What to do while listening to music

Music can lower your everyday stress and keep you happy. And thats why today, we will show you the 13 amazing things to do while listening to music.

And believe it or not, the benefits of music on your body and mind are huge.

Your brain will send happy chemicals, and your everyday boring job will come to life. Lets begin straightaway to the list:

Table Of Contents
  • What To Do While Listening To Music At Home?
    • #1: Clean Up Your Stress and Dirty Stuff
    • #2: Cook A Music Feast!
    • #3: Get Immersed In Your Studies With Lyrics
    • #4: Play Games The Music Lover Way!
    • #5: Have A Sweet Sleep!
    • #6: Weekends, Board Games And Your Favorite Lyrics On The Way!
    • ️‍️#7: Home Workouts With Energy-Filled Music!
  • Outdoor Activities To Do While Listening To Music!
    • ‍#8: Water The Plants And Quench Your Music-Thirsty Soul!
    • #9: Time For A Musical Office!
    • ‍️#10: Make Music Your Walking Partner!
    • #11: Long Drive With The Lyrics On!
    • #12: Cut The Wait With Songs In The Air!
    • #13: Dance On The Beats!
  • Here Are Some Bonus Things To Do While Listening To Music!
    • ️Bonus #1: Flaunt Your Art With The Melody Magic!
    • ‍️Bonus #2: Meditate With Music!
    • ‍Bonus #3: Surf The Net On Lyrical Wave!

What To Do While Listening To Music At Home?

Charity begins at home, and so should your musical journey. We spend most of our time behind closed walls nowadays, so how about changing the environment altogether, so it doesnt feel closed door again?

I know what you will be thinking next. What household work can be done while listening to your favorite songs?

Well, a lot of them. Here is a quick cheat sheet:

Do you know what Michael Phelps was doing seconds before he dived in for his Rio Olympic medal? The answer will shock you!

#1: Clean Up Your Stress and Dirty Stuff

Let music spark your life!

I know a lot of you pile up your dirty clothes for the weekend. And, there is nothing shameful about that.

I do that too.

So, every weekend its my first job after waking up, switching on the music with some energetic vibes, and then the game is on.

Music with high energy fills me up with such immense enthusiasm that I end up finishing my piled-up work in record time.

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People like me who are too lazy to do their laundry should always follow the above trick.

This is because:

Upbeat music with your favorite beats lets you forget the type of work youre doing.

Sometimes, it makes you like the work and fastens the speed with the flowing variations in the song, just like EDM.

Cleaning your messy room or washing dishes, and then your favorite Taylor Swift playlist in the background will undoubtedly hype up your mood.

This will help you clean up your mess even faster and prevent you from your mothers scolding. Before she comes to your room, youre done with the cleaning.

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Good songs can turn a dull moment into a memorable one while doing household chores.

It is also counted as an enjoyable activity if you do it with your whole family. Everyone has the same taste of music, busy doing dusting, but when their favorite lyrics pop up, they sing it together through their lungs out. This is fun.

What is the best weekend than the one spent with your family doing household chores, listening to your favorite lyrics together?

#2: Cook A Music Feast!

Tasty dish and music, a perfect combo!

And there is a reason for that.

Its the main job I find at home.

Oh! You know it well too; otherwise, how could you survive without food.

So, you have your recipe in one hand and your phone in the other. Go on with your favorite Jeremy Zucker playlist on Spotify.

A good cook knows well that good food needs a good amount of time. A bit of music will let you dance your way to a delicious feast!

And if youre a lover of slow and classical composing music like me, then you can release a lot of burdens.

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It helps get rid of stress hormones. Apart from this, your work is also done simultaneously. Youll surely enjoy it.

Happy Cooking.

And if your meal is ready, I have my favorite activity lining up to enjoy it for hours:

#3: Get Immersed In Your Studies With Lyrics

Lets concentrate!

Since childhood, Im had the habit of doing mathematics while listening to my favorite songs. It was my favorite pastime activity at night during high school.

There are a lot of people who enjoy listening to their playlists while studying. It just boosts the energy level and increases the time limit too.

Some people go with an inspirational song before they sit to study for their competitive exams. It fills them up with an immense amount of enthusiasm.

Here Is A Helpful Advice:

To study, you need to maintain a good amount of concentration too. So, I recommend you try on a light instrumental background, which doesnt have too many variations.

Do not try any specific songs or change songs frequently. This will distract you from the topic youre studying. Also, it will remind you of some specific pleasant and unpleasant memories in the flashback. This might also be one of the factors of distraction.

If you love reading books out of passion, switching over to novels on your lawn in the evenings with calm music will be nothing short of being amazing.

