Left standing nghĩa là gì


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a. Status with respect to rank, reputation, or position in society or a profession: obsessed with their low social standing.
b. High reputation; esteem: a person of standing in the community.
2. Continuance in time; duration: a friendship of long standing.
3. Law The right or capacity of a party to assert a particular cause of action in a court of law, based on such factors as whether the party is authorized by law to sue and has sufficient stake in the outcome to ensure that the case will be properly presented.
4. The act of one that stands: sore feet from standing for so long.
5. standings Sports A listing of individual competitors or of teams in a league according to their record of performance.
a. Remaining upright; erect.
b. Not cut down: standing timber.
2. Performed or done from a standing position: a standing jump; a standing ovation.
3. Permanent and unchanging; fixed.
4. Remaining in force or use indefinitely: a standing invitation.
5. Not movable; stationary.
6. Not flowing or circulating; stagnant.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. social or financial position, status, or reputation: a man of some standing.
2. length of existence, experience, etc
3. [modifier] used to stand in or on: standing room.
4. [Athletics [Track & Field]] athletics
a. [of the start of a race] begun from a standing position without the use of starting blocks
b. [of a jump, leap, etc] performed from a stationary position without a run-up
5. [prenominal] permanent, fixed, or lasting
6. [prenominal] still or stagnant: a standing pond.
7. [Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding] printing [of type] set and stored for future use. Compare dead17
Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈstæn dɪŋ]

1. rank or status, esp. with respect to social, economic, or personal position, reputation, etc.
2. good position, reputation, or credit.
3. length of continuance, residence, experience, etc.
4. standings, a list of teams or contestants arranged according to their past records.
5. a place where a person or thing stands.
6. the right to initiate or participate in a legal action.
7. having an erect or upright position: a standing lamp.
8. done in or from an erect position: a standing jump; a standing ovation.
9. still; not flowing or stagnant.
10. lasting or permanent.
11. continuing in force, use, etc.: a standing rule.
12. out of use; idle.
13. Naut. noting any of various objects or assemblages of objects fixed in place or position, unless moved for adjustment or repairs: standing bowsprit.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



  1. He was standing there with his arms at his sides like a wooden soldier Ann Beattie
  2. [Mrs. Snow was] standing framed in the doorway like a faded vestal virgin guarding a shrine Ross Macdonald
  3. Standing like a painted statue Iris Murdoch
  4. Stand like clockwork toys W. S. Gilbert
  5. Stands like the figurehead at a ships prow Stevie Smith

    A variation on the same theme: Stood, like a carving on the prow of a ship.

  6. Stood around like shadows Maya Angelou
  7. Stood as if thunderstruck Joseph Conrad
  8. Stood before us, huge and dark like a colossus Margaret Drabble
  9. Stood like a private before his colonel Frank Swinnerton
  10. Stood like lead Wallace Irwin
  11. Stood like stocks Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  12. Stood stiffly as a hanged man Leigh Allison Wilson
  13. Stood up and stretched like a sleepy cat Gloria Norris
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun1.standing - social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
status, position - the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
rating - standing or position on a scale
ranking - position on a scale in relation to others in a sport
prominence - the state of being prominent: widely known or eminent
grandness, importance - a prominent status; "a person of importance"
prestige, prestigiousness - a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.; "he wanted to achieve power and prestige"
obscurity - an obscure and unimportant standing; not well known; "he worked in obscurity for many years"
honour, laurels, honor - the state of being honored
dishonor, dishonour - a state of shame or disgrace; "he was resigned to a life of dishonor"
2.standing - an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors [individuals or teams] in a sporting event
list, listing - a database containing an ordered array of items [names or topics]
3.standing - the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position
movement, motility, motion, move - a change of position that does not entail a change of location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility"
Adj.1.standing - having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
erect, upright, vertical - upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; "erect flower stalks"; "for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"; "a column still vertical amid the ruins"; "he sat bolt upright"
2.standing - not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee"
lasting, permanent - continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place; "permanent secretary to the president"; "permanent address"; "literature of permanent value"
3.standing - [of fluids] not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water"
running - [of fluids] moving or issuing in a stream; "as mountain stream with freely running water"; "hovels without running water"
4.standing - executed in or initiated from a standing position; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation"
running - executed or initiated by running; "running plays worked better than pass plays"; "took a running jump"; "a running start"
5.standing - [of persons] on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"
seated, sitting - [of persons] having the torso erect and legs bent with the body supported on the buttocks; "the seated Madonna"; "the audience remained seated"
6.standing - permanent; "a standing army"
regular - [used of the military] belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. status, position, station, footing, condition, credit, rank, reputation, eminence, estimation, repute He has improved his country's standing abroad.
2. duration, existence, length of time, experience, continuance My girlfriend of long standing left me.
1. permanent, lasting, fixed, regular, repeated, perpetual a standing offer
2. upright, erect, vertical, rampant [Heraldry], perpendicular, upended standing stones
3. stagnant, still, sluggish, quiet, stale, motionless, brackish Mosquito larvae require standing water in which to complete their development.
Related words
fear stasiphobia
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Positioning of one individual vis-à-vis others:
footing, place, position, rank, situation, station, status.
