What accessibility modifier limits method access to the class that contains the method?

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You can change a Label's ____ property to display any string of text.


In C#, you use the ____ data type to hold a series of characters.


Professional programmers usually do not retain the default names for Forms and controls.


Programmers sometimes refer to encapsulation as using a ____.

Black box

The Form class contains approximately ____ properties.


The C# programming language was developed as an object-oriented and component-oriented language. True


A data item is ____________________ when it cannot be changed after a program is compiled.


A ____ consists of a pair of curly braces containing a number that indicates the desired variable's position in a list that follows the string.


The ____ behind any program involves executing the various statements and procedures in the correct order to produce the desired results.


Programmers use a computer program called a [n]____ to translate their high-level language statements into machine code.


The order in which controls receive focus from successive Tab key presses is their ____.

Tab order

In arithmetic operations with operands of dissimilar types, a [n]____ is the automatic conversion of nonconforming operands to a unifying type.

Implicit cast

C# programmers must use Pascal casing when creating method names to produce an executable program.


To change the size of a button on a Form, you can drag the button's ____.


An expression containing a [n] ____ operator has a Boolean value.


You are not required to create a Click [] method for a Button.


A Button's ____________________ property indicates whether the button is visible.


As an alternative to the Convert class methods, you can use a [n] ____ method to convert a string to a number.


Operators are used to manipulate values in a program. For example, in the expression X + Y, + is an operator. The values that operators use, such as X and Y, are called ____________________.


The environment the user sees is a program's ____.


The keyword ____ is used to declare a named constant.


____ represent[s] information that a method needs to perform its task.


A [n] ____ number is one that contains decimal positions.


The ____ in the Visual C# IDE main window lies horizontally across the top of the window and includes a File menu from which you open, close, and save projects.

Main menu

When programmers do not capitalize the first letter of an identifier but do capitalize each new word, they call the style ____________________.

Camel casing

____ is the technique of packaging an object's attributes and methods into a cohesive unit that can be used as an undivided entity.


A class describes the attributes and methods of every object that is a [n] ___, or example, of that class.


A [n] ____ is a named location in computer memory that can hold different values at different points in time.


Named computer memory locations are called ____________________ because they hold values that
might vary.


To purposefully override the unifying type in an arithmetic operation, use a [n] ____ by placing the desired result type in parentheses followed by the variable or constant to be cast.

Explicit cast

A program that accepts console input from the user is a [n] ____ program.


+= is the C# ____ operator; it adds the operand on the right to the operand on the left and assigns it to the operand on the left in one step.

Add and assign

When programmers adopt the style of capitalizing the first letter of all new words in an identifier, even the first one, they call the style ____.

Pascal casing

The equal sign [=] is the C# assignment operator.


After you write and save a program, you must ____ it into intermediate language.


A method ____ includes the method name and information about what will pass into and be returned from a method.


Giving a value to a variable, as in the statement someVariable = 5, is called a [n] ___________________.


If you make a change to a program and try to rerun it, you get an error message that starts with "Could not copy...". The solution is to ____ and then try again.

Close the previous execution

The Visual Studio IDE gives you advanced features such as syntax coloring and automatic statement completion.


Operators that have only one argument, such as the prefix and postfix increment operators, are called ____________________ operators.


If a Button's name is reportButton, then the default name of its Click [] method is ____.

reportButton_Click []

So much code is needed to create even the simplest of GUI programs that it is far more practical to develop the user interface visually in an IDE.


When a user types a value into a TextBox in an executing program, it becomes the value for the ____ property of the TextBox.


A [n] ____ is a synonym for a base class.

Parent class

An exception of the ____ class is thrown when an attempt is made to store an element of the wrong type within an array.


The ____ Object class method returns a string that holds the name of the class, just as GetType [] does.


C# makes implicit conversions when casting one data type to another. When a derived class object is assigned to its ancestor's data type, the conversion can more specifically be called a [n] ________.

