What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?

Core Concepts

How Neurons Communicate

Related Topics Your Complex Brain How Your Brain Processes Information

  1. Neurons communicate using both electrical and chemical signals.
    1. Sensory stimuli are converted to electrical signals.
    2. Action potentials are electrical signals carried along neurons.
    3. Synapses are chemical or electrical junctions that allow electrical signals to pass from neurons to other cells.
    4. Electrical signals in muscles cause contraction and movement.
    5. Changes in the amount of activity at a synapse can enhance or reduce its function.
    6. Communication between neurons is strengthened or weakened by an individual's activities, such as exercise, stress, and drug use.
    7. All perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors result from combinations of signals among neurons.

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?

Learn How Neurons Communicate

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?

Nuts and Bolts: The Neuron

  • Wellcome Trust

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?

Electrifying the Brain

  • BrainFacts/SfN

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?

Neuron Conversations: How Brain Cells Communicate

  • BrainFacts/SfN

3D Brain

An interactive brain map that you can rotate in a three-dimensional space.

Interact with the Brain

Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. The synapse contains a small gap separating neurons. The synapse consists of:

  1. a presynaptic ending that contains neurotransmitters, mitochondria and other cell organelles
  2. a postsynaptic ending that contains receptor sites for neurotransmitters
  3. a synaptic cleft or space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic endings.

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?
Hear IT!: Axon | Dendrite | Myelin | Neuron | Neurotransmitter | Soma | Synapse | Vesicle

Electrical Trigger for Neurotransmission

For communication between neurons to occur, an electrical impulse must travel down an axon to the synaptic terminal.

Neurotransmitter Mobilization and Release

At the synaptic terminal (the presynaptic ending), an electrical impulse will trigger the migration of vesicles (the red dots in the figure to the left) containing neurotransmitters toward the presynaptic membrane. The vesicle membrane will fuse with the presynaptic membrane releasing the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. Until recently, it was thought that a neuron produced and released only one type of neurotransmitter. This was called "Dale's Law." However, there is now evidence that neurons can contain and release more than one kind of neurotransmitter.

Diffusion of Neurotransmitters Across the Synaptic Cleft

The neurotransmitter molecules then diffuse across the synaptic cleft where they can bind with receptor sites on the postsynaptic ending to influence the electrical response in the postsynaptic neuron. In the figure on the right, the postsynaptic ending is a dendrite

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?
(axodendritic synapse), but synapses can occur on axons (axoaxonic synapse) and cell bodies (axosomatic synapse).

When a neurotransmitter binds to a receptor on the postsynaptic side of the synapse, it changes the postsynaptic cell's excitability: it makes the postsynaptic cell either more or less likely to fire an action potential. If the number of excitatory postsynaptic events is large enough, they will add to cause an action potential in the postsynaptic cell and a continuation of the "message."

Many psychoactive drugs and neurotoxins can change the properties of neurotransmitter release, neurotransmitter reuptake and the availability of receptor binding sites.

Types of Synapses

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?
"You are your synapses. They are who you are."
--- Joseph LeDoux, 2002 (in Synaptic Self)

What is it called when one neuron sends a message to another neuron?
See some synapses "Up Close and Personal".

Play the Interactive Word Search Game on the neuron and neurotransmitters. Play an Outside Game to reinforce what you have learned about the synapse. Color the synapse online: Picture 1| Picture 2

What is it called when one neuron signals another neuron?

Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a small gap called a synapse (SIN-aps). At the synapse, electrical signals are translated into chemical signals in order to cross the gap. Once on the other side, the signal becomes electrical again.

What is it called when two neurons communicate?

Neurons communicate at structures called synapses in a process called synaptic transmission. The synapse consists of the two neurons, one of which is sending information to the other.