2. The level of credit or respect at which one is regarded by others:
face, prestige, status.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
دائِم، مُسْتَمِرذو مكانَه رَفيعَهقَديم العَهْد، مُدَّة طويلَه
gennem lang tidomdømmerang
í metumvaranleiki
in piediposizione


1. [= not sitting] de pie, parado [LAm]; [= upright] [stone, corn] derecho, recto; [water] estancado, encharcado
2. [= permanent] [army, committee, rule etc] permanente; [custom] arraigado; [grievance, joke] constante, eterno
B. N
1. [= social position] rango m, estatus m inv; [= reputation] reputación f, fama f
what is his standing locally? ¿cómo se le considera en círculos locales?
financial standing solvencia f
to be in good standing tener buena reputación [Fin] gozar de buen crédito
of high standing de categoría
the restaurant has a high standing el restaurante tiene una buena reputación
he has no standing in this matter no tiene voz ni voto en este asunto
the relative standing of these problems la importancia relativa de estos problemas
social standing posición f social
a man of some standing un hombre de cierta categoría
2. [= duration] duración f; [= seniority] antigüedad f
of six months' standing que lleva seis meses
a captain of only a month's standing un capitán que lleva solamente un mes en el puesto or en tal graduación
of long standing de mucho tiempo [acá], viejo
3. [US] [Aut] "no standing" prohibido estacionar
C. CPD standing order N [Fin] giro m or pedido m regular [Comm] pedido m permanente, pedido m regular
standing orders NPL [of meeting] reglamento m, estatuto m
standing ovation N ovación f en pie
he got a standing ovation todos se pusieron en pie para ovacionarlo
standing room N sitio m para estar de pie
standing room only ya no quedan asientos
standing start N [Sport] salida f desde posición de paro
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[= permanent] [rule] permanent[e]; [grievance] constant[e]
Remember that you have a standing invitation to stay with us Souviens-toi que tu es hébergé chez nous quand tu veux.
a standing army une armée active
[= upright] debout inv
[= reputation]
an artist of international standing un artiste de classe internationale
He has improved his country's standing abroad Il a amélioré le statut de son pays à l'étranger.
She was an economist of considerable standing C'était une économiste prestigieuse.
a man of some standing un homme estimé
financial standing position f financière social standing
[= duration] of 6 months' standing qui dure depuis 6 mois
of many years' standing qui dure depuis longtemps, qui existe depuis longtempsstanding committee n commission f permanentestanding joke n prétexte m à rire
Her precision became a standing joke with colleagues Sa méticulosité devint prétexte à rire chez ses collègues.
It's a standing joke
BUT C'est un vieux sujet de plaisanterie.standing order n [at bank] virement m automatiquestanding ovation n ovation f debout
He was given a standing ovation
BUT On s'est levé pour l'acclamer. Il a reçu une ovation debout.standing room n places fpl deboutstand-off [ˈstændɒf] n [= stalemate] impasse fstand-offish [ˌstændˈɒfɪʃ] adj distant[e], froid[e]
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


[social] Rang m, [gesellschaftliche] Stellung; [professional] Position f; [financial] [finanzielle] Verhältnisse pl; [= repute] Ruf m, Ansehen nt; of high standing von hohem Rang; [= repute] von hohem Ansehen; a man of some standing ein angesehener Mann; what is his standing locally? was hält man in der Gegend von ihm?; to be in good standing with somebody gute Beziehungen zu jdm haben
[= duration] Dauer f; a treaty of only six months standing ein Vertrag, der erst seit sechs Monaten besteht; her husband of five years standing ihr Mann, mit dem sie seit fünf Jahren verheiratet ist; of long standing alt, langjährig; relationship, agreement etc also von langer Dauer
adj attr
[= established, permanent] ständig; rule, custom bestehend; army stehend; its a standing joke das ist schon zu einem Witz geworden; the standing orders of an association die Geschäftsordnung einer Gesellschaft
[= from a standstill] aus dem Stand; [= erect] corn auf dem Halm [stehend]; standing ticket Stehplatzkarte f; standing room only nur Stehplätze; to give somebody a standing ovation jdm eine stehende Ovation darbringen; to receive a standing ovation eine stehende Ovation erhalten, stürmischen Beifall ernten


standing charge
n Grundgebühr f, Grundpreis m
standing committee
n ständiger Ausschuss
standing order
n [Brit Fin] Dauerauftrag m; to pay something by standing etw per Dauerauftrag bezahlen
standing start
n [Sport] stehender Start; from a standing mit stehendem Start
standing stone
n Menhir m; circle of standings Steinkreis m
Collins German Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj
a. [passenger] in piedi; [upright, corn] non mietuto/a
he was given a standing ovation tutti si alzarono per applaudirlo
standing start partenza da fermo
standing waves [Phys] onde fpl stazionarie
b. [permanent, rule] fisso/a; [army] regolare; [grievance] continuo/a
it's a standing joke è diventato proverbiale
