How should a medical assistant communicate with an elderly patient?

As the Baby Boomer generation prepares for retirement, the number of elderly patients is expected to increase dramatically. In fact, by 2030, 71 million Americans are projected to be over the age of 65. This marks a 200% increase from 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This radical increase can cause big changes in several professions, most of which are in the medical field. Therefore, as a medical assistant, it is essential for you to become more accustomed to interacting with elderly patients. Below is a list of tips and considerations you should be aware of before embarking on your medical career path.

How should a medical assistant communicate with an elderly patient?

Remain Patient and Allow for Extra Time

Elderly patients often have a more difficult time communicating and understanding new concepts. They also tend to be more nervous than younger patients when receiving treatment. It is therefore important to remain patient when interacting with them. Moreover, be sure to give them more time and assist them when necessary. Some older patients may require help walking into the examination room, removing clothing, and getting situated on an exam table.

Maintain Focus When Working With Elderly Patients

Older patients may be prone to distractions along with having vision and hearing problems. When working with the elderly, be sure to remain within their line of sight and avoid distractions. Maintaining eye contact can also help enhance their feelings of well-being. Keeping the patient environment quiet and secure is also essential for putting their minds at ease and making them more cooperative.

Communicate Slowly and Be an Attentive Listener

As mentioned, elderly patients may find it difficult to communicate and find the process of explaining their needs frustrating. Therefore, it is important to be an attentive listener and wait for them to finish their thought before making recommendations. Speaking slowly and clearly, in short, simple sentences can make it much easier for elderly patients to understand you. Good communication can establish trust and make examinations easier for everyone concerned.

View Elderly Patients as an Individuals

Although elderly patients might suffer from similar health issues, it is important to remember that each person is different. Some patients may need more attention, while others may need less. As a medical assistant, you must remain alert, attentive, and flexible when making decisions. With more experience, you will sharpen your skills and become more equipped at dealing with a variety of patients.

Get Started on Your Career Today

For more tips and information on how to apply, get in touch with our team here at Montes HealthCare College. Fast-track your education and take the first step toward a new career by getting in touch over the phone or via email. You can reach us at (310) 861-2004 or . We look forward to hearing from you!


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  3. Medical Assistants Share Secrets of Talking to Patients

HealthcareMay 04, 2021

One of the responsibilities of a medical assistant is gathering and recording a patient’s medical history. In fact, patient communication is one of the most crucial parts of their job. While it sounds straightforward, not every patient may be willing to share information or even know how to communicate it properly. As a result, knowing how to talk to different types of patients is an important skill for a medical assistant. 

In order to get the information needed to facilitate an accurate and complete diagnosis, medical assistants need to follow a few guidelines to gain a patient’s trust:

Watch your body language

As a medical assistant, your goal is to create a comfortable atmosphere for patients to help them open up and share important information. The first step is to convey respect and caring through your body language. Look patients in the eye and be sure to smile. Always face the patient when speaking to them, and make sure your arms aren’t crossed. These small details can convey positive signals to patients and let them know that you are friendly and interested in what they have to say. 

Break the ice

Small talk can help break the ice when talking to patients. You might ask about the weather or their weekend plans. Connecting with the patient about a non-medical topic can help put them at ease. While it’s okay to share something about yourself, such as an upcoming trip you’re taking, don’t pry into a patient’s personal life. Also, avoid controversial topics that could cause stress.

Actively listen

Active listening requires paying attention to what a patient says and then clarifying the information by repeating it back or asking follow-up questions. To ensure the patient understands what you’re trying to learn, be prepared to rephrase the question. Finally, repeat what you’ve heard to get confirmation that what they are saying and what you are hearing are in agreement.

Connect with the patient 

As a medical assistant, you will likely encounter many different types of people during the day. These patients may feel vulnerable particularly when they are at a doctor’s office or clinic, and it’s important to talk to them in a way that makes them comfortable. For example, it can help to talk more slowly to an elderly patient who is hard of hearing. With kids, use age-appropriate words. Always match your message and your language to the patient.

If you love helping others and are considering a career in medical assisting, a Fortis education can help you get started on that path. Click here for more information or call us today at (855) 436-7847 and speak to one of our career counselors.

How can a medical assistant communicate caring to a patient?

The medical assistant can communicate caring to a patient by listening carefully and allowing the patient to express himself or herself completely. Caring can also be expressed nonverbally by sitting or standing at the same level, at a comfortable distance, and by maintaining eye contact.

How do you communicate effectively with the elderly?

Use proper form of address. Establish respect right away by using formal language. ... .
Make older patients comfortable. ... .
Take a few moments to establish rapport. ... .
Try not to rush. ... .
Avoid interrupting. ... .
Use active listening skills. ... .
Demonstrate empathy. ... .
Avoid medical jargon..

What are three ways to assist an elderly patient?

While the following 10 elderly patient care tips might appear time-consuming, they can produce significant long-term returns in positive patient outcomes..
Tip 1: Start with the Right Body Language. ... .
Tip 2: Exercise Patience. ... .
Tip 3: Show Proper Respect. ... .
Tip 4: Practice Active Listening. ... .
Tip 5: Build Rapport..

How can the medical assistant be a good communicator?

Medical assistants should display patience, empathy, and professionalism in all their interactions. A good bedside manner can allay some of the patients' concerns and put them at ease during a stressful visit. You also need good listening skills as a medical assistant. Focus on your patient when they talk to you.