a bench. Seriously, se'rl-ús-lead gravely, soleinnly. Settle, sét'tl. 0. d. to fix; to establish ; to Seriousness,se're-is-nés.s.gravity, solemnity determiné. Sermon, sér'min. s, a pious discoursé. Settle, sel'tl. 0.n. to subside ; to lose moSermonize, sêr'můn-ize: v. n. to preach or tion, to establish a domestick stato; to

give instruction in a formal manner. make a jointure for a wife. Serous, se'ris. 1. thin, watery:

Settlement, sét'll-rnént: s. act of settling; a Serperit, serpent. s. an animal that noves jointure; a colony. by undulation without legs:

Seven, séy'vn: a. four and three. Serpentine, sêr' pěn-tinę. ū. winding like a Sevenfold; sểv'vn-fold. a. repeated seven serpent.

times. Serrate, sêr'råte.

Sevennight, sén'nit. s. a week. like the edge of a gaw.

Seventh; séy'vnth. a, the ordinal of seven. Servant, -servånt. s. one who 'attends an: Seventhly, sẽv'vnth-lé. ad. in the seventh .. other, and acts at his cominand.

place. Serve, sérve. 7. a. to attend at command; to Seventy, sẽy'vn-td

. o. seven times ter. supply with any thing; to promote. Sever, sev'vůr. o. a. to part by violence"; to Service, sér'vis. š. office of a servant ; -profes- disunite.

sion of respect; obedience ; military duty; Several, sèv'ůr-ål. ą. distinct; divers, many.

use; advantage ; course, order of dishes. Severally, sėv'ür-ål-d. ad. distincily: Serviceable, sèr'yis-å-bl. a. active; useful. Severe, se-vére'. a. sharp; cruel ; rigid. Serviceableness, sėr'vis-a-bl-nës. s. activity ; Severely,sė-vėre'lė. ad. painfully, afflictively usefulness.

Severity, sê-vêr'e-tė, -s. cruel' treatment ; Servile, sérsyil. a. zlavish, mean.

rigour. Servilely, sër'vil-lè. ad. meanly.

Sew, só. v. a. to join by threads drawn with Servility, sër-vil'é-tė. s. slavishness.

a needle. · Servitor, sérvé-tir. s. attendant'; one of the Sewer, so'år. s: he or she that uses a needle lowest order in the university.

Sewer, shore. s. a passage for foul or useloss Servitude,ser'vé-tůde.s. slavery, dependence; water, state of a servant.

Sex, sèks. s. the property by which any ani Sess, sés. s. rate, tax.

Page 17

Sexagenary, sēks-ådéjén-år-é. a. aged sixty Słaltop, shållåp. s. a small boat. years.

Shallow, shál'18. a. not deep; futile, silly. Sexagesima, sèks-&-jes'sė-mâ. s. the socond Shallow, shålʻld. s. a shelf

, a shoal. Sunday before Lent.

Shallowness, shålʻld-nés. S. want of depth ; Sexagesimal, seks-å-jés'sė-mål. a. sixtieth. want of thought. Sexangular, seks-âng'ga-lår. a. having six Sham, shâm. v. n. to trick, to cheat: angles.

Sham, shâm. s. fraud, trick, imposture. Sexennial, séks-ên'ne-dt

. a. lasting six years. Sham, shâma: false, counterfeit. Sextant,seks'tånt. s. the sixth part of a circle. Shainbles, shim'blz. s. the place where meat Sextile, séks'til. d. at tho distance of sixty is sold, a butchery. degrees.

Shambling, shåm'bling. a. moving awkwardSexton, séks'tůn. s. an officer of the church. ly and irregularly. Sextuple; sėks'tů-pl. a. sixfold.

Shame, shamo. s. disgrace, ignominy. Shabbily, shåb bl-id. ad. meanly, despicably. Shame, shảme. v. a. to disgrace. Shabbiness, shåb/be-nès. s. meanness. . Shamefaced, shame'faste.a. modest, bashful. Shabby, shåb'bė. a. mean, paltry, Shameful, shame'fůl. a. disgraceful Shackle, shåkókl. 0, a. to chain, to fetter. Shamefully, shåme'fål-e. ad: disgracefully, Shackles, shåksklz. s. fetters, chains. Shameless, shåme'lés. a. impudent. Shade, shade, s. obscurity ; screen ; un-Shamelessly, shame'lès-le. ad, impudently,

brage ; shelter ; a colour; a spirit. audaciously, without shame. Shade, shade: v. d. to cover from the light or Shank, shångk. s. that part of the leg which heat; to shelter. :

reaches frum the ankle to the knee. Shadinçss, sha'dd-nés. s. umbrageousness. Shape, 'shape. v.a. to form, to mould. Shadow, shåd'd. s. shade.; dark part of a Shape, shape. s. form; 'make j'idea: :

picture ; faint representation ; type. Shapeless, shåpeʻlés. . wanting regularity Shadow, shård'dd. 0. a. to cloud ; to screen;

of form.

[form. to represent typically.: .

Shapeliness, shapéʻle-nës. s. proportion of Shady, sha'dè. a. full of shade.

