Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review

As an official AWS Well Architected Partner, we can compare your infrastructure with AWS best-practices to cut costs and increase efficiency. You’ll get a report with simple actions to reduce your AWS spend, accelerate your deployments, reduce risk and bring your solution up to best-practice standards - so book your review today and start your journey.

Why should you consider a Well Architected Review?

If you:

  • Want to maximise value for money on your AWS stack
  • Want to get your deployment times down so you can get your customers what they need quicker 
  • Want to be able to innovate faster and with less risk 
  • Want your solution to be more reliable and more secure overall 
  • Want to find out where you could go if you unlocked your solution’s true potential

Then a Well Architected Review is for you.

What is the AWS Well Architected Framework?

The Well Architected Framework was developed by AWS to help guide customers through their cloud journey. Reviews are carried out by certified Well Architected Partners and can focus on single or multiple workloads.

Each review considers the five pillars of the Well Architected Framework – operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency and cost optimisation – which in turn break down further into a set of design principles.

From these principles we generate actionable recommendations. No single action is pie-in-the-sky or idealistic, but together, they act as stepping stones to a complete and long-lasting transformation of your solution and the way you work.

Looking for an infrastructure for a campaign or great customer experience? Check our DCX services.  

Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review


How it works

  • 1. Book your review and choose your attendees

    Book your free review and choose who's going. We'll bring our expert team of Well Architected certified engineers and cloud consultants. You bring whoever needs to be there from both a technical and business perspective. This is not just a technical meeting so bring people from the business.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review
  • 2. Attend your workshop online or in person

    We run the review as a workshop. This is where we'll discover everything we need to know about your AWS solution and workload.

  • 3. Get your findings

    After we've got the right information, we'll carry out your review and feedback. This takes the form of a single comprehensive document including costings of remediation work.

  • 4. Execute your recommendations

    Working with us, you can then go on to make the changes that will bring you up to AWS best practice. These can be carried out by our team or yours, depending on what you decide.

The Five Pillars of AWS Well-Architected

  • The Operational Excellence Pillar

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    Building for operational excellence means monitoring and developing your systems to deliver increased value and innovation. Key areas of development include automation, defining standards and practices and gaining insight.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review
  • The Security Pillar

    Show content

    Building securely means protecting your information and systems. Key areas of development include establishing ways of tracking and responding to security events, data confidentiality and integrity and using automation to tackle security issues.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review
  • The Reliability Pillar

    Show content

    Building reliably means making sure a workload performs its intended function correctly and consistently. A reliable workload will be able to recover quickly and meet unexpected spikes in demand without issue. Key areas of development include distributed system design, recovery, and how to stay resilient in the face of change.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review
  • The Performance Efficiency Pillar

    Show content

    Building with performance efficiency in mind means using resources right. Key areas of development include matching the tools and sizings to the use case and ensuring the workload is being properly monitored.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review
  • The Cost Optimisation Pillar

    Show content

    Building to optimise costs means meeting the same goals for less. Common areas of development include right-sizing, consumption models, optimising resources and building up a clear picture of where overspend is occurring.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review
  • The Just After Midnight Difference

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    Working with us is a great foundation to build from. Because we're both application and infrastructure specialists, and because we're experts on all things AWS, we're able to provide reviews that make building for better simple.

    Which of the following statements are true regarding a Well-Architected Review



With partners across the USA, Europe and APAC, we provide a truly global service. So wherever you or your clients are based, contact us today to find out what we can do.

What is the Well

The Well-Architected Review is an architectural assessment based upon the AWS Well-Architected Framework. The Well-Architected framework has been developed to help cloud architects build the most secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure possible for their applications.

Which of the following best describes AWS well

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of decisions you make while building systems on AWS. By using the Framework you will learn architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable systems in the cloud.

Which statement best describes the AWS well

The AWS Well-Architected Framework describes the key concepts, design principles, and architectural best practices for designing and running workloads in the cloud. The operational excellence pillar focuses on running and monitoring systems to deliver business value, and continually improving processes and procedures.

What are three best practices for running a well

Best Practices for Leading Well-Architected Reviews.
Define Your Goals. ... .
Define Your Workload. ... .
Build the Team. ... .
Review Current Issues. ... .
Gather Workload Documentation, Policies and Procedures. ... .
Promote Well-Architected Awareness. ... .