Can I use a 45 watt charger on a 65 watt laptop

No, you should not use a 65W charger instead of a 45W charger because it is always recommended by the manufacturer to use their with the prescribed rating . Using a charger with higher rating may damage your laptop’s battery. Most of the laptops in Dell 5000 series have a 45W battery .

Can I use 65W charger on 45W laptop?

As long as it is the same voltage and connector type you can use a higher watt adapter. It will charge the battery a bit faster but other than and the size of the brick you will see no difference. The laptop will only draw the current it needs while running.

Can you use a 60W charger on a 45W laptop?

The short answer is yes you can use a laptop charger with a higher wattage, however, there are some caveats. The wattage rating of a laptop charger is a maximum rating which means that the charger is capable of providing power up to the output wattage rating and or course anything in between.

Can I use a 65W charger instead of 30W?

Yes you can but, it will charge at the same speed at which it charges with your out of the box charger at 30w and it will not damage or degrade your battery.

Can I use a 45W charger instead of 65W?

You may use 45w charger instead of 65w because they have same tip but might take longer time for device to be full charge .

Can I use 65W charger instead of 25w?

As long as the voltage is the same, you can use any charger you want.

What is the difference between 45W and 65W charger?

You can definitely use the 65W charger. The brick will be a little larger and heavier and it will charge your battery a bit faster. The plug and the voltage are the same so it works with your laptop fine.

Can I charge my laptop with 45W?

A safe range for a wall adapter is between 45-watts and 96-watts — those will definitely be able to charge your laptop (with normal use).

Can a 45 watt charger charge a laptop?

You definitely can use a lower wattage charger for your laptop (you can even charge your laptop without a charger!), but this will directly impact the performance of your laptop itself. For instance, using a 45 watt charger for a laptop that requires 90 watts might not enable it to function at its maximum potential.

Can I use a 45W charger instead of a 65w charger for my HP laptop?

Hi, Even though it might work. It is never a good idea to use a charger with less Watt as it could not provide enough power, or overheat You can use a higher wattage charger 90W with a 65W system.

Can I use a 60W charger on a 65W laptop?

Yes you can use a lower wattage charger for your laptop but incases that your laptop will be in High Performance mode of will be needing more power for your graphics card if you’ll do games with it chances are it may shut down on it’s on or will lag.

Can 65W charger charge 30W phone?

Yes you can if the phone supports USB Power Delivery protocol, the phone and charger will mutually agree on a voltage both can support to optimize charging speed. Yes.

What happens if I use a higher wattage laptop charger?

If your laptop charger has higher wattage than your laptop, you should be able to use it without a problem, as long as several other conditions are met. For example, the connector has to match the laptop and the amperage has to be equal to or higher than the laptop’s amperage.

Can I use a 90w charger on a 45W laptop?

Yes you can use a 90 watt charger on a 45 watt laptop as long as everything like the connection and stuff matches . Those universal chargers you see in stores that have different tips for many different laptop brands and models are essentially just that .

Can I use 65W charger instead of 150w?

For charging it would be fine. It wont damage the system but if it needs say 90w then it will pull from the battery instead of the adapter.

Can I use 45W charger instead of 65W Macbook?

Apple’s official word on the matter is: Make sure the proper wattage adapter for your portable computer is used. You can use a higher wattage power adapter, but you cannot use one with less wattage without potential operating issues.

Can I use 45W charger instead of 25W?

As long as the voltage is the same, you can use any charger you want. Watts is Volts times Amps. All consumer phones charge off 5V.

Can I use a 45W charger with a 25W phone?

All these chargers are safe to use. You’ll just get slower charging as per that particular charger. You cannot charge faster than 25W. The power delivery of the device (S21 phone) will not allow it.

Can Samsung 45W charger charge 25W?

A: Yes, Samsung’s 45W Travel Adapter charges the Galaxy S21, S21 Plus, and S21 Ultra at their fastest 25W speeds. The adapter also fast chargest other previous generation Samsung Galaxy S and Note smartphones at 25W and 45W for some models.

Is 65W charger good?

It is totaly safe man. Don’t worry 65w charging wouldn’t degrade you OP8T phone’s battery life as it uses optimised charging pattern for long battery life.

Can I use a 130w adapter on a 65W laptop?

Since your laptop came with a 65-watt power supply, it’s safe to assume your laptop needs no more than 65 watts of power. The 130-watt power supply will work just fine and will have plenty to spare. The 65-watt power supply will work, because that’s what came with the laptop.

Can I use 65W charger instead of 44W surface?

