Why is it important for HR to know the line managers and their needs?

A hybrid workspace model has made its presence feeling in the working world. A working environment where an employee alternates working from home and office according to preference. Employees divide their work and time between the office and home to ensure utmost efficiency. Prior pandemic, only 30% of the workforce were working remotely, and the number has risen to 78% with several companies operating with 100% remote workers.

HR and Line Managers have been faced with additional pressure and rise in their job due to hybrid workspace as communication was a big challenge along with a few more. Here are some of the issues that HR leads feel that they have been experiencing more these days:

• Change in leadership style
• Eliminating communication gap
• Healthy workspace
• New policies
• Recruiting
• Employee development
• Employee well-being
• Collecting and reporting data

HR more than often takes care of all affairs related to one of the most valuable resources of a company, the employees. From being responsible for recruitment processes, compensation, growth planning, performance management, training, data analysis and most importantly crisis management of sorts in the current scenario.
The second line of contact, line managers influence employees to strive towards company goals. Managers are the interface between management and staff. Line Managers who are responsible for recruiting, managing teams, coaching, cross-training, evaluating team metrics, reporting, and helping other line managers, closely work with HR to solve larger issues. Prompting needs to work more closely in tandem with each other for efficient functioning.
Pandemic has taught us the importance of HR and Line Managers working together for business continuity. The primary reason is to ensure that company goals are achieved and employees are motivated through the way.
HR and Line Managers work together and help the organisation grow with the following factors:


It is essential for a business to have a strategy for the employees, which is planned by HR and Line Managers. Effective planning ensures smooth workflow, increased employee retention, reduced turnover and a healthy workspace for all. Powerful planning benefits the organisation largely and the teamwork of HR and Line Managers can only make this possible.


HR and Line Managers are responsible for the smooth functioning of staff and for that, they should be connected constantly with staff. It is their responsibility to maintain the well-being of employees so that they can work efficiently. Communication is the key to analysing the performance of employees and based on that, HR and Managers develop strategies so that the workforce is uninterrupted and operates efficiently.


HR guides Managers on identifying talent in the team and how to train and develop the candidate so that their performance enhances. Employee performance is observed by Line Managers and HR develop the training accordingly. HR and Line Managers work together for peak performance from their staff.

Healthy culture

The conflict between management and staff is quite common in workspaces, and it happens due to the poor performance of HR and Line Managers. They should look out for the employees and maintain a healthy culture in the workspace. Healthy relations at work benefit both employees and employers with increased employee retention and reduced turnover. Teamwork between HR and Line Managers provides a fun environment for all employees.

How is HR supporting line managers in a hybrid workspace?

The hybrid workspace was adopted out of necessity during a pandemic and made the job of HR and Managers harder due to restricted communication with employees. Adaptation of hybrid workspace model was quick among companies, and it revealed some faults in it, HR department helps Line Managers to maintain team efficiency by:

Consistent connectivity

Line Managers are responsible to report team progress to management and thus it is their responsibility to overlook the team performance. Line Managers are capable of doing so only when communication is strong, otherwise, employees will not be listening actively and feel motivated to execute tasks. Connectivity among all employees is vital for smooth operation and the HR department ensures that employees are interconnected and face no issues at work. Communication of information is essential for efficiency and helps Line Managers to take the team to success. HR helps managers to function easily as the interface between staff and management. It is noticed that organisation with strong relations among co-workers are capable of growing effectively.

Performance optimisation

HR is responsible for keeping the employees motivated and encouragement is crucial for bringing the best out of everyone. Encouragement is often in the form of constructive feedback, performance bonuses, and exhibiting the value of an employee which is often performed by Line Managers. Performance reviews by Line Managers influence the final outcome and for the fairest decision, HR and Line Managers should work closely and evaluate the decision.
If an employee feels undervalued, it will be challenging for organisation to retain bright minds and increase annual turnover. Effective motivation influences individuals to develop themselves and provide utmost performance at work. Organisation with great HR and Manager teamwork benefit in company development. HR evaluates performance targets and Managers executes the plan effectively.

Employee orientation

HR plays an important role in recruiting a candidate and training them so that they can work without any issues.
HR conducts development programs to help employees upskill themselves and meet the skill requirement of the organisation. Events like seminars, masterclasses, boot camps are conducted for employees which makes the job of Line Managers easier as employees are upskilled and contribute to business evolution. The HR team develops the growth strategy for each employee to provide them with the best experience so that they work in the best interest of the company. Line Managers should focus on employees who deliver high performance so that they receive the best returns to retain them in the organisation for long-term benefit.

Employee well-being

Employees perform efficiently when they are in a safe environment and the company displays value to them. It is important for an organisation to watch out for the well-being of employees. Line Managers should listen to any problems of an employee and address them to HR so that steps can be taken for their well-being. Health benefits were mandatory for a long time and recently mental well-being has become equally important.

It is essential to provide facilities like a mental day off, paid vacations, performance bonuses so that they don’t feel worn out at work. HR and Line Managers evaluate if an employee would be provided with the benefits and for that, it is Managers keep a track of employees health and performance.

If health benefits are provided effectively, employees are more likely to stay motivated and provide utmost performance as they will not only be confident but feel secure.

Enhance work-life balance

When companies adapted a hybrid workspace, productivity has enhanced and employees are better at maintaining a healthy work-life balance. If teamwork between HR and Line Managers are not effective, employees can face difficulties and are less probable to be retained. Employees should have an environment where they can be comfortable working, work-life balance is highly crucial for it.

Although work-life balance can be quite easily attained in a hybrid workspace, it’s a challenge for HR and Line Managers to operate without issues. Line Managers played an important role during the transition, HR had to accompany them with tools and train employees on using them.
The transition from on-site to hybrid workspace shouldn’t decrease efficiency but rather enhance it and doing so is possible with teamwork between HR and Managers.

Last word

Hybrid workspace is currently the only viable solution in pandemic and even post-pandemic, flexibility will be a crucial aspect in business. HR and Line Managers need to work together effectively to meet business goals.
Faults still exist in this working model, solutions aren’t far away, good managers are vital for providing the best employee experience and good HR management is required for employee retention.
The HR department is responsible for finding the most eligible person for a position in an organisation. The overall growth of the business is obtained from retaining the best minds that fits the need. Line Managers supervise the employees and carry out daily operations effectively along with the internal development of the team.
HR and Line Managers are vital pillars of an organisation and develop strategies and execute them for achieving company goals. The presence of HR has made it possible for Line Managers to adapt to changing work models by ensuring consistent communication among all, assisting employees with onboarding and skill development. HR also looks after the well-being of employees and makes the environment a healthy workplace.

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Why are line managers important in HR?

A line manager is responsible for overseeing and managing employees to fulfill business goals. They are the main point of contact between the management and the staff. They also provide guidance, instruction, motivation and feedback to the employees on a day-to-day basis.

What is the relationship between human resources and line management?

Line managers act as the liaison between the company and the employee. They are often used to relay information – good or bad – to their teams. If the information is HR related, line managers will work with HR to ensure that announcements are handled appropriately and carried out at the right time.

What is the role of the line manager vs HR in the organization?

HR manager develops sources of qualified applicants and conducts screening interviews, and administers tests. Then they refer the best candidate to the line manager, who selects the right one for the organization. The HR manager and line manager represent links in the chain of organizational success.

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