Sbapely, shape'le. a. well formed. Shaft, shåft. s. an arrow; a deep perpendicu- Shard, shård. s. a fragnient of án earthen veslar pito; the spire of a church.

sel ; a plant.; a sort nf fish. Shag, shåg. S. rough wooily hair ; a kind of Share, share. v. a. fo divide; to cut. cloth,

Share, slåre. s. part; dividend. Shagged, shåg'ged. a. hairy ; rough, rug- Sharer, shifrår? s. one who divides ; one Shaggy, shåg ge; } ged.

who participates.

[artful fellow. Slagreen,shă-green'. s. tiie skin of a kind of Shark, shårk. S.a voracious sea-fish; a greedy

fish ; or skin made rongh in imitation of it. Shary, shảrp. a. keen, piercing; acute, seShake, shake. 8. a jret. shook ; part. piss.

[edge, to point. shaken or shook. 10 put into a vibrating Sharpen, shår' pn. 7. A. to make koen, to motion; to inake to toiter or tremble; to Sharper, shårp'ir. s. a petty thief. 'make afraid.

[rortr. Sharpy, shårple. ad. severely ; keenly; Shake, shake. 0. n. to tremble ; to be in ter- acutely.

[ingenuity. Shake, shåb e. . concussion ; motion given Sharpness, shårp'nês. s. keenness; sourness and received.

Sharp-set, shảrp-sết': a. eager, vehement!y Shalloon, shål-12ón'. s. a slight woollen stuif. desirous.

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Slope, slope. oblique direction, any thing Smack, smák. 0. n. to be tinctured with any

obliquely directed; declivity, [declivity. particalar taste; to kiss; to make a smart
Slope, slope.. v. a. to form to obliquity or noise. Slopingly, sld ping-lè. ad. obliquely. Smack, småk. s. taste, flavour ;. à small

Sloppy, slip'pė. a. miry and wet.

quantity, a taste , a .oud kiss'; a small ship. Sloth, sloth. s. laziness, idleness.

Small, småll

. a. little, slender, minute. Slothful, sloth'fůl, a. lazy, sluggish. Smallcoal, småll kolé. a.. little wood coals Slothfulness, sloth'lůl-nés. s. laziness, slug- . used to light fires. gishness.

[sion of the head. Smallcraft, snåll kräft. s. a vessel below the Slouch, slöåtsh. s. a downcast look, a depres- denomination of a ship. Slough, sl8ů. s. a deep miry place. Smallpox, småll-poks'. s. an eruptive distern Slough, slåf. s. the skin which a serpent per of great malignity.

casts off at his periodical renovation. Smallness,sınåll'nės.s. litileness, minuteness Sloughy, sladd. a. miry, boggy.

Smart, smårt. s. quick, pungent, lively pain. Sloven, slůvivên. s. a man dirtily dressed. Smart, smårt. o. n. to fool quick lively pain. Slovenliness, slåv'vën-le-nés. s. neglect of Smart, smårt. a. pungent, sharp; acute; cleanliness.

lively. Slovenly, slův'vên-lé. a. net cleanly. Sniartly, smårt'lè. ad. sharply, briskly. Slow, slo a. not swift; dull; tardy. Smartness,smårt'nês... liveliness, briskness, Slowly, sloʻle. ad. tardily, sluggishly.

wittiness. Slowness, sỊd’nés. s. want of promptness; Smatch, småtsh. s. taste, twang. deliberation; dilatoriness.

Smatter, småt'tür. v, N. to have a slight Slubber, slůb'bůr. 0. a. to stain, to dauh; to superficial knowledge. cover coarsely or carelessly.

Smatter, sınát tảr. s. superficial knowledge. Sludge, slådje.'s.mire, dirt mixed with water. Smatterer, småtítår-ửr. s. one who has a suSlug, slúg. s. an idler, a drone ; a kind of perficial knowledge. slow-creeping snail.

Sniear, sméér. o. a. to soil, to contaminate. Sluggard, slåg'gå intactive lazy fellow. Smell, smell. 0. a. to perceivo by the nose. Sluggish, slug'gish. a. lazy, slothful Smell, snell s. power of smelling, scent. Sluggishness,slåg'gish-nés. s. sloth, laziness. Smelt, smėlt. pret. and part. pass. of smell. Sluice, sluse. S. a floodgate, a vent for water. Smelt, smėlt. S. a small sea-fish. Slumber, slúmbůr. D. n. to sleep lightly.. Smelt, sınélt. D. a. to melt ore. [woman Slumber, slůmbůr. s. light sleep.

Smicket, smik/kit. s. the ur.der garment of a Slung, slúng: pret. and part. pass. of sling. Smile, smlle. v. n. to expross pleasure by the Slunk; slingk. pret. and part. puss. of slink. countenance.

Iness. Sunr, slir. v. a. to sully, to soil.

Smile, smlle. s. a look of pleasure or kindSlur, slúr. s. slight disgrace.

Sinirk, smärk. 0. n. to smile wantonly. Slut, slåt. s. a dirty wonian.

Smit, part. pass. of smite. Sluttish, slit'tish. a. nasty, dirty.

Smjte, smlte. V a. prct. smole; part. pass Sluttishness, slåt'tish-nês. s. the qualities or smit, snitten. to strike, to kill ; to afflict, practice of a slut.

to affect with any passion. Sly, sll. a, incaniy artful, secretly insidious. Smith, smith. s. on: who works in metals Siyly, slkid. ad. with secret artífice, insidi. Smithery, smith'ür-d. s. the shop of a smith ously.

Smitten smit'tn. part. puss. of smite.

