Cái dù tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

Four stimuli were eliminated from further analyses on this basis : the grass-button, fork-shovel, leaf-bug and umbrella-lamp.

However, it is arguable that both expressive and informational interests can and should be fitted under the umbrella of deliberative values.

Qualitative research is in fact seen as an umbrella ter m for a diverse g roup of research methodolog ies.

Using umbrella sampling and free-energy perturbation calculations, they showed that there was a large barrier for ethylammonium, whereas methylammonium and formamidinium could permeate.

When a character crossed the stage holding an umbrella, the sound of raindrops had to be heard.

The articles are highly focused, and only loosely fit under the general umbrella of the book's title.

The duct was then divided leaving the umbrella (which was endothelialisated and firmly attached to the wall of the duct) towards the pulmonary side.

Under the umbrella of this maxim, a wide variety of what could be called non-realist interpretations of religious belief have flourished.

Formal thought disorder itself is an umbrella term with unsatisfactory explanatory power.

Since the umbrella can easily be dislodged immediately after initial implantation, immediate closure of residual ductal patency must not be attempted.

The 12 mm ductal umbrella was released without complication.

Lastly, it is also advantageous to design a method to extract the diffusion coefficient from the biased simulations generated during umbrella sampling.

Showers of tears fell from the gallery so that there was a sudden demand for umbrellas.

This perspective allows one to integrate modernization-based explanations and civic culture-based explanations of democratization under a common theoretical umbrella.

Discussion of these concerns often proceeds under the terminological umbrella of 'sustainable development', a concept that spans a range of moral and economic considerations.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Cái ô là một loại dụng cụ, đồ vật cầm tay dùng để che mưa, che nắng hoặc làm đẹp. Ô là vật dụng được thiết kế gồm cán ô và lọng ô, dụng cụ bằng vải có hình cây nấm để che đậy được gắn cố định vào cán ô và có khả năng xòe, gấp để có thể cụp hoặc bật ô, gấp xếp cho gọn.


Tôi cảm nhận thấy có vài giọt mưa nên tôi mở cái ô.

I felt a few drops of rain, so I put my umbrella up.


Cô ấy cầm một cái ô và mặc bộ đồ màu xám.

She held an umbrella and was dressed in a grey suit.

Một số phụ kiện khác nè!

- vòng tay: bracelet

- vòng cổ: necklace

- khuyên tai: earrings

- kính: glasses

- túi xách: handbag

- son môi: lipstick

- ví cầm tay: purse