Remote desktop auto resize

Remote Desktop connection window will be auto resize when I maximize it

I am using windows 7 7100RC, my screen resolution LCD is 1400 * 900.
I connected to a remote server with deskop remote, and I set the resolution is: 1024 * 768.
1. the windiws will auto move right when I maximize windows remotedesktop.
2. the windows will resize [restore] automatc remote desktop conenciton and forward it to the right side.

Why?is this a bug?

Hi Edwin-China,

Thanks for posting on community forum is ready for Windows 7.

After you set the resolution to 1024 * 768 for the remote system, you return to the general tab and select Save current connections to the RDP file settings? If this is not the case, try to save the settings and see if the problem is still involved.

In addition, you can direct your question to the Technet Windows 7 Forum. This forum is designed for advanced users and configuration settings. On the Technet forum community can direct more involving your situation.

Here is the link; //

Kind regards

Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.


Tags: Windows

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    Hello Coloradogeekboy,

    Thank you for visiting the Microsoft answers community site. The question you have posted is related to Windows Vista in aServer environment and would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will support what ask you


    If you use a Windows Server, you can also post here:


    Hope this helps J

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
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    There are a few things missing in your message:

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    Name of the failed module: NLAapi.dll, version: 6.1.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bdfc9
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    Hi dekopolis,

    Thanks for visiting the site of the community of Microsoft Windows 7. The question you have posted is related to the Server 2003 and would be better suited in the Community [Insert here]. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.

    // Shawn - Support Engineer - MCP, MCDST
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

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    Thank you


    Thanks for posting your query on the Microsoft Community.

    According to the description, I understand that when you connect to Windows from another computer with windows, remote desktop connection goes to the login screen and when you disconnect, he stayed at the login screen.

    I would like to inform you that it is by default technical, it will go to the login screen.

    If you have any additional questions regarding this issue, I suggest you to post your query on TechNet forum.

    The problem you are having is better suited in the TechNet forum, we have a dedicated team with advanced tools and permission to help with such issues.


    Please let us know if face you any problems with Windows in the future. We will be happy to help you.

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    Remote - Windows 7 for XP Pro desktop

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    Hi Caslon540. Here's something that might help you troubleshoot:


    Another thought, is that you will need to download a later version of connection desktop remotely [version 6.0 or later] so that XP can handle the incoming connection to Windows 7 that uses authentication NLA.


    Hope that helps.

    Thanks for posting,

    Gloria Boyer

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    I'm good with the software and I have used many Microsoft software since the 1980s. So I like Microsoft products, but since they have outsourced their tech support, you can't support quality even if you pay for it.I followed all the instructions in the Windows 8 will help about DRC setting screens, but I can't connect unless I'm on the same home network. Here are the details:

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    1. Allow connections to this computer remotely.
    2. That allow the connection of computers running Office remotely with authentication NLA.

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    I use the user account administrator Windows for connections of DRC of the laptop.

    I cannot get this to work on the Internet from a location outside my house with another ISP connection. The only way it works if I'm uncomfortable with the laptop using the same network home.

    I called Dell tech support and it is always useless and just a more aggravating waste of an hour to talk to their support of technique outsourced in India [who barely even understand English] and then they hang up the phone as it was supposed to be disconnected. I also called Microsoft support and lost more than an hour to speak to their outsourced tech support in the Philippines [and as support of the India, they hang up or 'disconnect' when they cannot answer your question and they go account learn you more about Windows while they do]. U.S. tech companies use AMERICANS more for their technical support so their customers can get people who actually care about doing a good job and can actually understand English?

    So if someone who knows using Windows 8 for DRC on the Internet has some tips, then it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!!

    P.S. If anyone is offended by my comments about the ugly, incompetent, stupid providing "technical support" in India or the Philippines - Nevermind! You go ahead and waste hours of your time talking to some Morón in these countries, who barely understands English and then 'disconnects' the call when they know that you realize that they are clueless and have all the answers.