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Spikenarı,spike'nård. s. the name of a plant. Spissitude,spis'se-túde.s.grossness,thickness *Spill, spill. s. a small shiver of wood; a small Spit, spit. s. an utensil to roast meat on. quantity.

Spit, spit. v. a. pret. spat; part. pass. spit Spill, spill o.a. to shed.

or spilted. to put upon a spit; to thrust Spin, spin. 0. a. pret. spun, or span; part. through.

[throw out spittle spún. to draw out into threads; to pro- Spit, spit. 0. n. to eject from the mouth; to tract; to draw out tediously.

Spite, spite. s. malice, rancuur, hate. Spinal, epl’nål. a. belonging to the back-bono. Spite, splte. o. a. to vex, to thwart maligSpindle, spin'dl. s. the pin by which the nantly.

thread is formed; a long slender stalk. Spiteful, spite'fül. a. malicious. Spine, splne. s. the back-tone.

Spitefully, spite'fül-c. ad. maliciously. Spinet, spin-nét'. s. a small harpsichord. Spitefulness, splte'tül-nes. s. malignity, Spinner, spin'nůr. s. one skilled in spinning. Spittle, spit'tí

. S. moisture of the mouth. Spinous, spi'nůs. . thorny, full of thorns. Splashi, splåsh. v. a. to daub with dirt in Spinster, spins'tår. s. a woman that spins ; great quantities. the general term for a girl or maiden Splas!ıy, splýsh'è. a. apt to daub. [inward

Splayfoot, splá'füt. a. having the foot turned Spiny, splré. a. thorny, perplexed. Spleen, splėèn. s. the milt; anger, spite, illSpiracle, spir'a-kl. s. a breathing hole, a vent. humour.

[ful. Spiral, sp/rål. a. curve, winding.

Spieenful, spléen'fül. a. angry, peevish, fret Spire, spire. s. a curve linc; any thing Splendent, splénlênt. a. shining, glossy. growing up taper ; a steeple.

Splendid, splen'did. a. showy, magnificent Spirit, spir'it. s. breath; an apparition ; ar- Splendidly, splèn'did-le. ad. magnificently

dour'; vigour of mind; desire ; an infam- Splendour, splén'där. s. lustry, magnificence

mable liquor raised by distillation. Splenetick, splén'é-tik, a. fretful, peevish. Spirited, spir'it-Rd. a. lively, fuil of fire. Splice, splise. 7. a. to join the two ends of Spiritedness, spirit-êd-nès. s. disposition or a rope without a knot.

[by surgeons. inake of inind.

[pressed. Splint, splint. s. a thin piece of wood used Spiritless, spirit-lês. a. dejected, low, de- Splinter, splint år. v. a. to secure by splints : Spiritous, spirit-ús. q. refined, advanced to shiver. near to spirit.

Splinter, splint'ůr. s. a thin piece of wood. Spiritual, spr’it-tshu-ål. a. immaterial, incor- Split, split. v. a. pret. split. to cleave ; to

poreal ; relating to the things of heaven. break into discord. [inarticulate speaking: Spirituality, spir-it-tshu-ål'é-tė. s. immateri- Splutter, splåtstår. s. bustle ; hasty and ality. {act of spiritualizing. Spoil

, spoil. v. a. to rob; to plunder. Spiritualization, spår-it-tshu-ål-ė-za'shủn. s. Spoil, spoil. s. plunder, pillage. Spiritualize, spir'it-tsha-al-ize. 0. 4. to re- Spoiler, spoil úr. s. a robber, a plunderer fine the intellcct.

Spoke, spoke. s. the bar of a wheel. Spiritually, spir'it-tshủ-ål-lé. ad with atten- Spoke, spoke. pret. of speak.

tion to things purely intellectual. Spoken, spo'kn. part. pass. of speak. Spirituous, spir'it-tsh!-ås. a. having the Spokesman, spoks'mấn. s. one who speaks quality of spirit ; lively, airy.

for another. Spirt, spürt. 0.1. to throw out in a jet. Spoliate, spoʻle-åte. 0.a. to rob, to plunder Spiry, spi'rė. a. pyramidal, wreathed. Spoliation,spo-le-a'shủn. s. the act of robbery

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Spondee, spôn dė. s a foot in poctry of two Spread, spred. v. a. to cxtend ; to cover over long syllables.

Spread, spred. s. extent, compass. Sponge, spủnje. :. a soft porous substance Sprig, sprig, s, a small branch.

remarkable for sucking up water. Spright, sprite. s. apparition Sponge, spủnje. 0.a. to blot, to wipe away Sprightliness, sprite'le-nés. s. liveliness, as with a sponge.

[insterstitial hnles. briskness, gayety. Spongy, sprin'je a soft and full of small Spriglıtly, sprite'lė, a. gay, brisk. Sponsal, sponsål. a. relating to marriage. Spring, spring. v. 1. pret.sprung or sprang Sponsion, spôn'shủn. s. the act of becoming to begin to grow; to issue fortlı ; to arise ; surety for another.

to bound; to jump, to fly with elastick Sponsor, snðn'sůr. s. a surety.

power. [to light; tu discharge a mine Spontaneous, spån-ta'ne-ús. a. voluntary. Spring,spring.2.a. to rouse game; to produce Sj.ontaneously, spła-tå'nd-üs-lè. ad. volun. Spring, spring. 8. it season of the year; clastarily.

tick force ; a leap, a bound ; å fountain ; Spoon,spôôn. 8. a vessel used in eating liquids a source; original. Spoonful, spổón/fül. s. as much as is generally ! Springe, sprinje, s. a gin, a noose.

taken at unce in a spoon. [with a spoon. Springiness, spring e-nis. s. elasticity, power Spoonimeat,spôôn'mete.s.nourishment taken of restoring itself. [moon, high tide. Sport, sport. s. play, diversion ; mock. Springtide, spring'tlde. s. tide at the new Sport, sport. v. n. to play, to frolick, to game. Springy, spring'•. a. elastick; full of springs Sportful, sport'fal. a. merry, frolicksome in or fountains.

sto besprinkle. jest.

