nibbler là gì - Nghĩa của từ nibbler

nibbler có nghĩa là

A a cute little pet on Futurama. He hase a HUGE apitite. He can eat things WAY bigger then himself. He is actualy an ambassador from a diffrent planet.His Race the nibblonians, hate the Brainspawn

Ví dụ

Let the feast of 1000 hams begin!-nibbler

nibbler có nghĩa là

A nibbler is a girl who is a pathological serial flirt who has a sociopathic desire to gain attention from as many male counterparts as possible to fulfill some deep rooted desire. This desire/need typically stems due to the lack of a strong male influence in their lives or traumatic heart break. They have no intention to develop a relationship or make any type of commitment with the opposite sex. Any encounter should be considered a game.

Ví dụ

Let the feast of 1000 hams begin!-nibbler

nibbler có nghĩa là

A nibbler is a girl who is a pathological serial flirt who has a sociopathic desire to gain attention from as many male counterparts as possible to fulfill some deep rooted desire.

Ví dụ

Let the feast of 1000 hams begin!-nibbler

nibbler có nghĩa là

A nibbler is a girl who is a pathological serial flirt who has a sociopathic desire to gain attention from as many male counterparts as possible to fulfill some deep rooted desire.

Ví dụ

Let the feast of 1000 hams begin!-nibbler

nibbler có nghĩa là

A nibbler is a girl who is a pathological serial flirt who has a sociopathic desire to gain attention from as many male counterparts as possible to fulfill some deep rooted desire.

Ví dụ

Jack is such a nibbler, everyone hates him but he just doesn't understand.

nibbler có nghĩa là

This desire/need typically stems due to the lack of a strong male influence in their lives or traumatic heart break.

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They have no intention to develop a relationship or make any type of commitment with the opposite sex. Any encounter should be considered a game. That girl at the party (the nibbler) who flirts with everyone, yet makes them all feel special. Your pretty confident your going to get some and reel her in, but all she does is nibble and keep you waiting forcing you into a downward spiral of frustration and anger.

nibbler có nghĩa là

A person who unknowingly uses their teeth during oral sex, inducing pain and displeasure in the other person.

Ví dụ

Dave J got some head last night but she was a nibbler.

nibbler có nghĩa là

One of a species of incredibly old, incredibly intelligent, incredibly cute ravenous monsters. Their mortal enemies are the Brainspawn.

Ví dụ

My species is long lived, and are celebrated poopers. - Nibbler

nibbler có nghĩa là

(noun) one who is extremely unsocial, but listens in on everyone's conversations. Usually in the form of a wild Feyworth. Jack is such a nibbler, everyone hates him but he just doesn't understand. Somebody who bites while sucking ones genetals...

Ví dụ

"Katie is such a nibbler"

" Katie nibbled Colins cock to pieces."

nibbler có nghĩa là

A term for a kinky person.

Ví dụ

Karen was a nibbler.