    Take a look at no - or, and then use your host.domain:3389 of no.-ip/dynDNS or run RelaVNc SErver that is running on port 5900 by default. Server options allow you to change the port as well if necessary.

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    2. By default, the system says 2. and to not change/increase.
    3. is everything permissible special necessary to buy?

    Your question of Windows is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums as it is related to maximize the number of RDP session for Office remote connections to the server. Appropriate in instances of Windows Server.

    Please post your question in the Forums of Windows Server.

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Thank you N Syed, but I finally found a site that has responded to my question. Noted above, and it explains where and what file to find mstsc file and place it in the folder of the comm in VAC. However it gave me an error msg: specified file is not found. PAM handed the file system protected to system32 and instead, I created a shortcut on the desktop. and now, I'll check the link above.

    Downloading and the ms support link is fine, but they do not explain where the file is located on your computer, it just says that it is loaded in your pc.

    Appreciate your attempt anyway. Thank you and I am afraid that this question is closed.

  • Remote Desktop on Windows 7 Professional, connect to Windows XP SP3.


    I am trying to connect to a Win XP Home Edition SP3 computer laptop from a Win7 Pro on WLAN & Gigabit network. It always brings up this:

    Remote Desktop cannot connect to the remote computer to one of the following reasons:

    [1] remote access to the server is not enabled.

    [2] the remote computer is disabled.

    [3] the remote computer is not available on the network

    Make sure that the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and remote access is enabled.


    Windows XP Home Edition SP3 with RDP file Version: 6.0.6001.18589

    Windows 7 Professional with RDP Version: 6.1.7601.17514

    I also tried to download and install the latest RDP on the Microsoft Web site, and it starts to install goes up to 65% and then I get a popup saying:

    "Remote Desktop connection cannot be installed because your operating system already has a built-in version. See all programs\Accessories\Communications\Remote Desktop connections on your Start menu.»

    The Windows XP laptop has a wireless card, so I use a linksys WUSB100 V2. with my WRT610N Linkysys however Windows 7 is mostly on gigabit ethernet with router.

    I tried to run RDP on WLAN & ethernet both. No luck yet. Help, please...!

    P.S.: I need access to Windows XP laptop computer from my Win7 Pro laptop.

    Kind regards


    Thanks in advance!

    Hi [emailprotected]$#@NT,

    You can check if the following items to help you.

    Connect to another computer using Remote Desktop connection

    Configure the remote desktop on Windows 7 systems

    See also:

    How to use the Windows XP Professional Remote Desktop feature

  • Remote Desktop connection for XP Pro to a pc Windows 7

    I am trying to connect to a Windows 7 Pro pc using my Windows XP Pro computer. I created the firewall for inbound and outbound rules to a specific port, set the port on the Terminal Server and upgraded the Remote Desktop Client in the XP box to 6.0. However, I still can't connect to the Win7 pc unless I completely disable the firewall. Could someone please give me a solution to this problem?

    Thank you


    The firewall blocks the traffic, you probably does not correctly configured the ports and its opening.



    Jack-MVP Windows Networking. WWW.EZLAN.NET

  • In windows Vista [Home Premium] Remote Desktop connection does not work correctly

    I installed and re-installed my Vista [Home premium] 2 times already because of the remote desktop connection. I have a problem connecting from another laptop running windows 7 to connect to my desktop running Vista. The remote control works on the other hand the meaning of desktop running vista, laptop running windows 7 Professional.
    Looking at the Vista under \System\Remote setting\Remote tab which shows the remote assistance box, but the Office box where you can choose what type of connection can be established remotely is missing.

    I went though all as responses to forum, but nothing helped. Even in a "sfc/scannow" command prompt running did not help. It is said that he finds corrupted files, but it cannot solve all corrupted files. That's why I reinstalled windows hoping to fix this problem but WITHOUT SUCCESS.

    Can anyone help? I've attached a screenshot of what I see in vista.

    You can connect FROM an original version of Windows to another computer, but you cannot connect to an original version of Windows.

    It is not an 'idea' it's hard cold fact that is at least 12 years old.

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