Sprinkle, spring kl. 7. a. to scatter in drops ; sportive, spår'tiv. a. gay, merry. Spritsail, sprit'sale. s. the sail which belongs Sportiveness, sportiv-na-s. s. gayety, play. to the boltsprit-mast. Sportsman, sports mån. s. one who pursues Sprite, sprite. s. a spirit. [to gcruinale the recreations of the field.

Sprout, sprðit. 1.11. to shoot by vegetation, Spot, spol. s. a biot; a taint, a disgrace; Sprout, spröst. s. a rhout of a vegetable. any particular place.

Spruce, spröðse. a. nice, trim, neat. Spois spôt. v.a. to mark ivith discoloration ; Sprucehecr, spridse-béér'. s. beer tincturea to corrupt, to disgrace.

with branches of fir. Spotless, spôt lés. a. immaculate, purc. Spreness, språóse'nes. s. neatness without Spousal, spgårzál. a. nuptial, bridal.

elegance. Spouse, spóůze. s. a husband or wife.

Sprung,sprůng. prct.and part.pass.ofspring Spout, spóit. s. a pipc, the mouth of a vessel Spud, spid. s. a short knife. 'out of which any thing is poured; a cata- Spume, spáme. s fcam, froth.

ract. [to speak speeches out of plays. Spume, spáme. o. n. to foam, to frosh Spout, spôůt. 0. a. to pour with violence; Spimous, spu'můs. Sprain, språne. s. extension of ligaments Spumy, spu'mė.

} Q. frothy, foamy. without dislocation of the joint.

Spun, spin. pret. and part. puss. of spin. Sprang språng pret. of spring.

Spunge, spímnje. s. a sponge. Sprat, språt. s. a small sca-fish.

Spuuge, spunje. 0. n. to liang on others for Sprawl, spiảwl. o. n. to struggle; to tumble maintenance.

with agitation. [the foam of the sea. Spungy, spin'jė. a. full of small holes, and Spray, sprá s the extremity of a branch ;]

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Stupify, stu'pe-fl. 0. a. to make stupid. Subjacent, süb-ji'sent. a. lying under. Stupor, stu'pår. s. suspersion or diminution Subject, sub-påkt'. 0. a. to pul under; to of sensibility.


exposed Stuprate, stu'prate, v.a. to ravish, to violate Subject, sứb'jikt. a.placed or situated under ; Stupration, stů-pra'slıôn. s. rape, violation. Subject, sübʻjekt. s. ons who lives under the Sturdiness,stir'de-nes. s. stouiness,hardiness dominion of another; that on which any Surdy, står'di. a. hardy, stout.

operation is performed. Sturgeon, står'ján. s. a sea-sish.

Subjection, süb-jék'shản.s. the state of being Stutter, stilt'lır. 0. n. to stammer.

under government: Stutterer, ståt'tilr-år. s. a stammerer. Subjective,sůb-jék'tiv.a. relating to a subject Sty, sti. s. a cabini to keep hags in. Subjoin, sub jöin'. r. a. to add at the end. Stygiai, stid'je-in. a. internal.

Subitaneous,süb-e-ta'ne-ris. u. sudden, hastv. Style, stile. s. manner of writing ; title; the Subjugate, súbójú-gate. 7. a. to conquer; to pin of a dial.


[subduing: Style, stile. r. a. to call, to name. Subjugation, sůb-jú-ga'shơn. s. the act Styptick, stip'tik. a. astringent.

Subjunction, süb-jảngk'shún. s. the act of Suasory, swa'sår è. u. having tendency in subjoining. persuado.

Subjunctive, såb-jảngk’tiv. a. subjoined to Suavity, swav'e-tė. s.sweetness to the senses. something else.

[sublimed Subacil, sůl-ás sid. n. sour in a small degree. Sublimable, sib-lI'må-bl. a. possible to be Subacrid, süb-åk‘krid. i. sharp and punyent Sublimate, såb'le-måt. s. quicksilver raised in a small degree.

in the retort. S:ibaction,sål-åk'shủn. 3. the act of reducing Sublimate, súbʻld-ınáte. 0. a. to raise by the Subalteru, süb'ål-térn, a. inferiour.

force of chymical fire. Subaltern, súb’ål-têrn. . an inferiour. Sublimation, süb-le-ma'shảin. s. a chymical Subclavian, süb-k]\/v2-ån. a. under lie arm- operation by fire. pit or shoulder.

Sublime, sůh-bllme'. a. high, exalted. Subcutaneous, sub-ku-ta'né-lis. a. lying un- Sublime, sib-bilme'. s. grand or lofty style. der the skin.

