Nạn đói tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

The dispute thus centred on the value of visual evidence from different observers during the famine and in the past.

The severity of famine gradually increased in the east which slowly proceeded from west through the decades.

How could the effects of these famines have been so severe and what lessons can we learn from those terrible events?

For such communities, strategies of risk aversion, as well as customary responses to famine, would still have mattered.

However, specific empirical critiques of the making and implementing of famine policy were more effective.

Some even predicted a near-global meltdown with famines stretching across our globe.

Abnormally high motality may be the hallmark of famine, but societal breakdown is its essence.

Fifteen droughts were severe enough to have caused famine, and 11 of them, or 87%, followed large eruptions within two years.

Moreover, some of the workers left areas plagued by famine.

Certainly some of the prints showed starvation and famine so severe that money and supplies must have been wanted.

However, human migrations, landless people, famine and fragmented landscapes speak for themselves.

Their greatest differences stemmed from the manner in which they presented themselves as famine managers, and to whom.

At this point, villages were teetering on the brink of famine as locust invasions threatened to consume the limited food crops that had been planted.

This was a gritty world of poverty, famines, floods, banditry, unrest.

Since the early 1970s, the region seems to have been widely beset by civil wars, political upheavals, famines and other natural disasters.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

  • nạn đói 1942 (phim): back to 1942
  • nạn đói nga 1921: russian famine of 1921–1922
  • nạn đói rumanura: rumanura famine

Câu ví dụ

thêm câu ví dụ:

  • Dave, unless you can show me a person, a photo of widespread hunger Dave, trừ khi anh có bằng chứng hay hình ảnh về nạn đói
  • Bad harvests and famine became a distant memory. Vụ mùa thất thu và nạn đói đã trở thành kí ức xa vời.
  • Imagine being able to grow crops the year round' bringing an end to hunger. Hãy tưởng tượng có mùa màng quanh năm...chấm dứt nạn đói.
  • They experienced social unrest, revolts and famine. Họ trải qua bạo động xã hội liên miên và cả nạn đói.
  • And where were those lords when Storm's End starved? Và những tên lãnh chúa đó đâu khi Storm End xảy ra nạn đói?

Những từ khác

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