What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help customers?

In this step, we define the five dimensions of service quality.

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In the last step, we covered the eight dimensions of product quality – but there’s also a service quality aspect, which we’ll explore in this step.

Parasuraman, Zeithamel and Berry (1985) defined five dimensions for service quality, represented by the diagram below:

What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help customers?
Adapted from Research Gate (2017).

Below, we define each dimension with examples:

Tangibles Includes the physical appearance of the physical service facilities, the equipment, the personnel who do the servicing, the communication materials and all tangible elements of service provider facilities or surroundings Cleanliness of the environment; personnel uniform; vehicles; flight
Service reliability Differs from the product reliability in that it relates to the ability of the service provider to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Achieving delivery times stated on the website
Responsiveness The willingness of the service provider to be helpful, be prompt in providing services, and to respond to customers’ requests, problems or complaints The speed of helping customer online or by telephone
Assurance The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence – creating trust and confidence will gain the customers’ loyalty The excellent reputation and high levels of trust based on previous experiences with the company
Empathy Caring, individual attention paid to customers by the service firm to meet each customer’s demands properly. Employees’ high emphasis on customer requests to achieve higher satisfaction

Your task

Visit a website featuring customer reviews (eg Amazon). Consider the positive reviews, preferably for the same product from previous tasks, and discuss the customer feedback in relation to the service dimensions.


Parasuraman, A., Ziethaml, V., & Berry, L. (1985). SERVQUAL: A multiple item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, 62(1), 12-40.

© Coventry University. CC BY-NC 4.0

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What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help customers?

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What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help customers?

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5 Dimensions of Service Quality- SERVQUAL Model. Servqual Model of Service Quality, also RATER Model. The Five Dimensions of Service Quality are Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, also Responsiveness.

Five Dimensions of Service Quality

The 5 Dimensions of Service Quality refers to the SERVQUAL Model of 5 key service dimensions, such as Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness. The Servqual model or five service quality dimensions is also known as the Service Quality Model.  SERVQUAL Model is a multi-dimensional research process intended to measure the gap scores between expected and perceptions of service quality of the customers based on five dimensions. The three American marketing scholars A Parsu Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L Berry produced and implemented this model.

Therefore, the five service quality dimension model is also known as the SERVQUAL Model or RATER model, introduced between 1983 and 1988.


The Servqual model refers to the five dimensions of service quality that measure the customer’s expectations. The Servqual model classifies the elements or components of service quality known as the five critical service quality dimensions. Although the model developers initially proposed ten service quality dimensions, many experts later finalized only five dimensions of service quality: reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. The marketing students formed an acronym RATER from the first capital letter of every dimension or component. However, after measuring the gaps, this model recommends the most common causes of service quality problems.

Servqual Model 10 Dimensions

However, Initially, the introducers of the Servqual model proposed ten dimensions of service quality that are as follows:  Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Access, Courtesy, Communication, Credibility, Security, Knowing the Customer,  also, Tangibles.

What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help customers?
Figure 1: 5 Dimensions of Service Quality- SERVQUAL Model
The 5 Dimensions of Service Quality are
  1. Reliability
  2. Assurance
  3. Tangibles
  4. Empathy
  5. Responsiveness.

1. Reliability

Reliability is an essential dimension of the Servqual model that confirms the capacity to provide services exactly, on time, and credibly. Consistency is a critical factor for providing assistance or product to the customers on time with error-free conditions. You have to respect the commitment to give your service on time accurately as you promised to them.

For example, the organization is sending mail to the customers every day on time.

2. Assurance

Assurance means creating trust and credibility for the customers. It depends on the employee’s technical knowledge, practical communication skills, courtesy, credibility, competency, and professionalism. Therefore, these skills will help the organization gain customer trust and credibility.

The assurance dimension combines four factors: competence, courtesy, credibility, and security. Firstly, competence means having the requisite skills and knowledge.
Courtesy refers to the politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact staff.
Credibility is the trustworthiness, believability, and honesty of the staff.
Finally, security means freedom from danger, risk, or doubt.

Example of the assurance dimension

The employee is showing respect and being polite to the customers while servicing them.

3. Tangibles

Tangibles represent the physical facilities, employees’ appearance, equipment, machines, and information system. It focuses on facilitating materials and physical facilities.

For example, the organization maintains a clean environment, and staff follows the appropriate dress code.

4. Empathy

Empathy means focusing on the customers attentively to ensure caring and distinguishing service. It is an essential attitude in some countries in the world to serve every customer individually. It is also a great process to satisfy customers psychologically and increase confidence, trust, and loyalty. The company might lose its customers due to the lack of empathy among the employees; therefore, they need to ensure compassion.

Additionally, empathy is a combination of the following factors:

  • Access (physical and social) – (For example, approachable and ease of contact).
  • Communication – (For instance, keeping customers informed in a language they understand and listening to them).
  • Understanding the customer – ( For example, making an effort to get to know customers and their specific needs).

For example, they are active listeners when customers speak and recognize regular customers by name.

5. Responsiveness

Responsiveness refers to the eagerness to assist customers with respect and provide quick service to satisfy. This dimension focuses on the two essential factors, including willingness and promptness. So, you have to ensure that the customer is getting their service quickly without delay and make the customers feel that you are very interested in helping them. Responsiveness will be defined by the length of time when customers wait for the answer or solution. In short, responsiveness solves the customer problem as soon as possible by providing expected information or replacing products.

Example of the Responsiveness Dimension

The employee keeps no customer in waiting serial and replaces the product quickly before finishing the promised period.

SERVQUAL Survey Questionnaire

The Servqual survey refers to the instruments of the Servqual model. The instrument consists of 22 perceptions items. The researchers utilize these instrument questionnaires to evaluate consumers’ thoughts and expectations regarding the quality of service. Therefore, it is also known as a servqual questionnaire for customer satisfaction. The developers of the Servqual model designed 22 perceptions items also 22 expectation items to set them into five dimensions of service quality. The Servqual model questionnaire assesses the gap score of the company that comes out ideally.

SERVQUAL Model Questionnaire Example
What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help customers?
Figure 2: SERVQUAL Model Questionnaire- 22 Scales Items

In conclusion, the Servqual Model or Service Quality Model has become very popular and worldwide accepted because of increasing the customers’ service quality. It is a multi-dimensional research system that represents a customer satisfaction framework to satisfy customers and stakeholders. The 5 Gaps in Service Quality are Knowledge Gap, Policy Gap, Communication Gap, Delivery Gap, and Customer Gap.

Citation For This Article (APA 7th Edition)

Kobiruzzaman, M. M. (2022, January 6). Five Dimensions of Service Quality- Servqual Model of Service Quality. Newsmoor- Best Online Learning Platform. https://newsmoor.com/servqual-model-five-key-service-dimensions-servqual-gaps-reasons/

What is the dimension of service quality refers to the willingness to help?

RESPONSIVENESS-Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

What is the dimension of service quality?

The five service quality dimensions are tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

What are the dimensions of service quality with example?

Dimensions of service quality.

Which service quality dimension is important for customer satisfaction?

In assessing the service quality influences on the customers' satisfaction, it is suggested that four dimensions of service quality, i.e. reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, should be improved to increase customer satisfaction.

What is the most important dimension of service quality?

Findings indicate that, among the five dimensions of service quality, Reliability ranked as the most important dimension, followed by: Tangibles, Assurance, Empathy, and Responsiveness in that order of importance.

What are the three dimension of quality service?

They developed SERVPERF dimensions and revealed three main service quality dimensions such as Personal interaction quality, Physical service environment quality, and Outcome quality.