[dean. Sublime, sůb-blime'. v.d. to raise by a chymiSubdean, sub-ddre'. s. the vicegerent of a cal fire Subdiversisy, süb-de-vêr's-11. v. 1. to diver- Sublimely, såb-bllme'lė. ad. loftily, grandly

sify over again. [part into yet more parts. Sublimity, súh-bllm’d-tė. s. loftiness. Subilivide, súb-de-ylde'. v. a. lo divide a Sublingual, süb-ling'gwål. a. placed under Subdivision, siib'da-vizh'in. s. the act of sub

the tongue. dividing : the parts distinguished by a sublunary, súh'lu-nâr-ė. a. terrestrial. sccond division.

Submarine, siib-må-réen'. a. lying under the Subdolons, såb'dd-lús.a.cunning, subtle, sly. Subduce, sůb-dise'. 7. a, to take away. Submersion, sůb-mer'shår. s. the act of Subduction, såb-důk-shủn. s. the act of tak- drowning, state of being drowned. ing away.

Submiss, súb-mis'. a. humble, obsequious. Sublue, sůb-d«. 0. a. to conquer; to tame. Subinission, süb-inish'ún. s. obsequiousness, Subduple, såb'da-pl.

ubedience Subduplicate, cub-dů'plé-kåte.

pl-Sa a.contain-

Submissive, süb-mis'siv. a. humble. ing one part of two.

Submissively, súh-mis'siv-lé. ad. humbly

Page 22

Suffuse, süf-füze'. v. a. to spread over with Summer, såm'můr. s. the season in which a vapour or tincture.

the sun arrives at the hither solstice. Suffusion, såf-fu/zhủn. s. the act of over- Summit,såm'mît.s.the top, the utmost height. spreading with any thing.

Summon,sům'můn.d.a. to call with authority. Sugar, shỏgfúr. s. the native salt of the su- Suminons, sům'můnz. s. a call of authority. gar-cano.

[with sugar. Sumpter, sům'tår. si a horse that carrier Sugar, shåg'år. o. a. to impregnate or season clothes or furnituro. Suggest, såg-jèst'

. v. a. tə hint, to intimate. Sumption, sům'shản. s. the act of taking: Suggestion såg-jés'tshån. s. hint, intimation. Sumptiary, sům'tshủ-å-rè. a. regulating the Suicide, sú'é-side. s. self-murder.

cost of liše. Suit, såte. 8. a set ; clothes made one part to Sumptuous,sům'tsh\-ús. a.costly, expensive. answer another ; courtship.

Sumptuously,sům'tshủ-ús-lè.ad.expensively. Suit, sate. 0. a to fit; to be fitted to, to Sumptuousness,súm'tshu-ús-nis.s.costliness clothe.

Sun, sản. s. the luminary that makes the day. Suitable, sử'ta-bl. a.according with, agreea- Sun, sản. r. a. to expose to the sun. ble to.

[bleness. Sunbeam, sản bème. s. ray of the sun. Suitableness, su'ta-bl-nès. s. fitness, agreea- Sunburnt, sủn'bůrnt. part. a. tanned. Suitably, su'tå-blè, ad. agreeably. Sunday, sản'dè, s. the Christian sabbath. Suite, swète. 3. retinue, company, regular Sunder, sủn'dúr. 0, 0. to part, to separate. order.

Sundial, sủn'dl-ål. 8. a marked plate on which Suiter, sů'tår. s. a petitioner ; a wooer.

the shadow points the hour.

Sundry, sản'die. a. several. Sulky, súlkė. a. silently sullen, morose. Sung, súng: pret, and part. pass. of sing Sulkiness, sůl'kè-nés. s. silent sullenness, mo- Sunk, sảngk. pret, and part. pass of sink.

Sunless, sủn'lès. a. wanting sun. Sullen, sůl'lin. a. gloomy; cbstinate. Sunny, sản'nė. a. bright; exposed to the sun. Sullenness, sål/lin-nés. s. gloominess, mo- Sunrise, sủn'rlze. s. the appearance of

Sunrising, sủn'rlz-ing. the sun. Sully, sůl l%. v. a. to soil, to spot.

Sunset, sủn'sết. s. close of the day. Sulphur, súléfůr. s. brimstone.

Sunshine, sản'shlne. s. action of the sun.. Sulphureous, sůl-fu're-ửs. Sulphurous, sůl'fúr-ús.

a. containing Sup, súp. 0. n. to eat the evening meal. }

sulphur. Sup, súp. s. a small draught. Sutan, sůl tân. s. the Turkish emporour. Superable, su'per-å-bl. a. conquerable. Sultana, sål-tå nå. 8. tho queen of an eastern Superabound,su-per-8-bóůnd'.o. n. to be storemperour.

[sultry. ed with more than enough. [than enough Sultriness, sůlltre-nés. s. the state of being Superabundance,su-pér-å-bůn'dånse.s. more Sultry, sůl'trè. a. hot and close.

Superabundant, sů-per-å-bủn'dånt. a. being Sun, sům. s. the whole of any thing ; quan- more than enough.

[above. tity of money · the amount.

Szperadd, su-per-åd'. v. a. to add over and Sui, sům. o. a. to compute.

Superaddition, su-per-ad-dish'ún. s. that Sumless, såmʻlés. a. noi lo be computed. which is added. Suninary, sům'må-ré. a. short, brief. Superannuate, sů-per-&n'nů-áte. o. a. to disSunnury,såm'ınå-ré.s.compendium, abridg.l quality by age.

