Mental exertion là gì

Đồng nghĩa của physical exertion


Physical or mental effort
exertion effort pains struggle exercise strain sweat industry labour toil endeavour action activity travail assiduity assiduousness elbow grease expenditure hard work labor stretch trial trouble while work graft moil yakka attempt endeavor energy force operation striving blood, sweat and tears hard pull long pull drudgery slog grind application diligence bother donkey work toiling stress hassle determination venture undertaking strength drudge battle hardship pain donkeywork push donkey-work enterprise hard yakka fuss slavery sweat of one's brow fatigue ordeal muscle power tribulation try spadework hard labour shot suffering test bid go crack persistence service pass stab blood, swear, and tears assay whack bash essay conscientiousness fling whirl offer inconvenience one's all one's level best dry run load adversity discipline drain encumbrance bustle burden resolution pursuit problem strife hard graft occupation torture difficulty millstone industriousness agony tenacity earnestness experiment weight gruntwork uphill battle anguish nightmare difficult task tryout uphill struggle tough grind tall order tough assignment responsibility struggling labouring disruption chores slaving oomph charge control doing physical effort elbow juice perseverance nine-to-five hard slog long haul painstaking employment hack work sweated labour drag Herculean task laboring duty slogging drive experimentation privation tears distress hard labor vigor manual labor salt mines grit vigour intensity value tilt crusade resolve pangs trials and tribulations try on aim one's darnedest workout lick all one's got attempts campaign dirty work grunt work steps chore resoluteness steadfastness doggedness movement purpose measures scut work thankless task toils pull tension welly thought care throes back-breaking task labour of Hercules backbreaking work challenge procedures proceedings grief rigor ado attention old college try reaction response rigour hitch flurry snag undertakings foray acts conflict vocation course of action job preoccupation try-on best shot crash project jab pop slap dab commitment dedication paroxysm attentiveness devotion examination intentness study check torment testing spasms patience sedulousness steadiness endurance concentration evaluation probation audition assessment deliberation zeal try-out appraisal fit excruciation stabs convulsions rehearsal pilot practice practise proof single-mindedness test run test-run experience trial run task busyness test period research and development analysis screen test dummy run showcase trial period R and D trial and error pilot study shakedown investigation project business affair scheme plan assignment proceeding mission procedure exploit game process expedition quest transaction exploration outfit happening deal commission thing engagement shop play hazard what one is into adventure proposition move

Nearby Words

physical existence physical finger physical fingers physical fitness physical force physical geography physical exercises physical exercise physical examinations physical examination physical exam physical energy

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