Why Asus laptops are bad

yes, I own an ASUS X83v and as for tech support I have not found them any worse than say microsoft, at least in my experience their tech support has one MAJOR benefit: their reps are trained enough to speak proper and understandable American english, not indian/pakistani english [no racism intended, but for us americans its just a really annoying hassle that we have to make an effort to communicate using our own language!]

I'm a big time hater of DELL due to at least one very major flaw: their internal design is MESSED UP, they use the stupidest, most populist approaches to internal airflow such as a dedicated air tunnel for CPUs which results in clothe-dryer like clogging in todays dirty atmosphere, and if u r a smoker or live in beijing, u will need very regular cleaning. also the color and quality of their LCD panels and their wal-mart like pricing speaks to their overall component and built quality.

u see, all of these companies contract other firms usually in china to produce these components for them and then they just assemble them with a couple of parts of their own brands most likely and sell it to us. so it matters

ASUS notebooks have very solid built and high quality components. also the internal design is quite practical. see, i'm a smoker and i smoke frequently around my notebook, just 9 months into ownership i opened the bottom panels for an internal clean up and i didnt even have to to worry about take anything out, as from the fans i could tell the smokedust issue is not too bad and i'm assuming this is due to their airflow channels/filters because in 9 months i have seen many computers get a lot more dust!

Since i purchased it back in early 09, their respectfulness @ customer dpt has increased according to my personal experience. i rated them 2/5 the very first time i talked to them, and i didnt talk to them until then ear 1 year anniversary point when thnx to windows vista being just a windows and things getting messed up with one mysteriously failed .net framework 3.5 setup, i had to do a full recovery and needed to ask them a few clarification questions before i popped in the DVD.

their software is also quite reliable unlike manufacturers like hp who are notorious for buggy and problematic drivers/software for various lines of products including notebooks and printers.

their recovery disk is essentially a bootable windows vista that does allow a clean install with your own customized partitioning set prior to setup and separately unlike other recovery disks that are very limited in what they allow u to do with, some only restoring to original factory settings or forcing u to use your own licensed products to go for an old school OS assembly!

They are also priced rather well for the performance, not too cheap and not ridiculously expensive, so far i have had no problems with the performance, except for usual laptop shortcomings such as high temperatures and of course not the same gaming fps as an equal-spec's desktop machine. but still 4 gb of ram and 1 gb of dedicated ddr3 for nvidia 9600m GS is not a bad combination for the $1100 total [incl. tax] i paid at best buy, throw in their 18 month no interest financing too and u got a customer who has long ago seen some amazing ASUS cd burners which are sadly not around anymore. after all asus is not perfect at making everything, but they used to have really really reliable cd burners in the good old days of 90s and early 2000s
Mine is x72d series. I paid 800$ and it is by far the worst machine I've ever had. I've heard nothing but good about ASUS, took trial and error to find out that they build the worst computers on the market. ine shuts off at random without displaying warnings beforehand or telling me afterward what went wrong, the language changes on the keyboard. The lighting changes, the sleep timer turns back on after I turn it off. Has a hard time connecting to the internet sometimes, key-lag, if that makes any sense, sometimes a key will lag out and I have to press it several times before it kicks it, notably the P, hot, constantly, even when it's running nothing, the list goes on and on, these are just a few things off the top of my head. I have a hard time not smashing this thing to pieces with all the trouble it has given me. I have a hard time believing that it's legal to sell something so horribly unfit for use to anyone. ASUS= Colossal piece of ***. I wouldn't recommend buying one in this series or even giving money to the company. It astounds me how some people can get it right the first time, then while trying to improve, *** up every last thing about that gave it value. This is the future of technology. The only good use for this piece of garbage would be to smash the CEO of Asus' goddamn head in until he computes just about as well as his electronic counterpart.
Mangleson :
Mine is x72d series. I paid 800$ and it is by far the worst machine I've ever had. I've heard nothing but good about ASUS, took trial and error to find out that they build the worst computers on the market. ine shuts off at random without displaying warnings beforehand or telling me afterward what went wrong, the language changes on the keyboard. The lighting changes, the sleep timer turns back on after I turn it off. Has a hard time connecting to the internet sometimes, key-lag, if that makes any sense, sometimes a key will lag out and I have to press it several times before it kicks it, notably the P, hot, constantly, even when it's running nothing, the list goes on and on, these are just a few things off the top of my head. I have a hard time not smashing this thing to pieces with all the trouble it has given me. I have a hard time believing that it's legal to sell something so horribly unfit for use to anyone. ASUS= Colossal piece of ***. I wouldn't recommend buying one in this series or even giving money to the company. It astounds me how some people can get it right the first time, then while trying to improve, *** up every last thing about that gave it value. This is the future of technology. The only good use for this piece of garbage would be to smash the CEO of Asus' goddamn head in until he computes just about as well as his electronic counterpart.

So wait, I'm confused. . you're saying you do or don't like ASUS??
Oprah Winnifried :
Mangleson :
Mine is x72d series. I paid 800$ and it is by far the worst machine I've ever had. I've heard nothing but good about ASUS, took trial and error to find out that they build the worst computers on the market. ine shuts off at random without displaying warnings beforehand or telling me afterward what went wrong, the language changes on the keyboard. The lighting changes, the sleep timer turns back on after I turn it off. Has a hard time connecting to the internet sometimes, key-lag, if that makes any sense, sometimes a key will lag out and I have to press it several times before it kicks it, notably the P, hot, constantly, even when it's running nothing, the list goes on and on, these are just a few things off the top of my head. I have a hard time not smashing this thing to pieces with all the trouble it has given me. I have a hard time believing that it's legal to sell something so horribly unfit for use to anyone. ASUS= Colossal piece of ***. I wouldn't recommend buying one in this series or even giving money to the company. It astounds me how some people can get it right the first time, then while trying to improve, *** up every last thing about that gave it value. This is the future of technology. The only good use for this piece of garbage would be to smash the CEO of Asus' goddamn head in until he computes just about as well as his electronic counterpart.