2. n
a. [social position] rango, condizione f, posizione f; [repute] reputazione f
financial standing standing m
a man of some standing un uomo di una certa importanza
what is his standing locally? che reputazione ha da queste parti?
b. [duration] of 6 months' standing che dura da 6 mesi
of long standing di lunga data
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


[stӕnd] past tense, past participle stood [stud] verb
1. to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying. His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing. staande يَقِف стоя прав estar de pé stát stehen stå; stå op στέκομαι seisma ايستادن seisoa être debout לַעֲמוֹד खड़ा रहना stajati, biti uspravan áll berdiri standa [stare in piedi] 立つ 서있다 stovėti stāvēt tegak staanståstaćestar de pé a sta în picioare стоять stáť stati stajati stå ยืน ayakta durmak 站立 стояти کھڑا ہونا đứng 站立
2. [often with up] to rise to the feet. He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand [up] when the National Anthem is played. staan يَقوم، يَقِف ставам pôr-se de pé vstát stehen rejse sig [op]; stå [op] στέκομαι, σηκώνομαι όρθιος püsti tõusma برخاستن nousta seisomaan se mettre debout לַקוּם खड़ा हो जाना, उठ खड़ा होना ustati feláll bangkit berdiri standa upp, rísa á fætur [stare in piedi], [alzarsi in piedi] 起立する [일어]서다 atsistoti piecelties [] berdiri opstaanreise seg wstawać, stać pôr-se de pé a se ridica în picioare вставать vstať vstati ustati stå [ställa sig] upp ลุกขึ้นยืน kalkmak 站起 вставати; стояти کھڑے ہونا đứng dậy 站起
3. to remain motionless. The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle. staan يَتَوَقَّف спирам се permanecer stát stehen holde στέκω ακίνητος seisma jääma قرار گرفتن seisoa rester לְהִישַאֵר לְלא תְּנוּעָה स्थिर होना stajati na mjestu, zaustaviti se áll tidak bergerak standa kyrr restare 止まっている 정지해 있다 stovėti stāvēt tidak bergerak staan stå stille stać permanecer a staţiona стоять stáť stati stajati u mestu stå stilla หยุดอยู่ hareketsiz durmak 停滯 стояти [на місці] بے حرکت ہونا có, đứng, ở 停滞
4. to remain unchanged. This law still stands. nog geldig يَبْقى سارِيا не се променям manter-se inalterado platit gelten gælde παραμένω, ισχύω ως έχω kehtima سر جاي خود باقي ماندن olla voimassa maintenir לְהִישַאֵר לְלא שִׁינוּי अपरिवर्तित रहना ostati nepromijenjen, vrijediti i dalje fennáll tidak berubah, masih berlaku halda gildi, standast [essere valido] 有効である 그대로다 galioti pastāvēt; būt spēkā tidak berubah geldenstå ved makt, gjelde pozostawać w mocy, obowiązywać manter-se em vigor a se menţine действовать platiť veljati važiti stå fast ยืนหยัด geçerli/yürürlükte olmak 保持不變 залишатися чинним کوءی تبدیلی نہ ہونا có giá trị, không thay đổi 保持不变
5. to be in or have a particular place. There is now a factory where our house once stood. was, wees يَقوم، يكونُ موجودا намирам се на дадено място encontrar-se stát stehen stå; ligge στέκω, είμαι τοποθετημένος asetsema در وضعي بودن sijaita s'élever לְהִימַצֵא स्थित होना biti smješten, nalaziti se fekszik [vmi], áll terletak standa trovarsi 位置する 위치하다 stovėti atrasties; būt novietotam ada staanstå, ligge, sittestaćencontrar-se a se ridica находиться stáť stati biti ligga, vara belägen ตั้งอยู่ที่ [belli bir yerde] olmak/bulunmak 在某處 бути розташованим کسی مخصوص جگہ پر ہونا đứng vững, bền 在某处,位于
6. to be in a particular state, condition or situation. As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially? staat, situasie يَبدو، يكونُ وَضْعُه стоя estar stát [si] liegen stå υφίσταμαι, είμαι σε κατάσταση [mingis] seisus olema درموقعيت خاصي بودن olla jossakin tilassa dans l'état oû, dans ces conditions לַעֲמוֹד कीमत रखना, महत्व रखना stajati, biti u određenom položaju áll keadaan standa trovarsi, essere, stare ~の状態である [어떤 상태로 있다] būti Kāds ir jūsu finansiālais stāvoklis? keadaan staanståstać, wyglądaćestar a fi întro anu­me stare/con­diţie обстоять stáť stati stajati förhålla sig, ligga till มีสภาพ olmak 處於某種狀態 перебувати в певному стані کسی خاص حالت میں ہونا chịu đựng, giữ vững 处于某种状态(或境地)
7. to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc. He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district. verkiesbaar stel يُرَشِّحُ نَفْسَه кандидатирам се candidatar-se být bewerben stille op θέτω υποψηφιότητα, αποδέχομαι μια θέση kandideerima داوطلب شدن olla ehdolla être candidat [à] לְהַצִיג מוּעֲמָדוּת पेश करना biti kandidat, kandidirati jelölteti magát menyediakan diri bjóða sig fram candidarsi 立候補する 입후보하다 sutikti būti, iškelti save kandidēt; balotēties bertanding zich kandidaat stellenstille som kandidat, stille segkandydowaćcandidatar-se a candida баллотироваться kandidovať kandidirati kandidovati se ställa upp สมัครรับเลือกตั้ง aday olmak 接受或使某人處於某個職位 виступати کوءی خاص عہدہ قبول کرنا یا سونپنا ra ứng cử 接受或使某人处于某种境地
8. to put in a particular position, especially upright. He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table. regop sit يوقِف поставям изправен colocar postavit stellen stille στήνω κτ., τοποθετώ [püsti] panema موضع خود را مشخص كردن asettaa poser לְהַעֲמִיד सीधा करना uspraviti, postaviti uspravno állít vhova mendirikan setja, stilla [upp/á] mettere 立てる [세워] 두다 pastatyti nolikt; nostādīt menegakkan zettensette, legge, stillestawiaćcolocar a aşeza în picioare ставить postaviť postaviti uspraviti ställa ตั้ง; วาง dikmek, koymak 豎放 поставити کسی خاص جگہ پر رکھنا đặt, để, dựng 竖放