#4: Play Games The Music Lover Way!

My brother plays FIFA, with high bass music in the background. He enjoys the whole session.

Now, I know what you will say next:

My favorite games dont have this feature. Only a handful of video games come with background music.

Here is a quick checklist:

Games with Music!

Here is my advice:

The type of music that will help you to tackle the challenges in the game should be energetic and exciting. It gives you the whole vibe to ace your game throughout.

#5: Have A Sweet Sleep!

Get Set, Sleep!

Some people find it disturbing, but its not a paradox either. Its a great thing for relaxation of mind and heart during a daytime nap, especially.

It rejuvenates your soul, slows down your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure as well.

You can try music with a soft tone that induces sleep rather than the one with heavy tracks. It even makes your muscles relax.

But, I can listen to white noise too. That also helps, right?

If you think the same, I have a surprise for you. Music listening has far more health benefits than white noise.

Napping is known to be the best part of daytime activity. It helps you to refresh and get back to your ongoing work. And studies have shown this too:

Sleeping Benefits!

So, to make it even more refreshing, lets grab some amazing slow-motion music that goes with it.

Happy Napping.

#6: Weekends, Board Games And Your Favorite Lyrics On The Way!

Sundays spent with family and friends sound so loving. There are several ways to spend time with your family.

I would recommend you try board games, this time with your parents favorite classical music in the background.

Also Read: What Are The Best Headphones To Listen To Classical Music?

Music is the best companion to have fun with. Take, for example, monopoly, Ludo, chess, or you can also go for scrabbling too.

I always loved to play Ludo with my mother; she is so good at it that nobody wins in front of her.

When I was small, she used to listen to Munni Begums ghazal on the radio, which usually played between 10-12 pm. That used to be her best time throughout her days commitments.

I always wonder:

How to listen to classical music the way my mother does.

What is there to be mesmerized about in ghazals or instrumental music like she used to be.

The way she smiles while cutting veggies for lunch felt like she remembers her favorite pastime moments listening to Munni begum, Farida Khanum, and many more.

Words are the best to play with, I have started with the board games and family times, and here I am discussing my mothers favorite playlist.

️‍️#7: Home Workouts With Energy-Filled Music!

Lets exercise in full swing!

This pandemic has made us more and more self-reliant in some way or another. Apart from having a bad impact throughout, it leaves a good impact too.

Gym freaks found ways to work out at home instead. This is how we get to adjust to the ongoing situations.

But, to be consistent with the daily workout might be exhausting especially if you arent following a normal days routine.

This is quite difficult to maintain at home, but it is the best choice with music that hypes you well. It strengthens you and motivates you to work harder for a longer period.

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Music increases your stamina and mood and inspires you to exercise for a longer period. It can unlock your inner gym potential as you used to be before the pandemic.

Most people do Zumba while listening to their favorite high-beat energetic songs. It is a requirement for Zumba, though.

The power of good jazz songs turns Zumba from a tiring dancing activity into a memorable one.

My advice would be:

Always use wireless headphones for music listening while working out at home. This will avoid uncertain accidents and inconveniences.

Outdoor Activities To Do While Listening To Music!

Make music your outdoor partner!

Everyday outdoor activities can be more refreshing than ever before with the power of music!

But what to do while listening to music despite all the restrictions in place?

Here is the complete list:

‍#8: Water The Plants And Quench Your Music-Thirsty Soul!

Plants with soulful music, a perfect combination.

Old classical songs soothe differently and are best suited for an environment like this.

Beautiful Sunday mornings, cool breeze flowing sideways, making your hair strands twirl up with each other.

Mix this environment with the type of your favorite music that gets you with the sounds of nature. It will take you to another world as if youre living in the countryside.

Excellent ingredients to boost your mental health like anything.

Spending time with such greenery around and the soulful sound in the background has immense health benefits and is an ultimate form of stress-releasing factor from your day-to-day busy schedules.

Here is the proof:

Forget Stress!

#9: Time For A Musical Office!

Work on Lyrics!

Every time I sit to write the review, my fingers first itch over to my favorite playlist as I open my laptop.

It is like an involuntary response in my body whenever Im busy doing anything. It makes me enjoy my work as well as increases my productivity consecutively.

Furthermore, it positively influences your work environment, combining pleasure with duty and giving you pure satisfaction.

Let me share my personal experience here:

This usually happens to me when I miss the deadline and havent completed even half of my content. So, then I take a deep breath, play my classical Ghazals [a traditional form of poetry in Urdu or Persian, usually set in the form of music], from Farida Khanum on Spotify, and the game is on.

