On the edge of my seat là gì năm 2024

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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishon the edge of your seaton the edge of your seatgiving all your attention to something exciting The film’s ending had me on the edge of my seat. → edgeExamples from the Corpuson the edge of your seat• He was waiting for her answer, not exactly on the edge of his seat, though.• This dramatic opening had me on the edge of my seat!• Chesarynth perched on the edge of her seat, fearing a poisoned needle in the cushions.• From the moment he took the rostrum, Gergiev had his musicians tensely perched on the edge of their seats.• We're on the edge of our seats.• The movie's last scenes kept us on the edge of our seats.• This keeps you on the edge of your seat.on the edge of your seaton the edge of your seatEXCITEDwaiting excitedly to see what happens next a gripping movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat → seatExamples from the Corpuson the edge of your seat• He was waiting for her answer, not exactly on the edge of his seat, though.• This dramatic opening had me on the edge of my seat!• Chesarynth perched on the edge of her seat, fearing a poisoned needle in the cushions.• From the moment he took the rostrum, Gergiev had his musicians tensely perched on the edge of their seats.• We're on the edge of our seats.• This keeps you on the edge of your seat.

This follow up does offer plenty of dazzling visuals, edge-of-the-seat action sequences, and flaws compensated for by charismatic, appealing leading performers.British

word origin

from on the edge of one's seat Bằng cách hoàn thành đăng ký này, bạn chấp nhận the terms of use and privacy policy của trang web này. The new heist is more elaborate than the first one and has enough excitement to leave you on the edge of your seat.CanadianIf this scene were in a book, would I be laughing or on the edge of my seat with excitement and terror?AustralianThis action packed film has style, humour and is full of stunts which will keep you on the edge of your seat.IrishSo I spent another four years of sleepless nights and days on the edge of my seat, hoping against hope that she would not crack and provide the secret that would allow them to get to us.

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Chào mừng các bạn đến với chương trình Anh ngữ trong Một phút. Thành ngữ sau đây nghe có vẻ như là nói về…một cái ghế? 'On the edge of my seat' - Nghe có vẻ hơi nguy hiểm chút nhỉ?

To be on the Edge of your seat là gì?

Nếu có điều gì đó làm bạn “on the edge of your seat” thì có nghĩa nó làm bạn cảm thấy hào hứng hoặc có thể lo lắng về điều sẽ xảy ra tiếp theo. Chúng ta thường dùng cách nói này khi nói về việc xem một bộ phim, một màn biểu diễn, hay đọc một cuốn sách.

On The Edge of something là gì?


Edge nghĩa tiếng Việt là gì?

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