What is code of ethics in early childhood?

Our Code of Ethical Conduct sets out the standards of conduct every family who enrols with our service can rightly expect of us and what is expected of every service in the early childhood sector.

We acknowledge and uphold the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Te Tiriti o Waitangi as Aotearoa/ New Zealand’s founding document.

Our Standards

A strong ethic of care

We care about every child in our care. Caring and relationship is as an educational goal and a fundamental aspect of what our service does.

We make sure that:

  • All adults act to keep children safe.
  • Children experience plenty of individual attention and conversation with members of our team as well as social and educational interaction as part of the group.
  • Children’s mental health is supported and emotions are understood and responded to with sensitivity. 
  • Parents and caregivers are supported and treated as the experts on their child. 
  • Parents and caregivers are never excluded or made to feel that they cannot stay their child. 
  • Members of our team never talk negatively about any child, parent/ caregiver, family, or fellow team member in the presence or hearing of a child, family member, another team member, or visitor. 
  • No child is restricted from attending our service for reasons of gender, race, religion, disability and learning needs or family background and political beliefs.
  • Our enrolment and attendance policies can be adjusted as needed to uphold the best interests of the child and family circumstances.


We comply with all relevant regulations and rules as a crucial part of doing well for our community and society and by everyone in our service.

We make sure that:

  • Members of our team all have a good understanding of the Education [Early Childhood Services] Regulations and licensing criteria and how they can each ensure we meet these requirements.
  • Our service is well managed in accordance with all relevant legal requirements and rules including those pertaining to education, child protection, human rights, consumer rights, building and facilities, and employment.    


We are a professional service that operates in strongly professional ways.

We make sure that:

  • All staff and team members [including students on teaching practice] are provided with a safe working environment.  We actively work to identify and manage sources of stress, prevent injury, and support good health.
  • Employee remuneration is commensurate with qualifications, experience, and responsibilities held.
  • Team members are supported to develop their knowledge and skills and share their learning with each other.   
  • Our service stays informed of current developments and works to continuously improve its quality.
  • We advocate for the well-being of young children and their families, and for policies and practices that aid the provision of high-quality early childhood education.

Accountability and transparency

We are accountable to users for the safety and goodness of the service provided, and to the public for our use of funding. We maintain a climate of openness and transparency.  

We make sure that:

  • Child and family questions are answered respectfully, honestly and in a timely way.
  • Parents and caregivers can observe our programme in action as often and when they wish.
  • Child and parent/ caregiver views are regularly invited.  Feedback from families is also sought using formal methods [such as the OECE Parent Survey].  Feedback is valued and incorporated into our quality assessment and improvement processes.
  • Families and staff can raise concerns or make a complaint in good faith and there is no retaliation.
  • In the [hopefully unlikely] event of injury, death, or harm to a child or children whilst in our care, we will accept responsibility and act with sensitivity and kindness toward all who are affected.
  • Clear records of revenue from parent fees, funding, and other sources along with details of expenditure, capital reserves and profit are available on our website or placed in a prominent position at the front entranceway to our service. 

Code of Ethical Conduct
Copyright The Office of Early Childhood Education  
Last updated January 2022 

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Why is code of ethics important in early childhood?

This code of ethics places the utmost importance on the protection and well being of children and families. Taking action to counteract unethical practice is therefore the responsibility of every early childhood professional.

What does ethics mean in childcare?

Being ethical involves thinking about everyday actions and decision making, either individually or collectively, and responding with respect to all concerned.

Why the code of ethics is important?

A code of ethics is important because it clearly lays out the rules for behavior and provides the groundwork for a preemptive warning. While a code of ethics is often not required, many firms and organizations choose to adopt one, which helps to identify and characterize a business to stakeholders.

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