Remote Desktop CPU usage

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Hi everyone,

We have this XP PC that we need to rdp in from our Win 7 machines. The strange thing is whenever we rdp in, we noticed that the XP machine is very sluggish and the CPU usage almost maxed out at 100%. We only have Outlook 2010 running, and some vendor printing service monitoring running, and antivirus [McAfee].

When we access the XP locally, everything is back to normal. CPU usage is like 1 or 2 %.

So, it appeared the RDP process actually cause the client PC CPU usage to spike. Wonder if anyone else had faced similar issues? Any suggestion to solve it?

Thank you in advance!

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Apr 24, 2015 at 09:16 UTC

EBS Computer Services is an IT service provider.

SM Yeoh wrote:

When I checked the task manager, the main memory hog is the antivirus, followed by outlook

Not memory - CPU. I assume there's a process hogging 80/90% of the CPU - what is it?

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6 Replies

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Apr 24, 2015 at 08:40 UTC

EBS Computer Services is an IT service provider.

Which process exactly is using the CPU?

Is the box fully patched?

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SM Yeoh Apr 24, 2015 at 08:42 UTC

When I checked the task manager, the main memory hog is the antivirus, followed by outlook

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SM Yeoh Apr 24, 2015 at 08:44 UTC

It is fully patched

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Apr 24, 2015 at 09:16 UTC

EBS Computer Services is an IT service provider.

SM Yeoh wrote:

When I checked the task manager, the main memory hog is the antivirus, followed by outlook

Not memory - CPU. I assume there's a process hogging 80/90% of the CPU - what is it?

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Apr 24, 2015 at 17:37 UTC

By default RDP pushes a lot of things through like printers and stuff, you might have an issue there, try disabling the printer redirection as well as sounds

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SM Yeoh Apr 27, 2015 at 01:19 UTC

thank you Joe and Christian for your help. Funny thing is the issue has been happening for some time. Now that I finally got down to troubleshoot it, it suddenly went back to normal. I am not sure what happened either. Perhaps my colleague did something that I am not aware of as I am not the only user to that PC. Nevertheless, I will keep monitoring it and look out for the CPU hog as Joe suggested, and try to remove printer redirection [as I do notice printer redirection log in the remote client event log] if the problem happens again.


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