Which branch of philosophy asks questions about what can be known and how?

Philosophy is the study of the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Philosophers ask what is the nature of reality, what is the nature of knowledge, and what is the nature of existence. There are many different branches of philosophy and philosophers come from a variety of backgrounds. This article answers the question “what are the 6 branches of philosophy?”

What are the 6 branches of Philosophy?

The 6 branches of philosophy are the following:

  • Aesthetics
  • Epistemology
  • Ethics
  • Logic
  • Metaphysics
  • Axiology 

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is the study of ideas and how they relate to one another. It is the field of inquiry into questions about existence, knowledge, values, and reason. The word comes from the Greek word philosophia, which means “the love of wisdom.”

Philosophy is a systematic and critical examination of the central problems and issues concerning life, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. 

It is the discipline that studies questions such as what is beauty? What is truth? What is knowledge? What is life? What is the meaning of life?  and it is an art form that addresses such questions. 

Who are the Philosophers?

Philosophers are the main people who have studied these questions and come up with their own answers. Philosophers are interested in how these questions can be answered and may attempt to provide answers to these questions through reasoning or intuition. 

Philosophers tend to be concerned with ethics, social justice, and other values that underpin society.

One of the most famous philosophers is Socrates. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived around 470 BC. He was a famous thinker and one of the founders of Western philosophy. 

Socrates is most famous for his questioning method of teaching and he was also famous for his method of elenchus. Elenchus is a form of argument that is used to determine the truth or falsity of something.

Another famous work in the field of philosophy is Plato’s Republic, which was written in the 4th century BC, is a philosophical dialogue that is divided into three parts. 

The first part is called the “Allegory of the Cave” and it describes a group of people who are chained in a cave with their backs to a wall. They are unable to move their heads or their bodies, and can only see shadows on the wall in front of them. 

In the second part, Plato argues that justice and goodness are real and that they are based on reason. In the third part, Plato argues that there is an afterlife where people will be rewarded or punished for their actions on Earth.

Philosophy is an ever-changing field of study, which means it is hard to pinpoint exactly when it began. In fact, philosophy can be traced back to the ancient Greeks who were looking for answers to the most important questions. They wanted to know what makes humans human and how they should live their lives.

Philosophy is the exploration of the fundamental nature of reality, knowledge, and existence. It is the search for wisdom and understanding. It is the attempt to answer questions about what it means to be human. 

The 6 branches of philosophy and their definition


Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. In modern Western society, Aesthetics is usually synonymous with art. 

However, in ancient Greek and Roman societies, it also included natural philosophy (the study of nature), music, and even mathematics.

Aesthetics is a way of thinking about things and a way of life. It is also the study of how people perceive beauty in art, nature, society, and themselves.

The term “aesthetics” comes from the Greek adjective meaning “pertaining to the senses.”


Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that focuses on knowledge and the way in which we gain it. Epistemology can also be referred to as the study of knowledge. It is considered to be one of the major divisions of philosophy. 

Epistemology is also closely related to metaphysics, which is the study of being. It is primarily concerned with the theory of knowledge and how it relates to what is true or false, and how to justify our beliefs. 


Ethics is a system of moral principles and values that guides the actions of a person or group. Ethics can also be referred to as moral philosophy or moral system. 

Ethics is the study of how human beings should behave. Ethical issues are not just about what is right and wrong, but also about what is good and bad.

Ethics can be used to help us make decisions on how to act in our daily lives. Ethics can also be used to help us make decisions about other aspects of our lives like what we should eat, how we should exercise, and how we should spend our money.


Logic is a branch of philosophy that studies and attempts to explain the principles of valid inference and correct reasoning. Logic deals with the principles of “valid inference” which means that any argument that can be made from true premises must have a sound conclusion. 

There are four types of valid inference: deduction, induction, abduction, and abduction-induction. Logic is also a field of study that deals with the principles of correct reasoning, which means that arguments are valid if they are sound and make sense.


Metaphysics is the philosophical study of the nature of being and reality, or what is behind what we see. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that investigates the fundamental nature of the universe and existence. 

It examines such questions as: What is reality? How do we understand the world? What are the limits of human knowledge? It is a broad field that includes ontology, cosmology, epistemology, and the meaning of life.


Axiology is the study of values. It is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of good and bad, right and wrong, valuable and undesirable. The term axiology comes from the Greek word axia, which means “value.”


Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Philosophy is a way of life that seeks to answer questions about reality, existence, and the meaning of life. It’s a field that helps you understand your own personal values, beliefs, and interests. Philosophers have been asking questions about the meaning of life since the beginning of time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): what are the 6 branches of philosophy?

Who is the father of philosophy?

Socrates was the father of philosophy and made many contributions to the field. He is most famous for his question “What is virtue?” Socrates believed that virtue was doing what is right and just. He also believed that everyone should be able to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. Socrates was an important figure in ancient Greece and his ideas still influence modern thought today.

What are the 3 major areas of philosophy?

There are three major areas of philosophy: the theory of reality, knowledge, and value. The theory of reality is the study of what exists and what is possible. Knowledge is the study of what is true and how we know it. Value is the study of what is good and what makes life worth living. 

What is the most fundamental branch of philosophy?

The most fundamental branch of philosophy is metaphysics. Metaphysics is the study of the fundamental nature of being and reality. It is concerned with explaining the origin, nature, and ultimate fate of the universe. One of the biggest questions that metaphysics addresses are what is existence?