9. to undergo or endure. He will stand [his] trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer. verdra يَتَحَمَّل търпя sofrer podřídit se; snášet ertragen blive stillet for retten; klare υφίσταμαι, ανέχομαι välja kannatama تحمل كردن käydä läpi, kestää supporter לַעֲמוֹד ל- मुकदमा का सामना करना podnositi, trpjeti elvisel menghadapi eiga lögsókn yfir höfði sér, þola sopportare 我慢する 견디다 stoti prieš [teismą], pakęsti, iškęsti izturēt; paciest menjalani verdragenunderkaste seg, stå for retten; utstå, tåle, orkewytrzymywać sofrer a suporta подвергаться; выносить stáť; zniesť prestati; prenašati podneti undergå, stå [inför rätta], tåla อดทน tahammül etmek, uğramak, çekmek 忍受 витримувати; зазнавати برداشت کرنا trải qua, chịu đựng 忍受
10. to pay for [a meal etc] for [a person]. Let me stand you a drink! betaal يَدْفَع عَن черпя pagar zaplatit spendieren byde på κερνώ [kellelegi midagi] välja tegema مهمان كردن tarjota offrir לְשָלֵם עָבוּר किसी के बदले कीमत चुकाना častiti koga čime, platiti što fizet menraktir borga fyrir, bjóða upp á offrire おごる [식사 등의] 비용을 부답하다 pavaišinti izmaksāt belanja trakteren opspandere, rive istawiać pagar угощать zaplatiť dati za platiti bjuda på จ่าย ısmarlamak, ikram etmek 付帳 пригощати, частувати خرچ برداشت کرنا thết, đãi 付帐
1. a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc. The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right. gereedheid, vegposisie وَقْفَه، مَوْضِع позиция posição stanoviště; bojovné stanovisko der Platz plads; stå frem [med] θέση positsioon, asend استقامت asento posteעמדה खड़ा होना položaj, stav állásfoglalás posisi melawan staða posto, posizione 抵抗 저항 vieta, pozicija, požiūris postenis; pozīcija; vieta bersedia stellingstilling; det å stå fram/markere seg stanowiskoposição post место; позиция; точка зрения stanovisko; postoj položaj stav posto, ställning, ståndpunkt จุดยืน duruş (戰鬥)陣地 пост قاءم vị trí đứng, sự đứng yên (战斗)立场
2. an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something. a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning. stander حامِل، مِشْجَب подпора suporte stojan der Ständer stativ; -stativ; stand στήριγμα, βάση alus, tugi موضوع jalusta, teline supportכן धानी stalak, polica állvány standar statíf, standur stand, supporto대[臺] stovas, pjedestalas statīvs; statnis; pjedestāls tempat menggantung sesuatu standerstativstojak, podstawa suporte up­ort стоика; вешалка; стенд stojan stojalo postolje ställ, ställning ขาตั้งสำหรับวางสิ่งต่าง ๆ ... sehpası, ayak, taban, kaide 架(子) стійка; підставка کوءی چیز رکھنے کی جگہ giá, bệ , khung 架(子)
3. a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement. stalletjie كُشْك بَضائِع أو صُحُف сергия banca stánek der Stand stand πάγκος, περίπτερο kiosk غرفه koju étalageדוכן मंच štand, prodavaonica stand stand sölubás bancarella 売店 매장 stendas, vitrina stends tempat pameran jualan standsalgsbod, standstoisko, wystawaquiosque stand прилавок stánok stojnica štand stånd, kiosk แผงลอย stand, tezgâh (展示、銷售)攤 кіоск; прилавок چبوترہ gian hàng, quán (展示、销售)摊
4. a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators. The stand was crowded. pawiljoen مُدَرَّج المُتَفَرِّجين трибуна arquibancada tribuna die Tribüne tilskuerplads εξέδρα tribüün جايگاه تماشاگران katsomo tribuneיציע दर्शक दीर्घा tribina lelátó tribune áhorfendapallur tribuna スタンド 관람석 tribūna tribīne tempat duduk penonton tribunetribune trybuna arquibancada tribună трибуна tribúna tribuna tribina åskådarläktare อัฒจันทร์ tribün 看臺 трибуна فٹ بال یا گھڑ دوڑ کے میدان سے لگی ہوءی بڑی عمارت khán đài 看台
5. [American] a witness box in a law court. getuiebank كُشْك الشّاهِد في المَحْكَمَه свидетелско място banco de testemunha svědecká lavice der Zeugenstand vidneskranke έδρανο εξεταζόμενου μάρτυρα tunnistajapult جايگاه شهود todistajanaitio barre דוּכָן עֵדִים कटघरा mjesto za svjedoka tanúk padja kotak saksi vitnastúka [banco dei testimoni] 証人席 증인석 liudytojo vieta liecinieka vieta [tiesā] kandang saksi getuigenbank vitneboks miejsce dla świadka barra das testemunhas boxă место для дачи свидетельских показаний svedecká lavica prostor za priče boks za svedoka vittnesbås แท่นสำหรับพยานยืนในศาล tanık yeri (美)法院的證人席 місце свідка в суді عدالت میں گواہ کا کٹہرا ghế nhân chứng trong tòa án (美)法院的证人席
take the stand
to come and sit in the witness box in order to testify. The witness was asked to take the stand. in die getuiebank staan يَقِف في كُشْك الشّاهِد заемам свидетелско място testemunhar zaujmout místo ve svědecké lavici eine Aussage vor Gericht machen tage plads i vidneskranken og afgive forklaring παίρνω τη θέση του μάρτυρα στο δικαστήριο tunnistama, tunnistajapinki minema قرار گرفتن در جايگاه شهود astua todistajanaitioon venir à la barre לַעֲמוֹד בְּדוּכָן הַעֵדִים कटघरा में खड़ा होना zauzeti mjesto za svjedoka radi svjedočenja [sud] tanúvallomást tesz bersaksi [presentarsi al banco dei testimoni] 証人台に立つ 증인대에 서다 stoti teisme liudytoju ieņemt liecinieka vietu tiesā ke kandang saksi in de getuigenbank gaan staan, getuigenis afleggen møte og avgi forklaring i vitneboksen zająć miejsce dla świadków давать показания zaujať miesto v lavici svedkov pričati [na sodišču] svedočiti avlägga vittnesmål นั่งในตำแหน่งพยานของศาล tanıklık yapmak 出庭作證 свідчити в суді گواہی دینے کے لیے کٹہرے میں آنا tuyên bố quan điểm, ý kiến của mình 出庭作证