Superb, sú përb'. a. grand, pompous.

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Tarpawling, tår-påwl'ing. s. hempen cloth Taw, tảw. s. a marble to play with. smeared with tar.

Tawdriness, tåw'dré-nës. s. tinsel finery. Tarry, tår/rė. o. n. to stay ; to delay. Tawdry, tảw'drė. a. meanly showy. Tart, tảrt. a. sour, acid,

Tawny, tảw'nė. a. yellow, like things tanned. Tart, tårt. s. a sinull pie of fruit.

Tax, tåks. &. an impost, a tribute imposed. Tartane, tår tån. s. a vessel with one mast Tax, tåks. o. a. to load with imposts ; to and a three-cornered sail.

charge, to censure. Tartar, tårtår. s. that which sticks to wino- Taxable, tåks'å-bl. a. that may be taxed. casks, like a hard stone.

Taxation, tåks-d'shản. s. the act of loading Tartarean, tår-ta'rè ån. a. consisting of with taxes, irnpost. Tartareous, tảr-ta're-ús. Š tartar; hellish. Tea, tè. s. a Chinese plant, [to instruct. Tartarous, tår/tår-ås. a. containing tartar. Teach,tetsh. v.a. pret. and part. pass.taught. Tartly, tårt'ld. ad. sharply, sourly. Teachable, tétsh'à-bl. ú. susceptive of in. Tartness, tảrt'nês. s. sharpness, sourness. struction.

[villingness to learn. Task, tåsk. s. "something to be done imposed Teachableness, tétsh'à-bl-nés. s. docility,

by another ; employment, business. Teacher, tétsh'ûr. 8. an instructer, a preacher. Tassel, tâs'sểl

, s. an ornainental bunch of Teal, télé. s. a wild fowl. silk or glittering substances.

Team, tėme. 8. a number of horses or oxen Taste, taste. o.a. to perceive and distinguish drawing at once the saine carriage.

by the palate ; to essay first; to have per- Tear, tère. s. water from the eyes. ception of.

[relish or discernment. Tear, táre, s, a rent, a fissure. Taste, taste. s. the act of tasting ; intellectual Tear, tåre. 7. a. pret. tore ; part. pass.torr. Tasteful, tast'fül. a. high relighed, savoury. to pull in pieces, to lacerate. Tasteless, tåst'lės. n. having no relishi. Tear, táre. 0. n. to funie, to rave. 'Tastelessness, tåst'lés-nés. s. insipidity, want Tearful, tère'fůl. a. weeping. of relish.

Tease, téze. v. a. to comb wool ; to torment Tatter, tåt'tür. 0. 2. to tear, to rond. with importunity: Tatter, tát'tår. 8. a fluttering rag; Teat, tėte, s. the dug of a beast. Tatterdemalion, tât-túr-de-mål'yản.s. a rag- Technical, têk'nė-kål. a. belonging to arts. ged fellow.

Techy, têtsh'è. a. peevish, fretful. [ing. Tattle, tát'tl. 0. n. to prate, to talk idly. Tectonick, ték-ton'is. Q. pertaining to buildTattle, tåt'tl. s. prate, idle chat.

To Deum, te-de'ům. s. a hymn used in the Tattler, tåt'ul-år. s. an idle talker, a prater. liturgy. Taught, tảwt. pret. and part. pass. of teach. Tedious, té'de-ús, or tè'je-ús. a. troublesome , Taunt, tént. o. a. to reproach, to revile, to wearisome by prolixity; slow. ridicule.

Tediously, te'de-ús-le, or té'je-us-lè. ud. in Taunt, tảnt. s. insult, reproach. [scoffingly. such a manner as lo weary. Tauntingly, tånting : ad.with insult, Tediousness, té'de-ůs-nès, or té'je-is-nés. s Tautological, tåw-td-18d'ja-kål. a. repeating wearisomeness by continuance. [pregnant. the same thing.

[same words. Teern, tèèm. 0. n. to bring young; to be Tautology, tåw-tól 18-jé. 8. repetition of the Teens, téénz. s. the years between twelve Tavern, tåv'úrn. s. a house where wine is

and twenty. sold.

Teeth, tèéth. plur. of tooth.

[part. Taw, tåw. o. a. to dross white leather Tegument, tég'i mént. s. cover, the outward

Page 24

Tick, tik. o. n. to run on score; to make a Tiltb, tilih, s. husbandry, culture.

noise like that of a watch. [bedding. Timber, tim'bảr. s. wood fit for building. licking, tik'kin. s. a sort of strong linen für Timbrel, timʻoril. s. a kind of musical in 'Ticket, ttk it. s. a token of right upon the strument.

delivery of which adinission is granted. Time, time. s. measure of duration ; season; "l'ickle, říkókl. d. a. to please by slight grati- continuance ; musical ineasure, fication.

[certain. 'Time, time. 0. a. to adapt; to regulate ; to Ticklish, tsk'kl-?sh. a. easily tickled; un'Ticklishness, tik'kl-ish-ués. s. the state of Timerul, tlmc'fil. a. seasonable, timely. being ticklish.

Tineless, tlme'lês. u. unseasonable. Ticktack, tik'tak. s. a game at tables. Timely, tlmelė. d. seasonable, early. Tide, tide. s. alternate ebb and How. Timeserver, timo'sérv-úr. s. one who coris. Tidewaiter, tlde'wa-tår. s. a custoin house plies with prevailing notions. officer.