Listening to your favorite podcasts while in the middle of a stressed-out office work has many psychological benefits.

I complete my content within a few hours.

Maybe I am in the middle of this situation right now!!!!..

You can find several playlists on YouTube to listen to at work.

‍️#10: Make Music Your Walking Partner!

Researchers have found that listening to music while walking increases your pace by about 28% than usual.

Walking is the most basic form of activity you can do every morning in terms of exercise. You can take your dogs as well to maintain the physical activity for both of you.

So, mix walking with music in your daily life to be a better pet owner!

Music has been a boon for runners and athletes too. It improves their mood and motivates them to work hard. Athletes who are practicing in different sports and looking forward to the Olympics also use music as a source of inspiration.

Olympians with Music!

Pro Tip: Music with a high beat like jazz or EDMs might help you to increase your pace, length, speed, and stride as well.

#11: Long Drive With The Lyrics On!

Long Musical Drive!

A long drive with your close friends and family around can set the mood in this monsoon season.

Listening to Bollywood songs, while your loved one is sitting beside you with clouds all over the sky, adding a reminiscing moment to capture forever.

The choice of music depends upon your taste, so;

Here Is My Free Device:

Do not listen to music at too high volumes, because this way, you cannot concentrate on the road and might fall into accidents.

So, keeping in mind, prevention is better than cure. However, you can listen to slow and relaxing music.

#12: Cut The Wait With Songs In The Air!

You might have faced this situation before when you have to wait for a while or sometimes for hours.

It usually happens when you are waiting for a train or subway, bus, or maybe when you have a doctors appointment.

Standing in a bank queue might be exhausting, but you forgot, you have your best friend:

Yes, I am talking about music. Situations like this always create stress and tension, but appropriate music can make a slight difference.

Music is that loyal friend who will stand by you step by step no matter what. You cant be betrayed by it at any cost. A chill-out background is a perfect solution to upgrade your mood.

#13: Dance On The Beats!

Lets get dancing!

What could be a better duo than music and dance together?

Dance and music will surely lift your mood no matter what happens in life: ups, and downs.

Here, I would like to quote Cristina Yang:

I cant go. We have to dance it out. Thats how we finish.

Although, a person with mood swings should always try this. Moving your body following the rhythm of music makes you feel alive.

Here Are Some Bonus Things To Do While Listening To Music!

Well, you stuck with me for so long, so I have 3 bonus activities to enjoy with your favorite playlist.

Here you go:

️Bonus #1: Flaunt Your Art With The Melody Magic!

Blasting your favorite playlist during art sessions is not a bad idea at all. Instead, it refreshes your brain, and the more relaxed the brain is, the faster it works.

Creativity is a brainy activity, though. It is a kind of bread and butter for an artist. They always have to come up with new ideas to perform on their art piece.

Art Loves Music!

For that, surely, they need their mind and heart to be calm and serene from worldly delusions.

I think an artist should always prefer a happy kind of music as science has found that happy notes tend to produce more innovative ideas, ones for that matter.

‍️Bonus #2: Meditate With Music!

Music is the best companion while doing Yoga and meditation. You need to choose the best type of background that improves your physiological balance.

While meditation works to improve your quality of life, the music in the background is the plus point. Always use a smooth and gentle musical background while meditating; it doesnt distract you.

Most people practice it by listening to a Hindu mantra that is so serene that it purifies your mind and soul comparatively.

You can also try aesthetic music but avoid using western pop or DJ songs with high beats. This will irritate you instead of making you calm.

‍Bonus #3: Surf The Net On Lyrical Wave!

Browsing the internet is one of the most widely practiced activities. We spend much of our time surfing it:

Internet Usage Stats

Researchers have added it as an addiction too. But mind you, addictions can be good or bad, depending on your sense of using them.

Putting on your pair of headphones, scrolling through the Instagram feeds, and listening to your favorite album from Spotify is the best bedtime activity teenagers follow these days.

You can use the Kindle and listen to music as well.

I found many music-addicted people who surf the internet to discover the best type of music while listening to another type of music already on their headphones. They call themselves Musicholicswhich is an informal word in our dictionary, though.

Being a music freak is quite good.

Its Your Turn

whats your take?

Here ends my giant list of 13 amazing things to do when listening to music indoor and outdoor.

Now, I will head over to you.

Which activity will you choose first? Is it cooking while listening to your fav playlists, or yoga on songs, will be your new routine?

Tell me in the comments below right now.


Adarsh is a tech enthusiast who loves latest gadgets and has a passion for music as well. His motivation is providing value to you by helping you choose the best products for yourself at best prices.

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