ˈstanding adjective
permanent. The general's standing orders must be obeyed. permanent, staande دائِم، مُسْتَمِر неизменен permanente trvalý ständig stående μόνιμος, πάγιος püsiv, alaline هميشگي pysyvä établiקבוע स्थायी stalan, trajan állandó permanen varanlegur; sem gildir þangað til annað er ákveðið stabilito, permanente 永続的な 영속적인, 유효한 nuolatinis pastāvīgs; parasts ketetapan permanentstående stale obowiązujący permanente permanent постоянный trvalý trajen stalan stående, ständig ถาวร sürekli 永久的 постійний; установлений مستقل thường trực, vĩnh cửu 永久的
1. time of lasting. an agreement of long standing. duurte قَديم العَهْد، مُدَّة طويلَه продължителност duração trvání die Dauer gennem lang tid διάρκεια kestus اعتبار kesto duréeמשך זמן अवधि trajanje tartam; régi waktu lama varanleiki durata 継続 지속 trukmė ilgums waktu lama duurmangeårig, vedvarendeczas trwaniaduração durată продолжительность trvajúci dlho trajanje trajanje varaktighet ระยะเวลา süre, ...-lik 期間 тривалість دیر پا sự lâu dài, khoảng thời gian 期间
2. rank or reputation. a diplomat of high standing. reputasie ذو مكانَه رَفيعَه реноме prestígio postavení der Stand rang; omdømme θέση, βαθμίδα, υπόληψη järk, tähtsus شهرت asema importanceמעמד पद या पदवी položaj, ugled rang peringkat í [miklum] metum posizione, condizione 地位 명망 rangas, padėtis rangs; stāvoklis reputasi ranghøy stilling; godt omdømmepozycjaprestígio importanţă ранг; положение postavenie ugled rang ställning, status ชื่อเสียง rütbe, saygınlık 地位,名望 посада; становище عہدہ danh tiếng, địa vị 地位,名望
ˈstand-by plural ˈstand-bys noun
1. readiness for action. Two fire-engines went directly to the fire, and a third was on stand-by [= ready to go if ordered]. in/op gereedheid في حالَة اسْتِعْداد в готовност prontidão pohotovost die Reserve i venteposition; på standby σε ετοιμότητα, σε επιφυλακή valmisolek آماده عمل valmiustila d'intervention לִהיוֹת בּכּוֹננוּת आपातोपयोगी spremnost, stanje pripravnosti készenlétben kesiagaan sem er ávallt til reiðu riserva 待機 대기 parengtis rezerve bersedia reserve det å være parat gotowość reserva stand by готовность pohotovosť pripravljenost rezerva beredskap การเตรียมพร้อม harekete hazır olma 備用設備 положення бойової готовності موجود ہونا sẵn sàng tuân lệnh, trực chiến 备用设备
2. something that can be used in an emergency etc. Fruit is a good stand-by when children get hungry between meals. vervanging, noodvoorraad شَيئٌ لِحالَة الطَّوارئ резерва recurso rezerva der Ersatz reserve λύση ανάγκης hädaabi, tagavara ذخيره hätävara d'appointכוננות घनिष्ट साथी, आपत्ति pomoć, oslonac tartalék cadangan viðbót; snarl ripiego 代わり 비상용 atsarginis dalykas, iðsigelbëjimas, iðeitis rezerve; aizvietotājs; atbalsts bersedia reservereserverezerwa, ratunek recurso suplinitor испытанное средство rezerva pomoč rezerva reserv, ersättning สิ่งที่ใช้ได้ในยามฉุกเฉิน acil durumda kullanılan şey 備用品 вихід; резерв کوءی چیز جو ضرورت پڑنے پر استعمال کی جا سکے vật sẵn sàng thay thế trong trường hợp khẩn cấp 备用品
[of an airline passenger or ticket] costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat. op gereedheid قَليل التَّكْلِفَه чартърен lista de espera náhradní stand-by standby; standby- που ανήκει σε λίστα αναμονής [για εισιτήριο] vabaks jäänud piletiga, ootelehel در ليست انتظار peruutus- sans garantie סְטֶנד-בַּי प्रतीक्षार्थी jeftiniji, povoljniji [karta bez rezervacije mjesta uz čekanje prvog slobodnog mjesta] helyre váró [utas] tanpa garansi hopp [hoppfarþegi/-miði] [in lista di attesa] キャンセル待ちの [항공기] 공석 대기의 nerezervuojantis, nerezervuotas bez biļetes rezervēšanas tanpa jaminan stand-bysjansebillett bez rezerwacji lista de espera fără garanţie по сниженной цене náhradný na čakalnem seznamu koji čeka na upražnjeno mesto standby- ซึ่งเป็นที่นั่งสำรอง yedekteki yolcu (飛機)候補票(票) резервний, запасний ہواءی جہاز وغیرہ کے اصل کراءے سے کم قیمت ادا کرنا dự phòng, dự trữ (飞机)廉价候座(票)
travelling in this way. It costs a lot less to travel stand-by. op gereedheid مُسافِر اللحْظَةِ الأخيرَه، مُسافِر إحْتِياطي чартър em lista de espera jako náhradník stand-by standby ταξιδεύοντας με λίστα αναμονής vabaks jäänud piletiga, lantides در ليست انتظار بودن peruutuslipulla sans garantie לְטַיֵיל בְּסְטֶנד-בַּי इस प्रकार से यात्रा करना putovati bez rezervacije, povoljnije helyre váró utasként utazik tanpa garansi á hoppmiða [in lista di attesa] キャンセル待ちで 공석 대기표 여행으로 nerezervavus nerezervējot biļeti tanpa jaminan stand-by med/på sjansebillett bez rezerwacji em lista de espera fără garanţie по сниженной цене ako náhradník potovati v aranžmaju stand-by putovati kao rezervni putnik med [på] standbybiljett ท่องเที่ยวในทางนี้ yedek 候補票(票)旅行 у резерві اس طریقے سے سفر کرنا dự phòng, dự trữ 购买廉价候座(票)旅行
ˈstand-in noun
