Facebook how to pin a post to top

A lot of people like to post on Facebook on topics such as what they’re doing, listening to, watching, and how they feel about certain topics. People can always retrieve posts they previously liked, but as more and more content gets published, it can be hard for a certain post to remain visible before it disappears into the void. That’s when ‘pinning’ a post becomes useful. Here’s how to pin a post on Facebook to give it maximum visibility.

What is pinning a post on Facebook, and what are the benefits?

When you pin a post on Facebook, you are moving it to the top of the profile or page, and it will remain “stuck” there, regardless of how many posts you publish afterward. The pinned post will have a Pinned post label attached, so people will see you have specifically stuck it to the top of your page.

There is an important thing to clarify before we show you how to pin and unpin a post on Facebook. Pinning a post does not keep it indefinitely in your Facebook friend’s timeline. All a pin does is keep the post permanently at the top of your profile page until it is unpinned again, just like a pinned tweet on Twitter. When someone visits your profile, business page, or group, the pinned post will be the first thing they will see. This is extremely useful if you are promoting or selling something.

Note, however, that you can only pin one post at a time with a personal profile or business page.

How to pin and unpin a post on Facebook on every device

Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

The following methods are identical, regardless of whether you are using the desktop Facebook or the Facebook mobile app.

You can pin a post on your profile, a business page, or a group. Obviously, the business page and the group have to belong to you to be able to pin anything [or the owner has to make you a page administrator]. The position of the pin option, and the wording in the menu, differ slightly depending on where you are pinning something.

Pin and unpin a post on your personal profile

  • To pin a profile, you can either publish a new post or go on an exsiting post [here, I have chosen my exisiting post in November].
  • Click on the three horizontal dots and select Pin post.
  • In case you want to change or remove a pinned post, go to the top of your profile and click Unpin post.

Pin and unpin a post on your business page

  • Navigate to your new or existing post on your Facebook page.
  • Click on the three horizontal dots and select the Pin post option below to Mark as COVID-19 Update.
  • To unpin your posts, go to the top of your page, select Manage in the Featured section, and then click Unpin.

Pin and unpin a post on your group post highlights

Facebook groups are slightly different in that the posts are moved to another part of the page. Pinned group posts are moved to a special Featured carousel at the top, which can be scrolled through. This means you can have more than one pinned post in a Facebook group, unlike a personal profile or business page. Here is how to do it:

  • Click on the three horizontal dot and select Pin to Featured.
  • To add more pinned group posts, click on Add in the Featured section.
  • Within the Add to feature section, click on the pin icon. This action will display your existing posts as pinned group posts. If you wish to unpin a post, simply click on the pin icon again.


If you have a favorite song that you want to show everyone, you can pin it to the top of your personal Facebook profile page. However, it will only be visible on the Facebook mobile app, not the desktop Facebook. The song, when tapped, will play a two-minute preview, and the listener will be invited to listen to the rest of the song on whatever streaming platform they have installed on their device [Spotify or Apple Music].

To pin a song, go to your profile page. Scroll down below the box where you would post your status updates, and you will find various categories. Scroll along till you find Music. Tap the + icon and search for your song. Select the song when you find it and come out of the results page. Tap the three dots next to the song’s name in your list and select Pin to profile.

Once pinned, a post will remain at the top of your timeline until you unpin it or delete the post.

You might be trying to pin a post on your personal timeline, which isn’t possible. You can only pin posts on group or public pages for which you have admin privileges.

Yes, in the same way that you would edit any post. Click on the three dots icon in the top right corner of the post. Select Edit Post from the dropdown menu and make your edits, then hit Save.

Why can't I pin my Facebook post to the top?

Important: To pin a post, you must be a Facebook Admin. Facebook lets you pin a single post to the top of your Facebook Business Page so that when people visit your page, it's the first post they see, even if you've made more recent posts.

How do I pin a post to the top of my Facebook group?

How to pin a post on a Facebook Group on mobile.

Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android phone..

Tap the three horizontal line icon button in the bottom right and then select "Groups.".

Select "Your Groups.".

Tap "See All" underneath "Groups You Manage" and then select the group where you want to pin a post..

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