Cách chẩn đoán sự cố hết thời gian của PHP-FPM trên nền tảng ứng dụng

Hi all

Ive been attempting to deploy a proof-of-concept Wordpress app to DOs App Platform. At first glance, everything seems to work, but eventually, a request will time-out. Ive done my best to find the problem myself but Im no PHP-FPM/Nginx/Wordpress expert and I could really use some help. The problem occurs regardless of the size of the Droplet involved.

Could someone deploy my app from //github.com/sdc395/do-wordpress-app.git and see if they can figure it out. Ive set up PHP-FPM and MySQL query logging [see /var/log] and you should soon find a report of a time-out in /var/log/php7/error.log. If not, try multiple reloads of Wordpresss new post page.

It seems things would be easier if ptrace were available for PHP backtraces. Is it possible to enable ptrace on App Platform?

Many things in advance


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