Timeserviny, tłoʻsër v-ing. a. meanly crinTiilily, tide-id. ad. neatly.

plying with present power. Tiiliness, ti'de-nis. S. neatness.

Tinid, tin'id. a. fearful, timorons. Tidings, t]'dingz. s. news.

Timidity, lé-mid'é-tė. s. fearfulness, habitual Tidy, tl'de.. a. neat, ready:

cowardico. Tie, i.. 0. a. to bind, to fasten ; to hinder. Timorous, tim'ůr-os, a. fearful. Tie, tl. s. knot ; bond, obligation.

Timorously, tỉm dr-is-le, ud. fearfully 'Tier, téér. s. a row, a rank. [part of a pipe. Timorousness, tỉn'ür-s-nés. S. fearfulness Tierce, térse. s. a vessel holding the third Tin, tin. s. one of the primitive metals. l'itf, tif . s. liquor, drink; fit of peevishness, Tin, tỉn. o. a. to cover with tin.

Tinct, tingkt. s. colour, stain, spot.Titi, tis. o n. to be in a pet, to quarrel. Tincture, tingk'tshåre. s. colour ; extraet Tiffany, tiffả-né. s. very thin silk.

of some drug, an infusion. Tiger, tigůr. . a fierce beast.

Tincture, tingk'tshủre. v. n. to imbue. Tighi, lite. a. tense ; free from fluttering rags. Tinder, tín'dir. s. any thing eminently in. Tighten], t' in. d. a. to straiten.

flaınmable. Tighly, titeʻle. al. closely; neatly. Tingę, tinje. v. a. to impregnate or imbue. Tightness, tite'nès. s. closeness.

Tingle, ting'g!. r. n. to feel a sound ; to feel Tiyress, tigrës. s. the female of the tiger. a sharp quick pain. Tile, tlle. s. a thin plate of baked clay. Tink, thigk. 0. n. to inake a sharp shrill noise. Tile, tile. v. a. to cover with tiles.

Tinker, tingk'úr. s. a mender of old brass Tiling, ti-ling. s. a roof covered witii liles. Tinkle, tingk'kl. o. n. to make a sharp noise, Tiil, till

. s. a muney-box in a desk or counter. to clink. Till, thi. conj. to the time; to the degree that. Tinman, tinimán. 8. a manufacturer of tin. Till, till. o.a. to cultivate.

Tirner, tin'n'r. s. one who works in the tin 'Tillable, ill'18-bl. a. arable, fit for thc plougn. mines. Tillaye, tillidjc. s. husbandry.

Tinsel, tin'sil. s. a kind of shining cloth Tilier, tárår. s. husbandmän; a small drawer. any thing shining with false lustre. l'ilt, tilt. s. any covering over head ; the Tiut, tint. S. a dyo, a colour. cover of a boat.

[to turn up. Tiny, tine. a. little, small, puny. Tilt, tölt. 7. a. lo cover; to point as in tills ; ! Tips, tip. s. top, end, point, extremnity.

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Transmission, tråns-mish'ún. s. the act of Transumption, trâns-sům'shủn. s. the act of transmitting.

taking from one place to another. [wise. Transmissive, trâns-nis'siv. a. derived from Transversal, tråns-ver'sål. a. running crossone to another.

[change. Transverse, tråns-vêrse'. a. in a cross direc'Pransmutable, tråns-mu'tå-bl. a. capable of tion.

[dircctior Transmucation, tråns nu-ta'shủn. s. change Transversely, trans-vèrs lė. ad. in a cros

into another nature we substance. Trap, trấp. s. a snare , an ambush, a strata Transmute, tråns-mute'. v. a. to change from gem; a play. one substance to another.

Traj, tråp. v. a. to insnare, to catch. Transparency, trans-på rén-sé. s. clearness, Trapdoor, trấp-dore'. s. a door opening and power of transmitting light.

shutting unexpectedly. [lishments. Transparent, tråns på'rånt. a. pervious to the Trappings, tråpʼpingz. s. ornaments, embelsight, clear.

Trash, tråsh. s. any thing worthless, dross, Transpierce, tråns-peerso'. o. a. to penetrate. dregs. Transpiration, trån-spé-ra'shủn. s. emission Travail, trávill. 0. n. to labour. in vapour.

Travail, tráv'il. s. labour, toil. Transpire, trån-spire'. o n. to be emitted by Travel, tráv'll. o. n. to make journeys; to

vapour; to escape from secrecy to notice. pass, to go on. Transplace, trâns-plásc'. o. a. to remove, to Travel, tråv 11. s. journey.

[ney put into a new place.

Traveller, tråval-ir. s. one who goes a jour Transplant, tråns-plånt'. o. a. to remove and Traverse, trå-vérse'. ad. crosswise, athwart. plant in a new place.

Traverse,tra-vérse'. prep. through crosswise. Transplantation, trans-plån-ta'shản. s. the Traverse, tråv'erse. a lying across.

act of transplanting or removing to another Traverse, träy'érse. w.a. to cross, to thwart soil.

with obstacles; to wander over; to exTransport, trâns-port'. v. a. to carry into amine thoroughly. [made ridiculous.

banishinent ; to hurry by violence of pas- Travesty, tráv'ès-tė. a. dressed so as to be sinn ; to put into ecstasy.