Usually, the 44W charger for the Surface is already out of stock. Yes, you can definitely use the 36W or 65W to charge your Surface Pro 6. I recommend you use the 65W since using the lower wattage charger might take long in charger your Surface.

Can I use a 65W charger instead of 130W Dell?

Can I charge 130W specific laptop with a 65W charger? – Quora. You can, but be advised, that the charger will be running at peak capacity and will heat up. That may induce a failure in the charger. Your laptop may detect that the charger is underpowered and may switch to a low power mode ( DELL Precisions do that ).

Can I use Dell charger for Lenovo laptop?

The short answer is; No. You should never intentionally use another laptop’s charger on your laptop. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a pinch or if your battery is about to die. Plugging a different charger that isn’t meant for your specific model will not lead to anything good.

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Your account also allows you to connect with HP support faster, access a personal dashboard to manage all of your devices in one place, view warranty information, case status and more.

Posted By: Elliott Published: 02/07/2019 Times Read: 150318 Comments: 28

Question: Can I use a laptop charger with a higher wattage?

The short answer is yes you can use a laptop charger with a higher wattage, however, there are some caveats. The wattage rating of a laptop charger is a maximum rating which means that the charger is capable of providing power up to the output wattage rating and or course anything in between. 

A brief explanation of Volts, Amps and Watts.

A commonly used analogy to explain the concept of Volts, Amps and Watts is to think of electricity as water flowing through a pipe. Amps is the amount of water flowing through the pipe, Voltage is the water pressure ie. the speed at which the water is pushed through the pipe and Watts is the power exerted by the water when it exists the pipe at the other end.

Watts is calculated by multiplying the Volts by the Amps. Therefore a 19V charger with an Amps rating of 3.42A would be a 65W charger 19V x 3.42A = 65W. The higher the Amps the higher the Watts, provided the Voltage remains constant.

Can I use a 45 watt charger on a 65 watt laptop

It's a Maximum Rating.

The Amps and Watts rating on a laptop charger is a maximum output rating. This means that the charger is capable of outputting up to the maximum Watts rating. ie it can push up to x Amps of water through the pipe at a force of up to x Watts at the pressure (Volts) provided by the charger.

I'm still confused. Can I use a laptop charger with a higher wattage?

Yes, Your laptop has been designed to draw up to a certain amount of power when running at full power. When the laptop is idle it may only draw a small amount of power from the charger but when you are rendering a 4K video for your youtube channel and charging the battery at the same time, the laptop is going to be drawing a lot more power. The manufacturer would have calculated the maximum power draw of the laptop and will have supplied a charger with a sufficient maximum rating to be able to provide this power. This means that you can quite safely use a charger with a higher wattage (or amps) rating as the laptop will only ever draw the amount of power required at the time. If your laptop was supplied with a 65W charger we know that the laptop will never draw more than 65W, so you can use a 65W, 90W,120W, 150W, 180W, 240W or higher charger. You can not use a charger with a lower wattage rating. A 30W or a 45W charger can not supply sufficient power for your laptops needs which means you could damage the laptop and/or the charger.

The Caveats.

I said in the beginning that there were a few caveats. 

  1. The Voltage needs to be the same or at least very close to that required by the laptop. We would generally not recommend using a charger or more or less than 1V of what is required by the laptop. HP have 18.5V, 19V and 19.5V laptops and we've never had a problem with supplying either of these charger for any HP laptop. Fujitsu laptops generally require 20V, but we've never had a problem with 19V chargers. You can not however use a 15V charger on a laptop that requires 19V or vice versa.
  2. The output tip needs to match. There are many types of tips. There is the traditional barrel tip which is a simple barrel shape connector with a hole in the middle. These are measured in the form of 5.5mm x 2.5mm which us the external and internal diameter of the tip. These need to match or else the connector will not fit or will be too loose. Some chargers have a small pin in the centre and some manufacturers (HP and Dell) that have what is known as a smart tip, where there is some electronics in the tip which is used to communicate with the laptop to ensure the correct charger is connected. Whilst these tips are physically the same size, you can not use a Dell charger on a HP laptop or vice versa. 
  3. The Polarity must match. Barrel connectors usually have the negative on the outer sheath and the positive inside the inner hole and to be honest we have never come across a laptop charger which is different. However, to avoid any damage to your laptop it's usually a good idea to check the polarity against that of the laptop or your original charger.

Can I use a 45 watt charger on a 65 watt laptop
A Laptop will normally use a positive polarity. In 10 years at The Laptop Power Supply shop, I've never seen anything different.