Topping L30 ESD fix

Equipment / Electronics / Gear / Accessories Headphone Amps

How many instances are there of other amps at this price point exploding and taking out headphones? I have not seen any reports of the Heresy or Atom having such a catastrophic failure wherein the drivers of the headphone actually exploded. It is really not at all a common problem with amps at this price point or even at a lower price point. I havent even seen reports of cheap ass dongles actually blowing the headphone driver in a way that would cause injury.

I would not recommend the L30 to anyone until its 100% clear that its a safe product, especially considering there are other solid options for the same price or less. The supposed fix hasnt been tested extensively and the pictures out there of the “fix” really dont inspire great confidence. Really has to be repeated again that its not just that people are getting their headphones damaged, there is a serious risk of physical injury here if you get a catastrophic failure of that magnitude and have the headphones on your head. It is actually dangerous to just assume the product is now “fine”, someone could get severe burns, hearing damage or worse.

Unless some independent agent actually extensively tests the L30 and verifies that it now has solid protections in place to prevent these failures, including documented attempts to set off a catastrophic failure no one should buy this product under any circumstances.

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that l30 repair is shameful. the fact that they posted that and the topping guy said “thats how i want to see the repair on all of them” and people just kept talking is MIND BLOWING. if my modius had anything inside it like that i would demand a refund. no wonder they banned the word chi fi on that forum. its all they have left.


Topping L30 ESD fix

13 votes and 27 comments so far on Reddit

(lol at you guys thinking schiit or anyone puts better protections or has better quality just for not being chinese, not the poor guy, also schiit didn’t cover his headphones)

Just because people seem to not get past their tribal “Us vs Them”-think:
One fuckup does not un-fuck another fuckup.

Yes, Schiit needs to get that looked into and fixed.

However: Two faulty products in a row with the exact same failure mode is a bit odd.

Edit: Anyone got a photo of the underside of the heresey’s PCB?


The topping fails were caused by lack of esd protection and that’s been solved, you’re the one making it tribal focusing on them like they’re the only ones that can have faulty units, and recommending other amps like you know sh*t about their reliability

Photos of both sides of the Heresy PCB from my unit. Not sure what the foam tan pad is used for.

Topping L30 ESD fix

Topping L30 ESD fix

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Topping L30 ESD fix

you’re the one making it tribal focusing on them like they’re the only ones that can have faulty units, and recommending other amps like you know sh*t about their reliability

Dude, just chill out.

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Someone had to point the baseless talk going on here, john yang had already explained that no other amp at this price comes with any kind of special protection, they just overlooked grounding in the l30 and that’s been solved. I’m done tho.

I understand where you are coming from, theres just been a lot of drama on this forum lately lol

It would be a real problem if both manufacturers used the same chips. Then looking there would be the right way to go if the chip manufacturer has made a mistake. Then he would almost be responsible for it.
It is also curious that something like this occurs with probably both manufacturers.

@MazeFrame probably had exactly this thought.

And there is one more thing that might need to be mentioned. I am sure that there is a lot of incorrect wiring in pretty much every household. Just think, for those who use a dac combo, it takes 2 slots for the combo, plus the pc and monitor. Many also have their chargers for the smartphone/tablet/printer and other things connected. That makes quite a difference when everything is plugged into one power strip. No matter whether they are regularly switched off or run in standby. In addition, it is then extended because the socket is somewhere else and so on.

It can also possibly be caused by something like this at the Schitt Herasy.

Thanks man!
Those are some impressively detailed shots.

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Topping L30 ESD fix

john yang had already explained that no other amp at this price comes with any kind of special protection

Which is not true (best example: JDS Labs Atom)
Find yourself photos of the amps (or if you have them on hand, take them apart) and look at spec sheets for the components. It is not hard to tell what is going on.


you are flat out lying. john yang said people were purposefully breaking their headphones and this was being blown out of proportion on this very website and audio science. he was literally blaming the people that pay his salary for his trash product. he then tried to smear other companies by lying about the severity of their problems and comparing them to his which is a lie because jds and schiit did a much better job than topping did. schiit replaced the headphones and jds was like one headphone. the “fix” is literally laughable basically hand gluing a metal pin on the side. which btw only saves the headphone not actually fixing the problem fully with a redesign. and not only this they didnt tell any regulatory body because they are in china and dont have to . so please explain how that is anything like what other companies have done? remember the blind topping circlejerk is on audio science. you must have taken a wrong turn . also try not acting like 5 year old having a tantrum


That’s a big paragraph of angry assumptions, but yeh I’m the five year old…

Topping L30 ESD fix

schiit replaced the headphones and jds was like one headphone

I literally just posted a recent case of an exploded schiit amp and them not replacing schiit (hah),
But yeah I’m out, just came to post some facts, in this angry circlejerk of a thread, which was probably a mistake lol.

Topping L30 ESD fix

I literally just posted

And NZXT had a product formally recalled because it could start a fire.
How is that relevant to this here thread?

its a big paragraph of me showing you why you are wrong. sorry i had that many examples to go through. you just came in here randomly started insulting everyone and finding one example of a schiit amp defect like it proves anything from your earlier tirade. topping is a company that doesnt care about its customers by their responses here and ASR. schiit is designed and made in america and stands by its products and replaced headphones when it messed up. also they dont break regulations. topping snuck changes in and when those changes started becoming dangerous they blamed the customers openly. they then glued a pin to ground the amp and sent that as the “fix” while working on another model while thousands of people will have basically broken equipment. if you think thats a worthy hill to die on because you own a 99$ product from a chinese company and you must defend them then thats on you. they have lost all credibility with most rational people. not just for the engineering but the way they talk about their customers.

Hi all,

Wanted to let you guys know that my Topping L30 died on me. All of a sudden it stopped working for me on the right side of all my headphones (HD650, LCD 2C and a cheap one). The left side was still playing sound.

Tested all my headphones with two other amps I had and everything was working well.
Linsoul Audio-DE was doing well for me, they wanted me to destroy the unit I had before I get a replacement, so I got the chance to make photo’s from the defective unit. Now the wait until I get the new one, supposedly getting the 2012 batch.

Topping L30 ESD fix

Topping L30 ESD fix

Topping L30 ESD fix

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If you have a multimeter on hand, check the resistance between the arrows labeled 1-2 and between 3-4

Topping L30 ESD fix

Topping L30 ESD fix

Linsoul Audio-DE

Are you in Germany?

No i do not, I life in the Netherlands. I just bought the item trough, it was better delivery time and price for me that way.

I will bring the L30 with me to work tomorrow, there i should have the multimeter at hand.
what am i looking for when i do this? @MazeFrame

Topping L30 ESD fix

what am i looking for when i do this?

Resistance between the pins.
That particular Op-Amp in the L30 is the one that takes a hit when ESD strikes.

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