Your top songs 2018 spotify


Spotify Wrapped 2018: How to get the new my year in review feature that shows your most played songs and artists

Find the songs and artists you listened to the most in 2018


Were in the final push to Christmas and the end of 2018 so theres no better time to look back on the year and the music that has meant the most to you.

Spotify has unveiled its annual Spotify Wrapped feature for 2018 which shows you all the songs and albums you have been streaming this year.

Did you spend all year listening to Drake like the rest of the world? Or does your Spotify wrapped reveal you enjoyed A Star is Born maybe a little too much?

You will soon find out.

How to find Spotify Wrapped 2018

  1. Head to
  2. Connect up your Spotify account.
  3. Then the website will take you through your 2018 listening history, from your top artists and songs to how many minutes you spent listening to music this year.
  4. Spotify then compiles all this data into a Top 100 playlist for you so you can relive those musical memories.

As well as the personalised Spotify Wrapped playlists, the streaming company has released data on the most popular artists of the year.

Drake tops the list for the most streamed artist in 2018 with 8.2 billion streams this year. This has also earned the Canadian rapper the crown for the most-streamed artist of all time.

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Thank u, Next star Ariana Grande is recognised for being the most-streamed female artist, and her hit post-breakup song has had more than 220 million streams by itself already, despite only being release in November.

For the first time, Spotify has included some information about its podcasts. There are almost seven million podcast episodes to tune into on Spotify, and the platform has launched a few of its own exclusive series as well as bootcamps in the US and UK to find new voices.

German-language podcasts Fest und Flauschig [Feast and Fluffy] was Spotifys number one original podcast, though Amy Schumers 3 Girls, 1 Keith made an appearance on the top five list. The most streamed podcast genres were crime and mystery, comedy, news and politics, health, and arts.

So thats Spotify Wrapped up for 2018. Now youre free to binge-listen Santa Baby by Ariana Grande without it showing up in your end of year results.

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