In the same boat là gì năm 2024

'Be in the same boat' = cùng trên một chiếc thuyền -> nghĩa là cùng trong tình huống éo le giống ai đó (be in the same unfortunate circumstances as others); cùng cảnh ngộ.

Ví dụ

I know a few other schools are waiting for the first four games, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're in the same boat.

A fan responded to Teigen’s video with a link to Medolac — a place to buy donated breast milk — which is a fantastic option for moms in the same boat as Teigen.

This means that we have to work harder together, adding “We are in the same boat, so let’s make sure we row in the same direction and remain the market leaders.”

The Prince George Chamber of Commerce is in the same boat as many others when it comes to their feelings on the NDP government’s first year in office. It’s been a rocky relationship, to say the least between the two after a CFIB Report Card this morning issued a “D” grade due to a number of policies impacting the sector. One of which is the Employer Health Tax set to take effect on January 1st.

(Be) in the same boat: (hai hay nhiều người) ở trong cùng một tình huống hoặc đối mặt với cùng một vấn đề, thường là khó khăn và rắc rối (=cùng cảnh ngộ).

Ví dụ 1: We’re in the same boat, so don’t worry. Together, we’re going to iron out the problems.

Ví dụ 2: After the sudden heavy rain, everyone was in the same boat, shivering and looking for shelter.

Ví dụ 3: When it comes to dealing with the stress of everyday life, we’re all in the same boat.

Ví dụ 4: She’s upset about the changes in company policies, but we’re in the same boat adapting to the new rules.

Ví dụ 5: If raising children is a journey, then we’re all in the same boat, navigating the unpredictable seas of parenthood.

Ví dụ 6: None of us knows how to fix the leaking faucet, so we’re in the same boat dealing with the drip.

Personal contacts with new friends, with people ' in the same boat ', may be established in order to rebuild a social network.

And therefore, perhaps, we cannot really blame ourselves - we are all in the same boat.

Nozick now sits in the same boat, though he arrived there through a different path.

The manifest thief and the outlaw may both be in the same boat, but we still have no guidance as to the reason for the former's embarkation.

Unable to stay afloat as a semantic theory of "law" positivism, along with other jurisprudential views in the same boat, must be recast as constructive interpretations of law.

We are in the same boat together.

Everywhere else is in the same boat.

It is clear from the debate that we need to act because we are all in the same boat.

They concealed this information from the others, and yet we are all in the same boat, and such things affect many people.

We are all in the same boat and the boat is heading in the right direction.

It is about the university museums on this occasion, but national institutions and local museums are all in the same boat.

There was a perception then that everybody was in the same boat.

I am in the same boat with the last speaker over that.

They are in the same boat as the rest of their trade.

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