Java ArrayList to array

In this post we have shared two methods of converting an ArrayList to String array.

Method 1: Manual way of conversion using ArrayList get[] method

This is a manual way of copying all theArrayListelements to the String Array[]. In this example we have copied the whole list to array in three steps a] First we obtained the ArrayList size using size[] method b] Fetched each element of the list using get[] method and finally c] Assigned each element to corresponding array element using assignment = operator.

package; import java.util.*; public class ArrayListTOArray { public static void main[String[] args] { /*ArrayList declaration and initialization*/ ArrayList arrlist= new ArrayList[]; arrlist.add["String1"]; arrlist.add["String2"]; arrlist.add["String3"]; arrlist.add["String4"]; /*ArrayList to Array Conversion */ String array[] = new String[arrlist.size[]]; for[int j =0;j

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