So wait, I'm confused. . you're saying you do or don't like ASUS??

It's a little bit obvious that he hates Asus.
Thanks guys for your answers I will buy a Asus.
My personal experience with Asus laptop is bad.

My Asus model is R500A-BB71-CB. I bought it on 30 July 2012 at a Canadian Bestbuy store for $700 plus tax. I used the laptop mostly for reading online news. Within a month after I bought it, the Asus laptop shut down itself for unknown reason. The laptop was NOT overheating at the time of self shutdown. This randomly self shutdown occurred once in about a few weeks. After a couple of randomly shutdowns, I did a computer recovery, which set the laptop to its factory original status. But the recovery did not solve the problem. Similar randomly shutdown incidents occurred again and again at the similar frequency [once in a few weeks]. On 18 November 2012 I took the Asus laptop to Bestbuy GeekSqud for repair. They replaced the hard disk of my laptop. But the Bestbuy's repair did not solve the problem. On Christmas eve of 2012, I sent the Asus laptop to Asus repair centre in Ontario. In a note issued to me by Asus repair centre [RMA No: CAF62C1687] stated: Problem HDD bad track. Asus Repair centre replaced the hard disk. But the problem remained the same. On 25 January 2013, I took the Asus laptop to Bestbuy GeekSquad for repair. The GeekSquad told me that they ran a test for 14 hours without finding any problem. I asked Bestbuy for a replacement of the whole unit. The Bestbuy did not agree. I had to take the bad Asus laptop home. Now, the Laptop shutdown itsself again in a similar manner.

I have been used computer almost daily since 1991. I own several laptop computers such as Acer, HP, Lenovo Thinkpad before I bought this Asus R500A. I read online reviews before buying this Asus laptop. There were many good reviews & praise on Asus laptop quality. My conclusion is many online "expert" reviews are not reliable. I will NOT try any Asus anymore. I was one time thinking of buying a Google's Nexus 7 tablet. But I finally did not buy the Google Nexus tablet once I learned that the tablet device hardware was manufactured by Asus. Asus might have good products, but I no longer trust Asus.
Hi-Have never posted a response to reviews before but felt compelled to do so now. I'm not going to delve into quality issues as many posts are unreliable, have agendas, plus folks usually post when unhappy. That said, I've owned many laptops and just bought my second Asus yesterday. They, in my experience, are superior builds with quality parts and mine have always run beautifully-far superior [and of course there are so many models from each manu. it's hard to make fair and valid comparisons] to my Dell, HP, and Toshiba I've owned.
I digress [and ramble]. Some of the reviews are older but I have to take issue with the complaints about customer service. CS is a big deal to me and often tips the scale in favor of one laptop over another. These folks are just superlative if you call them-I have no experience emailing them. I purchased no plan for support but they will, courteously, spend whatever time is necessary in order to help me with my questions.
Last week, fiddling with settings which I like to do but have no business doing so as my level of expertise is mediocre at best and totally screwed up the machine. I was playing with partitions and lost my MBR and recovery partitions. Back ups in 3 different forms were worthless and their techs spent 3 hours! on the phone with me at no charge. In the end, after trying countless possible resolutions the only answer was to take it in. All my fault. But I had some money to burn and bought a new Asus for around $750.00.
My point is is that I have NEVER received more help than I did from Asus. Thanks for bearing with me, alan
cfisherrktk :
I've had a Asus notebook for a couple years A3J if I remember right [my partner stole it from me :lol: ]. It's run flawlessly, so I haven't had to try out the warranty. Places like newegg will let you return it if it shows up doa. But tech support is basically a forum, and answers aren't quick in coming. Essentially, I buy another one, but I also am real comfortable trouble shooting my own rigs.

Another one to keep in mind is that it seems Asus is trying real hard to break into and maintain a strong presence in the notebook market... so my experiences a year ago may not even be issues anymore [support may be a bit more robust]. I trust Asus more than say HP, but less than Dell.

They are a good value, come in an attractive package [like remotes, decent carry bag, etc.], but aren't the top performers. I do like them though and would still recommend them.

Dell really sucks my brothers laptop messed up before he got any good use out of it and he bought it brand new. They nothing to help him replace his hard drive and even after geek squad helped him he still had it replaced again and currently has to do it again.
jennyonline :
I have had an Asus R500A for a year - and it's the first computer that has managed to require more time trying to get it to work than use it for the work I bought it for. I recently upgraded to windows 8.1 and it's pretty well useless - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and would gladly throw it away if I could afford to buy another laptop.

I have the same laptop and it works great, I never had any problem with it and I'm running Windows 8.1 too.

Your problem could be a result of many things, did you back up your files to an external hard drive before installing a fresh copy of Windows 8.1. If you install Windows 8.1 as an upgrade and not from the boot menu you are carrying problems over from Windows 7. You also need to upgrade all of your drivers and update windows from the control panel until there are no more updates left.

I think your problem is an OS installation problem not a laptop problem.

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