Come to my notice là gì

give notice Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

give notice

give a letter that says you are leaving or quitting If I want to leave the position, I give them two weeks notice.

give notice|give|notice

v. phr. To inform an employer, an employee, a landlord, or a tenant of the termination of a contractual agreement of service or tenancy. Max gave notice at the bank where he was working. Sally was given notice by her landlord.

I hereby give notice of my intention

Hereby is used sometimes in formal, official declarations and statements to give greater force to the speaker' or the writer's affirmation. People will say it sometimes to emphasise their sincerity and correctness.

give notice

1. To inform one's employer of one's resignation. In this usage, a possessive pronoun is often used between "give" and "notice." I just gave my notice, so I'm officially leaving in two weeks. You can just walk out—you have to at least give notice!2. To alert one to something. I think your teacher would have been more understanding if you had given notice of this printing issue in advance.Learn more: give, notice

give [one's] notice

to formally tell one's employer that one is quitting one's job. Did you hear that James is leaving? He gave his notice yesterday. Lisa gave notice today. She got a job offer from another company.Learn more: give, notice

give notice

1. Inform or warn someone of something, as in He's prompt about giving us notice of any discrepancy in the accounts. [Late 1500s]
2. Tell one's employer one is quitting, as in Our housekeeper gave notice last week. This usage, first recorded in 1765, originally alluded to any kind of termination, such as a housing lease, but today is most often used for leaving employment. Learn more: give, notice
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"Come to attention" nghĩa là gì?

"Come to [one's] attention" = Làm cho ai để ý/chú ý tới; làm cho ai biết hết hoặc phát hiện ra.

Ví dụ

In terms of an emergency fund for providers, she said “we’ll consider everything” although she said it has not yet been discussed as the issue had only come to her attention in the last number of days.

I write to you today to raise concerns regarding the safety of Americans as they travel abroad and the steps that the Department takes to inform travelers of security concerns when they are far from home. It has come to my attention that some employees in foreign airports have resorted to a “bullet-in-luggage” scheme, which has led to the arrest and detention [sự bắt giữ, giam cầm] of travelers in both the Philippines and Thailand.

In the past few months you may or may not have heard about a new Toyota Supra; got one or two people very excited, so it did. It might also have come to your attention that a new Supra has increased awareness and appreciation of old Supras, most specifically the A80 [the Fast & Furious one] and also the A70, the pop-up headlamp [đèn pha] car that preceded it. Where once a manual, UK A80 could be bought for a lot less than £20k and the A70 was Shed money, both now command much higher price tags.

Photo by  Natasha Brazil

"Come to [one's] attention" = Làm cho ai để ý/chú ý tới; làm cho ai biết hết hoặc phát hiện ra.

Ví dụ

In terms of an emergency fund for providers, she said “we’ll consider everything” although she said it has not yet been discussed as the issue had only come to her attention in the last number of days.

I write to you today to raise concerns regarding the safety of Americans as they travel abroad and the steps that the Department takes to inform travelers of security concerns when they are far from home. It has come to my attention that some employees in foreign airports have resorted to a “bullet-in-luggage” scheme, which has led to the arrest and detention [sự bắt giữ, giam cầm] of travelers in both the Philippines and Thailand.

In the past few months you may or may not have heard about a new Toyota Supra; got one or two people very excited, so it did. It might also have come to your attention that a new Supra has increased awareness and appreciation of old Supras, most specifically the A80 [the Fast & Furious one] and also the A70, the pop-up headlamp [đèn pha] car that preceded it. Where once a manual, UK A80 could be bought for a lot less than £20k and the A70 was Shed money, both now command much higher price tags.

Bin Kuan

Bài trước: "Come to an understanding" nghĩa là gì?

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