a bitch slap là gì - Nghĩa của từ a bitch slap

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

To open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being bitch slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining


Kieth owed me that $20 for weeks and I had to bitch slap the M.F. to get it back.

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

As distinguished from the more common "pimp slap", a bitch slap is preceeded by ample forewarning and delivered with a flourish or exaggerated post-blow hip movements. Nonetheless, the blow is firm and may involve an open forhand or backhand.

A "pimp slap", to the contrary, is regularly delivered without announcement and oftentimes over breakfast at an IHOP, on a subway platform, or numerous other indiscriminately chosen venues. The blow is always, always struck with the back of ones hand as to do otherwise is bad form. And the hip motion that accompanies a pimp slap provides the torque to knock a bitch silly.


Those guys on Christopher Street like to play around bitch slapping each other and running and shit, but I didn't know what a proper pimp slap was until Charlie the bus driver knocked his old lady silly at a Starbucks the other day. Apparently Charlie told the misses not to use bleach on his draws as the bleach makes him itch. All I know was that Charlie was scratchin his nuts real hard before he set that latte down, planted his feet, twisted his body and, with his knuckles initially scraping the floor, uncorked the definition of a modern day pimp slap. Old girl was out for a good five minutes.

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

It's what one girl does to another girl who is sleeping with her man and she finds out


Brandi : Chad was fucking Heather and Katie last night until Keirsten walked in on them she gave them both a bitch slap from hell I guess you don't mess with her man! Julie : I can't believe she would do that to her mother and sister!

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

Contrary to most definitions, the “bitch” is describing the “slap” rather than the destination.

A Bitch Slap is a sharp, openhanded, stinging, yet generally benign slap – similar to being slapped by a bitch. When you “bitch slap” someone, you are slapping him or her like a woman would! Scratching, hair pulling, cursing, and crying generally follow a well-placed bitch slap.

Beware, this oft-confused term has resulted in many pimps calling themselves bitches rather than describing their abuse.

This structure of the descriptor preceding the verb is also used in the “Pimp Slap”. To “Pimp Slap” does NOT mean that you’re slapping someone like you would slap your pimp – rather a pimp slap is to slap like a pimp does.

How to perform:

Imagine some bitch just called out your fake Louis Vuitton shoes and hat just to make your baby’s daddy laugh at your cheap ass.

Raise your right hand above your head, elbow bent, and pretend you are throwing a baseball like a girl. Open palm comes down in a chopping motion to the cheek and jaw of your victim. Twist your shoulders into the attack for maximum effect.


LaFawnda bitch slapped Rico for talkin bout her bunions.

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

To disrespectfully slap someone in the face with an open hand. The implication is that the person being slapped is not manly enough to be worthy of a real punch. Term is used figuratively to mean putting someone in their place [or diss] in no uncertain terms.


A figurative example: Al Franken was on TV last night and bitch slapped Bill O'Reilly.

When you bitch slap someone, you make them a punk.

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

The humiliating act of slapping someone across the face. To be avoided.


You keep it up, she will bitch slap you!

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

The kind of slap a pimp gives to his whores to keep them in line or punish them. However, it is most commonly used to describe an insulting slap from one man to another, as if the slapper is treating the slappee as his bitch.


You just gonna let him bitch-slap you like that?

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

Getting hit across the face by the back of a persons hand, or getting slapped in front of a big group of people.


Zander called Miranda a witch and she bitch slapped him.

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

There are many written variations defining the term "Bitch Slap," and for the most part they stand correct, --- for this world of Hip Hop culture. However, this form of issued embarrassment actually comes from a French method of instilled belittlement without the use of barbarism. The slap upon the face with kid leather gloves would suffice as getting the message across. All of the above are pussy-fied ghetto and barrio ways to use the Bitch Slap..., they only use it amongst their own! See below for true usage: The French Canadians are said to have taught the North American native Indian nations this social behavior. They had not, -- these North American indigenous peoples are the original true users of a "Bitch Slap." With the recently borrowed French word "Coup," they had "Counted coup" upon their enemy for hundred of years before hip-hop culture or Cypress Hill acting Chicanos ever had. See Urban Dictionary definition of the term "Counting coup."


Said the Idealist leader of an upstart gang, "Get my coup stick, I'm gonna walk into Compton and give every Crypt I see a bitch slap!"

a bitch slap có nghĩa là

A misogynistic term referring to a pimp's open-handed slap of a prostitute - designed to show dominance, instill fear, and cause pain, all without leaving a lasting mark that might inhibit her ability to turn the next trick.


Get your spooge-covered hands off my fries or I'll bitch slap your dumb ass so hard I'll be using your bloody snot for ketchup!

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