a person who takes someone else's job etc for a temporary period, especially in making films. tydelike persoon بَديل، إحْتِياطي дубльор substituto dubl, dvojník das Double stand-in αντικαταστάτης asendaja, dublant جانشين sijainen remplaçant, ante, doublureמחליף स्थापन्न होना zamjenik, dubler dublőr pengganti staðgengill sostituto, supplente 代役 대역 dubleris dublieris; aizvietotājs pengganti vervangerreserve, stedfortrederzastępca, zastępstwosubstituto suplinitor, înlocuitor дублер; замена dvojník namestnik zamena stand-in, ersättare ผู้ทำหน้าที่แทน vekil, yardımcı 替身 заміна; дублер حصہ دار ہونا người đóng vai phụ, người đóng thế 替身
ˈstanding-room noun
space for standing only, not sitting. There was standing-room only on the bus. staanruimte مَكان للوُقوف فَقَط място з аправостоящи lugar de pé místo k stání der Stehplatz ståplads χώρος για όρθιους seisukoht مكان براي ايستادن seisomapaikka place debout מָקוֹם עֲמִידָה खड़ा होने की जगह prostor za stajanje, stajaće mjesto állóhely tempat berdiri stæði [posti in piedi] 立見席 입석 stovimos vietos stāvvieta tempat berdiri staanplaatsen ståplass miejsca stojące lugar de pé locuri în picioare стоячее место miesto na státie stojišče mesto za stajanje plats att stå, ståplats ที่ว่างสำหรับยืน durma yeri 站座 стояче місце کھڑے ہونے کی جگہ chỗ đứng 站座
make someone's hair stand on end
to frighten someone very greatly. The horrible scream made his hair stand on end. regop staan يوقِفُ شَعْر الرأس изправя ми се косата deixar alguém com os cabelos em pé vyděsit die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen få håret til at rejse sig τρομάζω κπ. hirmu nahka ajama, juukseid püsti ajama شديدا ترساندن nostattaa hiukset pystyyn faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête לְהַפחִיד बहुत डरा देना izazvati jezu, užas égnek áll vmitől vki haja menakutkan fá hárin [á e-m] til að rísa [far rizzare i capelli a qualcuno] ふるえ上らせる [~을] 소름 끼치게 하다 išgąsdinti taip, kad plaukai piestu atsistotų likt matiem sacelties stāvus meremang bulu roma iemands haren te berge doen rijzen få håret til å reise seg sprawić, że komuś włosy stają dęba pôr os cabelos em pé a alguém a i se face părul măciucă у кого-л. волосы встали дыбом vydesiť hudo prestrašiti prestrašiti få håret att resa sig på ngn ทำให้ตกใจที่ได้เห็น ได้ยิน หรือลิ้มรส tüylerini ürpertmek 毛骨悚然 [у когось] волосся дибки стає کسی کو بہت خوف زدہ کرنا làm ai hoảng sợ phát khiếp 毛骨悚然
stand aside
to move to one side or withdraw out of someone's way. He stood aside to let me pass. opsy staan يَقِفُ جانِبا заставам настрани afastar-se ustoupit stranou beiseite treten træde til side παραμερίζω kõrvale astuma كنار ايستادن siirtyä sivuun s'écarter לַעֲמוֹד מִן הַצַד नाम वापस लेना stajati po strani, stupiti na stranu félreáll menyingkir færa sig til hliðar/frá, hleypa e-m framhjá scansarsi わきへ寄る 옆으로 비켜서다 pasitraukti į šalį paiet sāņus; dot ceļu menyingkir opzij gaantre til sideodsunąć sięafastar-se a se da în lături/la o parte посторониться ustúpiť nabok umakniti se stati sa strane gå undan, ta ett steg åt sidan หลบเข้าข้าง kenara çekilmek 讓開 сторонитися راستے سے ہٹنا nhường chỗ, đứng qua một bên 让开
stand back
to move backwards or away. A crowd gathered round the injured man, but a policeman ordered everyone to stand back. terugstaan يَرْجِع إلى الوراء отдръпвам [се] recuar ustoupit zurücktreten trække tilbage κάνω πίσω taganema عقب تر ايستادن siirtyä kauemmas reculer לָזוּז אָחוֹרָה पीछे हटना, कुछ दूरी पर स्थित होना stupiti natrag, ustuknuti hátrább húzódik mundur færa sig frá indietreggiare 退がる 뒤로 물러나다 pasitraukti atvirzīties; atkāpties berundur achteruit gaan trekke tilbake/ut av veien cofnąć recuar a se da înapoi отойти ustúpiť umakniti se povući se ge plats, flytta sig bakåt ถอยกลับไป geri çekilmek/durmak 退後,退讓 відступати, триматися ззаду پیچھے ہٹنا یا دور جانا lùi lại 退后,退让
stand by
1. to watch something happening without doing anything. I couldn't just stand by while he was hitting the child. wag en kyk يَقِفُ مكتوف اليَدَيْن، يَقْفُ مُتًفَرِّجا не предприемам нищо ficar de fora nečinně stát daneben stehen stå og se til παρακολουθώ αμέτοχος kõrvalt vaatama نظاره گر بودن katsoa sivusta rester là [à ne rien faire] לַעֲמוֹד מִן הַצַד उपस्थित होना stajati i promatrati, ne miješati se tétlenül néz menonton vera óvirkur áhorfandi [stare a guardare] 傍観する 방관하다 pasyviai stebėti pasīvi vērot memerhatikan staan kijken stå og se på stać bezczynnie ficar de fora a rămâne pasiv быть безучастным nečinne stáť [mirno] gledati stajati sa strane bara stå och se på เฝ้าดู öylece durup seyretmek 袖手旁觀 бути байдужим глядачем کسی چیز کو ہوتے ہوءے دیکھنا đứng nhìn mà không làm gì 袖手旁观
2. to be ready to act. The police are standing by in case of trouble. gereed wees يَقِفُ مُسْتَعِدا стоя в готовност estar de prontidão stát v pohotovosti bereitstehen være parat είμαι σε επιφυλακή [tegevus]valmis olema به حالت آماده باش بودن olla toimintavalmiina se tenir prêt à intervenir לִהיוֹת בְּכוֹננוּת प्रतीक्षा करना biti spreman készen[létben] áll siap siaga vera viðbúinn [essere presente], [essere sul luogo] 待機する 대기하다 būti pasirengusiam būt klāt; būt gatavībā bersedia gereed staan holde seg parat być w pogotowiu manter-se alerta a fi gata să intervină стоять наготове stáť v pohotovosti biti v pripravljenosti biti u pripravnosti vara beredd, ligga i beredskap เตรียมพร้อม hazır beklemek 準備行動 бути напоготові عمل کے لیے تیار رہنا thực hiện, thi hành 准备行动