Tray, trk. s. a skallow trough in which meat Transport, trånsport. s. a vessel of carriage; is carried.

[fidious rapture, ecstasy.

[ance, carriage. Treacherous, trêtsh'er-us. a. faithless, per Transportance, trans-pörstânse. s. convey- Treacherously,trêtsh'ér-üs-lè.ad. faithlessly Transportation, tråns-por-ta'shủn. s. re- Treachery, tretsh'ér-ė. s. perfidy, breach of moval; banishment.


[sugar Transposal, tråns-pozål. . The act of putting Treacle, trè'kl. s. molasses, the spume of things in each other's place.

Tread, trêd. o. n. pret. trod; part. pass Transpose, trans-pozeʻ. 0. a. to put each in trodden. to set the foot ; to trample ; to the place of other.

couple. Transposition, trans-po-zislı'ún. s. tire act of Tread, tréd. s. step with the foot.

putting one thing in the place of another. Treadle, tréd'dl. s. part of an engine on which Transubstantiate, trån-såb-stân'she-áte. o.a. the feet act. to change to another substance,

Treason, tré'zn. s. an offence against the Transubstantiation, trån-sâb-stân-she-a'.

person of majesty, or the dignity of the shûn. s. change of substance. [in vapour. cummunwealth.

[treason. Transude, trân-súde'. o. n. to pass through Treasonable, trè'zn-&-bl. a. of the nature of

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Tumble, tim'bl. 0. n. to fall; to roll about. Turgidity, túr-jid'é-tė. s. the state of being Tumble, tảm'bl. s. a fall.

swollen. Tuinbler, tüm bl-år. s. one who shows pos- Turkey, tủrkė. s. a large domestick fowi. tures or feats of activity.

Turmerick, tür'mêr-ik. s. an Indian root Tumbrel, tảm'bril. s. a dung cart.

which makes a yellow die. Tumefaction, tu-me-fåk'shủn. s. a swelling. Turmoil, túrmoil

. s. trouble, disturbance. Tumefy, tú'me-fl. o. a. to swell.

Turmoil, tårim811. c. a, to harass with cona. Tumid, tumid. a. swolling, puffed up.

motion; to weary. Tumour, tú'můr, s. å morbid swelling. Turn, tårn. v. a. to put into a circular mo Tumulose, tů-mů lose', a. full of hills. tion; to transform; to translato ; to con: Tumult, tú'múlt. s. a stir ; a wild commotion. vert; to make giddy ; to blunt; to repeal; Tumultuary, tú-mál tshá-å-rè. a. disorderly, to retort.

[change. confused.

[violent. Turn, tårn. s. the act of turning; meaning Tumultuous, tu-mål'tshủ-ús. a. turbulent, Turncoat, tårn kote. s. a renegade. Tuniultuously, tủ-måltshủ-us-ld. ad with Turrer, tårn'år. s. one whose trade is to turn. confusion and violence.

Turnkey, tůrn kdė. s. one who opens and Tun, tỉn. s. a large cask; two pipes. locks the doors of a prison. Tun, tỉn. 0. a. to put into casks, to barrel. Turning, türn'ing. s. Nexure, moander. Tunable, tự'na-bl. a. harmonious.

Turnip, tårn'ip. s. a white esculent root. Tunably, tủ'nå-ble. ad. harmoniousiy. Turnpike, tiurn'plke. s. a toll gate on the Tune, tune. 3. a diversity of notes put toge- road.

ther , harmony, concert of parts ; right dis- Turnstile, türn'stlle. 8. a cross-bar turned on position.

a pin to let foot passengers through, and Tune, táne. 0. a. to put into such a state as prevent horses. [by the pine, &c.

that the proper sound may be produced. Turpentine, tår pên-ulne. s. the gun exuded Tuneful, tune'fůl. a. musical.

Turpitude, tůr'pe-tudo. s. inherent vileness, Tuuicie, tune-kl. 8. cover, integument. badnoss. Tunpage, tỉn'nidje. s. content of a vessel Turret, túr'rêt. s. a little tower. [tertoise. measured by the tun; a tax.

Turtle, têr'tl. s. a species of dove ; the sea. Tunnel, tůn'uil. s. the shaft of a chimney ; Tuscan, tủs kån. a. denoting the rudest or. a funnel.

der of architecture. Tir', tủp. s. a ram.

Tush, tủsłı. interj. an expression of contempt Tup, tảp. d. [b. to butt like a rain.

Tusk, tủsk. s. a fang. Turban, tår bån. 8. the head-uress worn by Tutelage, tu těl-age. s. guardianship. the Turks.

Tutelay, tute-lir. a. defensive, guarTurbary, tůr bå-ré. s. right of digging turf. Tutelary, ta'tc-lå-rė. dian. Turbid, tůr'bid. a. thick, muddy.

Tutor, tü'tår. 3. one who has the care of an. Turhith, tůr bith. s. yellow precipitate. other's learning and morals. Turbot, tórbit. s. a delicaté fish. [sion Tutor, tü'tür. v. a. to instruct.

[a tuto Turbulence, tůr bú-lense. s. tumult, confi- Tutorage, tú'tůr-age. s. the authority of Turbulent,tiribů- lent.a. tuniultuous, violent. Tuloress, tutůr-és. s. directress, governess. Turf, tárf. s. a clod covered with grass. Tutty, tåt't. s. a sublimate of zink cr cala Turfy, lårfè. a. full of turfs.

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