What is the difference between structured and semi structured interviews?

There are three types of user interviews: structured, semi-structured, and unstructured. Let me explain the difference between the three types and suggest which type is best for UX research.

Three types of user interviews

Structured interviews consist of a set of questions prepared in advance. The interviewer uses only the list of predetermined questions and in particular order. Sometimes structured interviews may even provide options for the respondent to choose from. Thus, structured interviews can be classified as both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Semi-structured interviews also consist of questions prepared in advance, but not only. During semi-structured interviews, the interviewer can also ask extra questions based on previous answers. This deep-dive can lead to an interesting discussion or the respondent elaborating on something that is critical for the interviewer to know.

Unstructured interviews do not have questions prepared in advance. Usually, the interviewer will have one or several topics to cover and will lead an informal conversation about them. The questions will depend on the respondent’s thoughts.

What is the difference between structured and semi structured interviews?

Pros and cons of different types

The main advantages of having user interviews that are more structured are that they take less time (to conduct, to transcribe, to analyse) and make it very easy to compare answers between different respondents. Yet, their main disadvantage is that they are less flexible. Because of that, they provide limited data.

The main advantage of user interviews that are less structured or unstructured is that they provide deeper insights. However, they can take a lot of time, they are hard to analyse (the data you get is quite messy), they do not allow for comparisons (every interview is different), and they are hard to do. You will have to practice.

Which type to choose for your study

Consider everything mentioned before. It becomes clear that the best way to go almost always is to take something from both sides and conduct semi-structured interviews. You will win because:

  • This way, you will always have a list of questions to follow which is useful in making sure that you ask everything. Also, it helps if you are having a bad day or the respondent is not very talkative.
  • You will not limit yourself. You will still have an opportunity to ask additional questions, e.g. to elaborate about specific experiences.

The question is, how much structure is recommended in semi-structured interviews?

Naturally, you want to be explorative if you are starting out with your product or service, especially if you only have an idea of what you want to build. If this is the case, you can have less structure. Prepare several major questions in advance and focus more on building from what the respondents have to say.

If you are interviewing in later stages, and you already have a product or a service running (or at least a prototype), then you may want to introduce more structure. If this is the case, prepare more specific questions. But remember this. You do not have to limit yourself by following this structure fully. If the respondent mentions something of interest, go ahead and ask them more about it.

By clicking here, read my other article about how to prepare for user interviews.

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When you're job searching, you may encounter many different types of interviews as you go through the hiring process at different companies. One common interviewing technique is a semi-structured interview.

During a semi-structured interview, your interviewer will not strictly follow a formalized list of questions. Instead, they will ask more open-ended questions. 


This type of interview allows for more discussion than a straightforward question-and-answer format.

Learn more about how semi-structured interviews work and how to prepare for one.

What Is a Semi-Structured Interview?

In this type of interview, the interviewer may prepare a list of questions but won't necessarily ask them all, or touch on them in any particular order. Instead, interviewers will use these questions to guide the conversation. In some cases, the interviewer will prepare only a list of general topics to be addressed.


Other interview types you might encounter are structured interviews, in which each candidate is asked the same questions in the same order, and unstructured interviews, in which all questions are spontaneous.

How a Semi-Structured Interview Works

Before the interview, the interviewer usually analyzes the job requirements and builds a profile of the ideal candidate. Next, they develop questions and conversation starters to draw information from the interviewee about their qualifications. Depending on how the candidate answers, the interviewer may ask follow-up questions to gain a more in-depth understanding.

For example, an employer hiring a senior public relations representative might identify the following characteristics as vital to success in that role within their organization:

  • Proven track record of media placements
  • An extensive set of media contacts at key outlets
  • Success in landing new clients
  • High-level skills with writing press releases
  • Proficiency in developing content for online media
  • Evidence of orchestrating successful events
  • Strategic planning skills and strong supervisory skills

As a candidate, you would need to be prepared to expand on these themes, with anecdotes from your experiences that highlight these qualifications.

A common practice in semi-structured interviews is to lead with open-ended questions, which are questions that can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." Based on the answers, the interviewer will ask follow-up questions to draw out more specific evidence about the candidate's assets. 

An interviewer might lead with a general question like "What were the keys to your success as a PR representative for Jones and Company?" and then ask more specific questions based on the response of the candidate to assess strengths in key hiring criteria.

So, if you responded to the question above and mentioned landing new clients as a key to your success, the interviewer might ask, "Can you describe the approach you used to land the major client you just mentioned?" to give you the opportunity to share some of the skills you used to engage clients.

By tailoring their questions to each interviewee, the interviewer facilitates a more fluid conversation.

Benefits of a Semi-Structured Interview

The semi-structured interview format encourages two-way communication. Both the interviewer and the candidate can ask questions, which allows for a comprehensive discussion of pertinent topics.

Because of the conversational tone, the candidate may feel more comfortable expanding on techniques and experiences that will highlight the traits that make them a good fit for the position.

How to Handle a Semi-Structured Interview

Semi-structured interviewing is most effective when practiced by a well-trained and experienced interviewer. Interviewers with less experience may have difficulty extracting all the necessary information to assess whether a candidate meets the full job qualifications without a set list of questions.

Novices using a semi-structured interview style should prepare a well-planned interview guide to ensure that all the job requirements are addressed.

As a candidate, you may not know what the structure of your interview will be. If you're thoroughly prepared, you will be well equipped to handle any interview structure.

Your interview is your chance to sell yourself for the job, so make sure you make a good impression by taking the following steps:

  • Review the required and recommended skills in the job posting and think of examples of when you have used these skills successfully.
  • Research the company. Knowing what they do, how they do it, and any innovation that sets them apart from their competitors is excellent material to bring into the conversation during the interview.
  • Review common interview questions that you might be asked and think about any follow-up questions that your answers might trigger.
  • Have questions for the interviewer that relate to the company and the position, as well as open the door to discussing how you would be an asset there.
  • Practice with a friend or mentor. They can ask questions you might not expect, giving you the chance to think on your feet and get comfortable engaging the interviewer.
  • Dress appropriately for the position. Be sure that your interview attire is a fit for the job and the employer.
  • Follow up after the interview with a thank-you email to reiterate your interest in the position and to clarify or add to any information that came up during your conversation.

Key Takeaways

  • A semi-structured interview is a meeting where the interviewer asks open-ended questions, instead of following a strict and formalized list of questions.
  • The interviewer uses the job requirements to develop questions and conversation starters.
  • The semi-structured interview format encourages two-way communication. Both the interviewer and the candidate can ask questions and further the conversation. 
  • To prepare, review the job posting, research the company, practice your answers, and dress professionally.

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Why are semi

While similar methods-wise to structured interviews, questionnaires, and surveys, semi-structured interviews introduce more detail and richness due to their more open-ended nature. Participants can be asked to clarify, elaborate, or rephrase their answers if need be.

What are three differences between a structured and unstructured interview?

Structured interviews are more formal, with little room to give creative answers. But unstructured interviews are flexible, more informal and free-flowing. Structured interviews are standardized while unstructured interviews are personalized.

What is a semi

A common practice in semi-structured interviews is to lead with open-ended questions, which are questions that can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." Based on the answers, the interviewer will ask follow-up questions to draw out more specific evidence about the candidate's assets.

What is the difference between structured and semi

In a structured questionnaire only closed-ended questions are used, in a semi-structured questionnaire both open-ended and closed ended questions are used while in a unstructured questionnaire, only open-ended questions are used related to the context.