Tiếng Anh lớp 6 chân trời sáng tạo Unit 6 Skills 2

1. Nguyen is writing to his penfriend Tom about how his family prepares for Tet. Listen and tick  the things you hear.

1. old things          

2. peach flowers 

3. new clothes

4. cakes 

5. wishes 

6. good luck 

=> Answer: 

1. old things      2. peach flowers     3. new clothes    5. wishes

2. Listen again and answer the questions in one or two words. 

1. What do they throw away before Tet?

2, What do they ciean and decorate?

3. What colour are the envelopes?

4. Who cooks banh chung?

5. What shouldn't they break?

=> Answer:

1. Some old things

2. Their homes

3. It's red 

4. His father

5. Anything

3. Work in groups. Discuss and make a list of four things that you think children should and shouldn't do at Tet.

Children should

1. ...................................................................

2. ...................................................................

Children shouldn't

3. ..................................................................

4. ...................................................................

=> Answer

1. Children should visit relatives with parents

2. Children should wear beautifful clothes

3. Children shouldn't break things

4. Children shouldn't play card all night

4.Complete the email, using your ideas in 3.

From: Nguyen

To: Tom

Dear Tom,

I wall tell you more about our Tet. At Tet. we should .......................

We should, ..................... too. But we shouldn't .....................

We shouldn't .................... , either.

Please write and tell me about your

New Year celebration.



=> Answer: 

Học sinh dựa vào ý của bài 3 để hoàn thành email

Page 2

1. Nguyen is writing to his penfriend Tom about how his family prepares for Tet. Listen and tick  the things you hear.

1. old things          

2. peach flowers 

3. new clothes

4. cakes 

5. wishes 

6. good luck 

=> Answer: 

1. old things      2. peach flowers     3. new clothes    5. wishes

2. Listen again and answer the questions in one or two words. 

1. What do they throw away before Tet?

2, What do they ciean and decorate?

3. What colour are the envelopes?

4. Who cooks banh chung?

5. What shouldn't they break?

=> Answer:

1. Some old things

2. Their homes

3. It's red 

4. His father

5. Anything

3. Work in groups. Discuss and make a list of four things that you think children should and shouldn't do at Tet.

Children should

1. ...................................................................

2. ...................................................................

Children shouldn't

3. ..................................................................

4. ...................................................................

=> Answer

1. Children should visit relatives with parents

2. Children should wear beautifful clothes

3. Children shouldn't break things

4. Children shouldn't play card all night

4.Complete the email, using your ideas in 3.

From: Nguyen

To: Tom

Dear Tom,

I wall tell you more about our Tet. At Tet. we should .......................

We should, ..................... too. But we shouldn't .....................

We shouldn't .................... , either.

Please write and tell me about your

New Year celebration.



=> Answer: 

Học sinh dựa vào ý của bài 3 để hoàn thành email

1. Nguyen is writng to his penfriend Tom about how his family prepare for Tet. Listen and tick the things you hear. [Nguyên đang viết thư cho Tom nói về việc gia đình bạn ấy chuẩn bị cho dịp Tết như thế nào. Nghe và tích vào thứ em nghe được]

Bài nghe:

Đáp án: old things, peach flowers, new clothes, wishes

2. Listen again and answer the questions in one or two words. [Nghe lại và trả lời câu hỏi với một hoặc hai từ]

Bài nghe:

Câu hỏi:

1. What do they throw away before Tet?

2. What do they clean and decorate?

3. What colour are the envelopes?

4. Who cooks Banh chung?

5. What shouldn’t they break?

Hướng dẫn dịch:

1. Họ vứt cái gì trước Tết?

2. Họ dọn dẹp và trang trí cái gì?

3. Phong bao có màu gì?

4. Ai nấu bánh chưng?

5. Họ không nên làm vỡ cái gì?

Đáp án:

1. Old things

2. houses

3. red 

4. his father 

5. anything

Nội dung bài nghe:

Dear Tom, 

Tet is coming and I’m very happy. We do a lot of things before Tet. We throw some old things away. We clean and decorate our homes. My mother goes shoppping and buys food, red envelopes, and peach flowers. She also buys new clothes for us. My father makes banh chung and cooks them on an open fire. He says that I should make some wishes at Tet, and I shouldn’t break anything. It brings bad luck.



Hướng dẫn dịch:

Tom thân mến, 

Tết đang đến rồi và tớ rất vui. Chúng tớ làm rất nhiều việc trước Tết. Chúng tớ vứt bỏ những thứ cũ đi, dọn dẹp và trang trí nhà cửa. Mẹ tớ đi mua sắm, mua thức ăn này, phong bao lì xì này, cả hoa đào nữa. Mẹ còn mua quần áo mới cho chúng tớ. Bố thì làm bánh chưng và nấu bánh trên bếp lửa. Bố nói rằng tớ nên viết vài điều ước vào dịp tết và không được làm vỡ thứ gì cả. Vì điều đó đem lại sự không may,

Bạn của cậu,



3. Work in groups. Discuss and make a list of four things that you think children should and shouldn’t do at Tet. [Làm việc theo nhóm. Thảo luận và đưa ra danh sách em nghĩ là trẻ em nên/ không nên làm vào dịp Tết]

Hướng dẫn:

Children should:

1. make wishes 

2. help decorate their houses.

3. dress beautifully

Children shouldn’t:

1. eat too much sweet food

2. play games all night

3. ask for lucky money

4. Complete the email, using your ideas in 3. [Hoàn thành email, dùng ý tưởng ở bài 3].

Hướng dẫn:

Dear Tom,

I will tell you more about our Tet. At Tet, we should decorate our homes with flowers and plants. We should visit our grandparents and relatives, too.

But we shouldn’t eat too much sweet food. We shouldn’t keep lucky money, either. We should put it into our piggy bank.

Please write and tell me about your New Year celebration.



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