3. to support; to stay loyal to. She stood by him throughout his trial. lojaal bly يَدْعَم، يَبْقى مُخْلِصا поддържам apoiar stát při zur Seite stehen stå ved nogens side παραστέκομαι, μένω αφοσιωμένος σε κπ. toeks olema وفادار بودن tukea soutenir לתמוך ב- का समर्थन करना pomagati kome, podržavati mellette áll vkinek mendukung standa með appoggiare, sostenere 支持する 지지하다 palaikyti, remti būt blakus; atbalstīt; palikt uzticīgam menyokong bijstaanstå vedwspieraćapoiar a susţine поддерживать stáť pri stati ob strani podržati stödja สนับสนุน desteklemek 支持 допомагати, підтримувати مدد کرنا bênh vực, ủng hộ 支持
stand down
to withdraw eg from a contest. onttrek يَنْسَحِبُ من المُسابَقَه отказвам се retirar-se [de] odstoupit zurücktreten vige pladsen; trække sig αποσύρομαι από διαγωνισμό loobuma كناره گيري كردن vetäytyä se désister לְהַסִיר מוֹעֲמָדוּת प्रतियोगिता से हट जाना povući se, odstupiti visszalép mengundurkan diri draga sig til baka ritirarsi 辞退する 물러나다 nebedalyvauti, išeiti iš žaidimo atsaukt savu kandidatūru; izstāties [no sacensības] menarik diri zich terugtrekkentrekke seg, vike plassen wycofywać się retirar-se a de­misiona уступать, освобождать место odstúpiť odstopiti povući se dra sig ur, träda tillbaka ถอนตัว çekilmek, istifa etmek 退出,下台,離席(法律) виходити علیٰحدہ ہونا rút lui 退出,引退,撤离
stand fast/firm
to refuse to yield. vasstaan يَقِفُ ثابِتا، يَرْفُضُ التَّنازُل أو الإسْتِسْلام не отстъпвам manter-se firme držet se dobře hart bleiben stå fast δεν υποχωρώ, κρατώ γερά kindlaks jääma به مرخصي رفتن pysyä kovana tenir bon/ferme לְסַרֵב לַעֲצוֹר झुकने से इनकार करना izdržati, ne popustiti szilárd marad pantang menyerah neita að gefa eftir , resistere がんばる 흔들리지 않다 laikytis, nepasiduoti nepadoties; neatkāpties berdiri teguh voet bij stuk houden stå fast vedtrzymać się, nie poddawać się manter-se firme a rămâne pe poziţie не уступать, стоять на своём neustúpiť dobro se držati istrajati stå fast ไม่ยอมแพ้ pes etmemek 堅貞不屈 не відступати ثابت قدم رہنا đứng vững 坚贞不屈
stand for
1. to be a candidate for election to. He stood for Parliament. verkiesbaar stel يُرَشِّحُ نَفْسَه للإنتِخابات кандидатирам се candidatar-se kandidovat kandidieren stille op βάζω υποψηφιότητα σε εκλογές kandideerima كانديدا شدن olla ehdolla être candidat/-ate [à, pour] לִהיוֹת מוֹעֲמַד उम्मीदवार बनना biti kandidat, kandidirati se pályázik [vmire]; jelölteti magát menjadi calon bjóða sig fram candidarsi per 立候補する 입후보하다 būti renkamam/kandidatu kandidēt; balotēties calon kandidaat staan voor stille til valg kandydować do candidatar-se a fi candidat [la/ pentru] баллотироваться kandidovať kandidirati kandidovati se ställa upp som kandidat till, kandidera till สมัครรับเลือกตั้ง aday olmak 候選人 бути кандидатом الیکشن کے لیے کھڑے ہونا ủng hộ cái gì 做候选人
2. to be an abbreviation for. HQ stands for Headquarters. beteken يَرْمُز означавам significar znamenat bedeuten stå for συμβολίζω, σημαίνω olema [millegi] lühend مخفف چيزي بودن olla lyhenne jstk vouloir dire לִהיוֹת קִיצוּר שֶׁל संक्षिप्त रूप होना biti skraćenica za azt jelenti, hogy ... berarti tákna significare, stare per ~の略である [~]의 약자가 되다 būti trumpiniu nozīmēt; apzīmēt memberi maksud betekenenstå for, være forkortelse for być skrótem od significar a fi simbolul быть сокращением znamenať pomeniti biti skraćenica za stå för ย่อมาจาก ...-in kısa biçimi olmak 是...的簡寫 символізувати, означати کسی چیز کا مخفف ہونا là chữ viết tắt của cái gì 是...的简写
3. to represent. I like to think that our school stands for all that is best in education. verteenwoordig يُمَثِّلُ представлявам representar reprezentovat stehen für stå for αντιπροσωπύω esindama پاي بند بودن edustaa représenter לְייַצֵג का प्रतिनिधित्व करना predstavljati képvisel [vmit] mewakili vera merkisberi rappresentare ~を表わす 표상한다 rodyti, atspindėti pārstāvēt; atspoguļot mewakili staan voorstå for, symboliserereprezentowaćrepresentar a repre­zenta символизировать reprezentovať predstavljati predstavljati stå för, representera เป็นตัวแทน temsil etmek 代表 підтримувати, стояти за نماءندگی کرنا đại diện cho cái gì 代表
4. to tolerate. I won't stand for this sort of behaviour. toelaat يَتَحَمَّل търпя tolerar trpět, tolerovat sich gefallen lassen ikke finde sig i ανέχομαι taluma تحمل كردن sietää tolérer לִסבּוֹל को बरदाश्त करना tolerirati, pristati tolerál, tűr tahan þola tollerare ~を許す 묵인하다 pakęsti paciest; samierināties bertoleransi duldenfinne seg i zgadzać się na tolerar a tolera терпеть tolerovať dopuščati tolerisati tåla, finna sig i ทน katlanmak, tahammül etmek 允許 терпіти, зносити برداشت کرنا tha thứ 允许
stand in
to take another person's place, job etc for a time. The leading actor was ill and another actor stood in for him. instaan يُبَدِّل مؤقَّتا замествам substituir zastoupit einspringen være stand-in αντικαθιστώ asendama جاي كسي را گرفتن sijaistaa remplacer לְהַחֲלִיף का स्थान लेना zamijeniti beugrik menggantikan hlaupa í skarðið fyrir sostituire 代役をする 대역하다 pakeisti aizstāt; aizvietot menggantikan vervangenvære reserve, overta en rolle på kort varsel zastępować substituir a înlocui, a ţine locul заменять zastúpiť vskočiti kot nadomestilo biti zamena vara stand-in, vikariera ทำหน้าที่แทน ...-in yerini almak 代替者,替身 підміняти; бути дублером کچھ دیر کے لیے کسی دوسرے کی جگہ لینا đại diện cho 代替者,替身
