The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall

B. The measures of two sides are given. Between what two numbers must the third side fall? Example: 15 and 18 Write ow inequality to represent your answer 15+18=33 third side showld be less than 33 18-15=3 third side should be greater than 3 Let x be the length of the third side. Equation: 3


The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall


Grade 8 · 2021-05-26

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B. The measures of two sides are given. Between what two numbers must the third side fall? Example: B. The measures of two sides are given. Between wh - Gauthmath and 18 (Write ow inequality to represent your answer 15+18=33 (third side showld be less than 33) 18-15=3 (third side should be greater than 3) Let x be the length of the third side. Equation: 3 1. 9 and 15 Write an inequality to represent your answer 2. 11 and 20 Write an inequality to represent your answer. 3. 21 and 47 Write an inequality to represent your answer C. Name the largest and the smallest angle.** 1 23

The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall




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Found 2 solutions by ikleyn, greenestamps:

Answer by ikleyn(46409)
The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall
The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall
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The third side must be between the numbers 15-9 = 6 and 15+9 = 24

    6 < c < 24.      ANSWER


It follows from the triangle inequalities.

Answer by greenestamps(11254)
The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall
The measure of two sides are given between what two numbers must the third side fall
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TRIANGLE INEQUALITY: The length of the longest side of a triangle must be less than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides; otherwise a triangle can't be formed.

(1) If the 9 and 15 are the two shorter sides, the third side must be less than 9+15 = 24 to make a triangle.

(2) If 15 is the longest side and one of the other sides is 9, then the long side is 6 longer than that other side, so the length of the third side must be greater than 6 for the three lengths to make a triangle.

ANSWER: The length of the third side must be greater than 6 and less than 24.

What two numbers can the third side of a triangle be in between when two sides are 6 and 10?

Find the length of the third side of a triangle if the other two sides are 10 and 6. The Triangle Inequality Theorem can also help you find the range of the third side. The two given sides are 6 and 10. The third side, , must be between 10 − 6 = 4 and 10 + 6 = 16 .

Between what two numbers must the length of the third side fall 8 and 11?

8 + 11 = 19 cm. Thus, the length of the third side falls between 3 cm and 19 cm.

When sum of two sides is equal to third side?

The sum of the length of any two sides of a triangle is always equal to the third side.

What are the possible measures of the third side of triangle if the two sides measure 15 and 12?

The sides of a triangle are given as 12 cm and 15 cm. Remember, the third side should be lesser than their sum, and also it should be greater than their difference. We will find the sum and difference of these two sides. Hence the third side will be lesser than the sum of these two sides 12 cm + 15 cm = 27 cm.