Lỗi cant complete operation links have the same name revit

We are currently working on a project in revit 13. It's my offices first project that is made 100% in revit and we are having some truble solving an issue with the fact that multiple sheets cannot have the same number/name. We would like to have the same sheet number on sheets used in different phases of the project. Like for instance we want the floor plan for the first floor to be named ”A-40-P-010” but we want different versions of the sheet to be used during different phases of the project.

I'm not sure my question makes sense since I don't really know how to translate the work process, but simply put: How do I create several sheets with the same name?

Is the way to go on about this to make a new project and link the model in to the new project and make sheets from there? Or is there better ways?


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Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:10:26 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.



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As you have found out, you can't have sheets with the same number, the same name is no problem.

I personally don't understand why you would want the confusion of having two sheets with the same number/name but that is your problem to deal with. I would simply add an additional letter in the sheet number.

Your seperate project with the linked model would be a solution for you.

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Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:20:06 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.



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BTW - I just wanted to add that any confusion your sheet numbering would create would be a real liability in a court case.

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Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:16:35 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.




Joined: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 8 Posts No Rating

Thank you for the reply. I guess I could probably be sounding a bit confusing since I don't really know the different standards in different countries. I am even quite new to swedish standards. [I've been working in the production side of construction for some time and recently changed my line of work to the architectural side, so I am a little outside my comfort zone overall. furtunately I have experienced coworkers but they are all inexperienced to revit.]

The Idea is that we produce 3 sets of sheets. One to apply for a building permit, one for the construction and one final set that shows how the building turned out in the end. Some of the sheets will be a part of all the sets. When working in the middle phase we would like to keep the sheets for the building permit as they were when we applied since we generally need to do revisions to them while working on the sheets for construction.

We also want to have consistent sheet numbering for all three sets without having to use "bad" sheet numbers for 2 of the sets because we used all the "good ones" for the buiding permit. I realize that we probably are thinking about this the wrong way, after all we are revit noobs =]

Maybe what were looking for could actually be done with good use of filters or phases.

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Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:24:59 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.



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Maybe I am not still really understanding but it sounds to me like you would just do this with sheet issued dates/revisions. You can also check a box in the sheet properties for what sheets you want to show up in a sheet index so if you want sheet A101 to show in the building permit issued set you would check it and if you send out for construction and do not want it you just uncheck the box. You are not going to be able to keep everything the same from the first issue to the next while still working on the "next issue", if you want to do that you will need to have multiple files [which I don't think is good or understand why you would do this]. We make a PDF set of every issue that we submit so that we can see what we submitted and what changed in the newer submittals.

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Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:30:46 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.



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We keep PDF records of out sheets at each submission - that is adequate here.

We did a multi-bid/phased project where foundations and structure were bid early. As a consequence, the model elements for those portions of the work changed as the build-out set progressed and had to be addressed as addendums to the work in those early bid phases. In that project, we added a bid-package letter to the sheet numbers.

All of the sheets were in the same project and were organized according to BP in the browser. Whenever we made a change in the model that affected an earlier release, we were able to cloud it immediately in the earlier sets. We then issued addendums as required. When the project was finished, all changes had been recorded in all Bid Packages.

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Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:11:31 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.




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thanks for all the input!

What you did with the BP project is excactly what we are doin with this project atm but since this is not really a big project [about 60 appartements or so] it feels like we are not doing things in the most efficient way.

I think most of our problems could be solved with a little smarter useage of view templates and filters. I will have to do some more investigation , then I'll probbably come back with some even more vague questions about this =]

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Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 8:38:43 AM | Multiple sheets with the same name.




Joined: Fri, Jul 5, 2013 38 Posts

Here in Norway we usually use the same drawing number, revision numbers, and archive drawings submissions in PDF. This is a very practical / consistent way of producing documentation for the moment - inherited from old CAD habits. It often happens that drawings for planning application [1:100] have a different scale than construction drawings [

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