ortiz là gì - Nghĩa của từ ortiz

ortiz có nghĩa là

Typical Mexican or Puerto Rican last name.


Jose Ortiz, Mariela Ortiz, Ruby Ortiz, Rosie Ortiz, Ruben Ortiz, Jesus Ortiz, etc.

ortiz có nghĩa là

A. The act of taking your eyes off an opponent and getting twp-pieced.


Man, did you see that? They Ortiz that nigga, Johnny.

ortiz có nghĩa là

Pulling an Ortiz is the act of skipping either a break or lunch in favor of getting more work done. This phrase is only used if you are sure not to request overtime or any compensation for this extra work time, you do it out of the kindness of your heart, or rather the sense of accomplishment you get out of having done more for the company and customers.

The ultimate "Pulling an Ortiz" is when you come in to work on your day off just to check on your coworkers.


Let's just head out to lunch, Brian is going to be pulling an Ortiz.

ortiz có nghĩa là

A Mexican-American Mixed Martial Artist, once feared by many 10 years ago, but now he is a joke. He is ridiculed for his unusually large head [he looks like a thumb with a face painted on], speech impediment that results in him stumbling over is own words as a result of trying to speak numerous sentences in one breath and the fact that he's married to a syphilitic ex-porn star Jenna Jameson. Claims to be "The People's Champion", yet no body gives a shit about him, and usually laugh insanely hard when he makes excuses for losing, which has become his trademark. Perhaps his most memorable excuse was that he "had a cracked skull" despite hyping that he had never felt so fit and healthy in his entire life. Tito Ortiz is a terrible human being; he's depriving useful people of much needed oxygen and may possibly be a closet homosexual. He has a tendency to claim other men are his "bitches" but it's unsure if there is a gimp mask or a rubber ball-gag involved. There probably is. In the midst of his downward spiral from MMA superstar to joke, he was scheduled to fight his employer, walking mouth, Dana White. Ortiz backed out 2 days before the fight when he realised he'd suffer yet ANOTHER humiliating lose, to a fight promoter instead of professional fighter this time. He also feared he'd be beaten to death because of Dana White's intense hatred of him. Also, Tito had a few turd-like qualities.


1] Dana White: Tito Ortiz is MY bitch. Tito Ortiz: Yes sir, please don't hit me, sir. 2] Dana White: I took a wicked dump this morning, it looked like Tito Ortiz. Lorenzo Fertitta: I hope you flushed, buddy. Dana White: I did, and just like the real Tito Ortiz, the piece of shit just wouldn't go away.

ortiz có nghĩa là

Jimmy Ortiz is the most amazing beautiful guy in the whole wide world. He is like the sun... or the billions of stars in our galaxy, the milkyway. it is the name of a great breakdancer, he skills give me a wet crouch. whenever he looks at you, you get orgasms. he eyes are brighter than the glow-in-the-dark unicorn shaped rubber band.... OR A SUPERNOVA! he is sooooo supper cute, i could talk about him for 24/7. i'll love him for theee rest of my life. whenever i think about him i think about food... food is the best, i love food. jimmy is the kind of guy you'd see and say "ay, you craci! give some of YOUR popcorn"


he looked at her... she noticed... *ORGASM*... he just pulled a Jimmy Ortiz

ortiz có nghĩa là

Sex on legs.
Also known as the amazing drummer of Escape the Fate, which is quite a wonderful band.


Holy shit, that's Robert Ortiz! Let's go get his autograph because he's awesome.

ortiz có nghĩa là

The act of masturbating with tooth paste.


Oh my god Carlos, can you please stop Ortizing in the table.
Alejandro our Colgate is running out, are you Ortizing again.

ortiz có nghĩa là

A college student, who can get a lot of ass if he tried, but does not apply him self to the female student body. He is the type of student that, on the first four days of college he goes home with three different girls, but does not fornicate with any of them. Usually he dose not think of him self as an attractive person, but many female [and male] students would rate him an 11 to 11.5 on a scale of 1-10.


That kid Eric Jeffers is a real Alex Ortiz, he could have fornicated with 8 of the hottest girls at the party tonight, but instead he went home with that lemon.

ortiz có nghĩa là

I boy that you like but have no chance with.


I think that boyneil Ortiz at school is sooooo cute.

ortiz có nghĩa là

A noble and kind man, indigenous to Stamford Connecticut. This special breed of involuntary retardius better known as a “special thinker” can apprehend high levels of cognitive function such as urinating upon a bonefire. Felipe is better known for his unique aura of intense inactivity. Felipe can also be used as an adjective in a sense to describe a person, one whom can appear not to have an intact brain, as to have lost it in an accident such as forcing ones head into an inanimate object. Not to be confused with similar species such as the Dan, The A, The Double A, whom of which will be described in another post.


Girl: oh look at that kid wearing the helmet staring at the wall
Boy: yeah that happens sometimes
Girl: he’s such a Felipe Ortiz Boy: stop hitting your head against the bathroom stall!
Boy 2: how are you hitting two stall doors with your head at the same time?!
Boy 3: It’s ok he’s pulling a Felipe Ortiz Boy 1: God the fire is dying, it’s so cold
Boy 2 : I think it’s time to set up sleeping bags and go to sleep
Boy 1: I’m not going to bed just because the fire is pulling a Felipe Ortiz

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