stand on one's own [two] feet
to manage one's own affairs without help. eie sake sélf reël يَقِفُ على رِجْلَيْه، يُدَبِّر أمورَه لوَحْدِه справям се сам andar com suas próprias pernas stát na vlastních nohách auf eigenen Füßen stehen klare sig selv τα βγάζω πέρα μόνος μου omapäi toime tulema روي پاي خود ايستادن seistä omilla jaloillaan voler de ses propres ailes לַעֲמוֹד עַל שְׁתֵי הַרַגלָייִם आत्मनिर्भर होना stajati na vlasititim nogama, biti neovisan megáll a saját lábán mandiri standa á eigin fótum [essere indipendente] 独立する 독립하다 pačiam susitvarkyti būt patstāvīgam; stāvēt uz savām kājām berdikari zelfstandig zijn stå på egne bein stać na własnych nogach ser independente a fi pe propriile picioare быть самостоятельным stáť na vlastných nohách stati na lastnih nogah biti samostalan ยืนด้วยลำแช้งตัวเอง; ทำได้ด้วยตัวเองโดยไม่ขอความช่วยเหลือจากคนอื่น kendi ayakları üzerinde durmak 獨立自主 стати на ноги کسی کی مدد کے بغیر اپنے معاملات حل کرنا tự đứng trên đôi chân của mình 自力,自理
stand out
1. to be noticeable. She stood out as one of the prettiest girls in the school. opvallendste يَبْرُز، يَظْهَر отличавам се destacar-se vynikat herausragen skille sig ud ξεχωρίζω silma paistma ممتاز بودن erottua ressortir לִבלוֹט स्पष्ट दिखाई देना isticati se kimagaslik menonjol vera áberandi spiccare, emergere 目立つ 뛰어나다 išsiskirti izcelties menonjol opvallenskille seg ut fra, være noe for seg selv wyróżniać się destacar-se a se detaşa выделяться vynikať izstopati isticati se utmärka sig เป็นที่สังเกต; เด่น göze çarpmak, sivrilmek 出色 виділятися, вирізнятися قابل توجہ ہونا nổi bật lên 出色
2. to go on resisting or to refuse to yield. The garrison stood out [against the besieging army] as long as possible. weier om op te gee يُقاوِم، يَرْفُض الإسْتِسْلام удържам resistir držet se aushalten holde ud αντιστέκομαι, αρνούμαι να υποχωρήσω vastu panema به مرخصي رفتن vastustaa tenir bon/ferme להחזיק מעמד मुकाबला करना izdržati do kraja, ustrajati ellenáll bertahan halda út resistere 屈しない 타협하지 않다 priešintis turēties pretī; nepadoties bertahan volhoudenholde ut stawiać opór resistir a rezista держаться, не уступать držať sa kljubovati istrajati hålla stånd ต่อต้าน direnmek 堅持抵抗,拒絕投降 не здаватися, триматися مزاحم ہونا chống lại, kiên trì chống cự 坚持抵抗,拒绝投降
stand over
to supervise closely. I have to stand over him to make him do his schoolwork. dophou, toesig hou يُراقِب عن قُرْب наблюдавам vigiar de perto dohlížet beaufsichtigen stå over επιτηρώ, επιβλέπω [kellelgi] silma peal hoidma بر كار كسي نظارت كردن valvoa surveiller לְהַשגִיחַ कड़ाई से निगरानी करना nadgledati ellenőriz [vkit] mengawasi hafa umsjón með controllare 監督する 감시하다 saugoti, prižiūrėti kontrolēt; pārraudzīt; sekot memerhatikan toezicht houden opovervåke, stå overpilnować, stać nad vigiar de perto a supra­veghea îndeaproape стоять над душой dozerať gledati pod prste kontrolisati hålla efter ตรวจตรา gözünden ayırmamak, başında durmak 監督 контролювати نگرانی کرنا quản lí chặt chẽ 监督
stand up for
to support or defend. She stood up for him when the others bullied him. ondersteun يُدافِع عَن، يُؤَيِّد защитавам defender stát za eintreten für forsvare υπερασπίζομαι [kellegi] kaitseks välja astuma مورد حمايت قرار دادن puolustaa prendre le parti de לְהַגֵן का पक्ष लेना, का समर्थन करना pristajati uza što, zauzeti se za támogat vkit membela styðja, verja sostenere, ~を守る 지지하다 palaikyti, remti atbalstīt; aizstāvēt mempertahankan opkomen voorstøtte, stille opp for stawać w obronie defender a lua partea отстаивать stáť za potegniti se za braniti försvara, hålla på สนับสนุน; ปกป้อง savunmak, tarafını tutmak 支持 захищати, відстоювати تاءید کرنا یا دفاع کرنا về phe với, ủng hộ 支持
stand up to
to show resistance to. He stood up to the bigger boys who tried to bully him; These chairs have stood up to very hard use. weerstand bied يُقاوِم، يُواجِه، يُدافِع عن حُقوقِه опълчвам се resistir vzdorovat sich widersetzen modstå; klare ορθώνω το ανάστημά μου, αντιστέκομαι vastu hakkama, vastu pidama جلوي كسي در آمدن nousta vastarintaan, sietää tenir tête à לַעֲמוֹד בִּפנֵי सहना, डट कर सामाना करना hrabro stati nasuprot ellenáll [vkinek, vminek] melawan bjóða [e-m] birginn resistere 抵抗する [~에] 용감히 맞서다 atsilaikyti prieš pretoties; izturēt bertahan doorstaan klare seg bra mot/under przeciwstawiać się, wytrzymywać resistir a re­zista la противостоять; выдерживать vzdorovať kljubovati odoleti sätta sig upp mot, stå emot โต้แย้ง direnmek, karşı koymak 勇敢地面對,抵抗 сміливо зустрічати مزاحمت کرنا dũng cảm đương đầu với 勇敢地面对,抵抗
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. [position] de pie; [pending] vigente;
___ orders órdenes o reglamento vigente.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj de pie, parado; order orden f permanente
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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