Implicit reference conversion

The Exception class overrides ____ to provide a descriptive error message so a user can receive precise information about the nature of any Exception that is thrown.


For convenience, the individual operations used in a computer program often are grouped into logical units called ____.


The non-conditional Boolean logical inclusive OR operator is written as ____.


The conditional AND operator is written as ____.


In a switch statement, the keyword ____ starts the switch structure.


When loop structures are nested, the inner loop must be entirely contained within the outer loop; loops can never overlap.


You cannot use a while loop for indefinite loops.


You can use the conditional ____ operator when you want some action to occur even if only one of two conditions is true.


You can combine as many AND and OR operators in an expression as needed.


A while loop is a [n]____ loop.


Event-driven GUI programs sometimes require fewer coded loops than their counterpart console applications because some events are determined by the ____ when the program is running.

User's actions

When you use a loop within a loop, you should always think of the ____ loop as the all-encompassing loop.


Flowchart creators use diamond shapes to indicate alternative courses of action.


When a variable is declared inside a loop, it can be referenced only for the duration of the loop body. Once the loop finishes execution, the variable is out of ____________________, which means it is not usable because it has ceased to exist.


In a switch statement, the type of the value in a case label is the ____________________ type.


A [n]____________________ is a structure that allows repeated execution of a block of statements.


Programmers often use ____________________, a tool that helps them plan a program's logic by writing plain English statements.


A [n]____ statement is used to make a single-alternative decision.


Often, the value of a loop control variable is not altered by arithmetic, but instead is altered by user input. This type of loop is a [n]____ loop.


Using a [n]____ with a switch statement can often be convenient because it can make the meaning of case label values much clearer.


A value that a user must supply to stop a loop [for example, 'Y' or 'N'] is called a [n]____________________ value.


In a switch statement, the keyword return usually terminates each case.


The expressions in each part of a compound, conditional Boolean expression are evaluated only as much as necessary to determine whether the entire expression is true or false. This feature is called ____ evaluation.


A loop for which the number of iterations is predetermined is called a [n]____ loop.


In C#, an error occurs if you reach the end point of the statement list in a case section. This is known as the ____ rule.

No fall through

With a ____ loop, you can indicate the starting value for the loop control variable, the test condition that controls loop entry, and the expression that alters the loop control variable, all in one convenient place.


You can improve loop performance by using prefix incrementing.


When creating a flowchart or pseudocode representation of a task, a ____ structure is one in which one step follows another unconditionally.


You can use a [n]____________________ loop to execute a body of statements continuously as long as some condition continues to be true.


A Boolean expression is evaluated within every while loop to determine whether the loop body will execute.


The non-conditional Boolean logical AND operator is written as ____.


In C#, the ____ operator is used as an abbreviated version of the if-else statement.


An accumulator variable must be set to ____ before it is used to accumulate a total.


A [n] ____________________ decision has two possible resulting actions.

Dual-alternative or dual alternative

You can use the conditional ____ operator within a Boolean expression to determine whether two expressions are both true.

[And] &&

The NOT operator is written as ____.


You begin a 'for' statement with the keyword ____ followed by a set of parentheses.


The conditional OR operator is written as ____.


Often, totals are ____; that is, summed one at a time in a loop.


The do-while loop is a [n] ____ loop.


When loops are nested, each pair contains a [n] ____ loop and an outer loop.


If you ever find yourself in the midst of executing an infinite loop, you can break out by holding down the ____ key and pressing the C key or the Break [Pause] key.


The optional keyword ____ is used prior to any action that should occur if the test expression does not match any case.


When an array passed to a method is passed by ____, the method receives the actual memory address of the array and has access to the actual values in the array elements.


An array subscript can be an expression, as long as the expression evaluates to a [n] ____. Integer


With ____, if a programmer changes the way in which a method internally works, programs that use that method will not be affected and will not need to be modified.

Implementation hiding

The ____ accessibility modifier limits method access to the class that contains the method.


The ____ operator is used to create objects.


When you declare objects, their bool fields initialize to ____.


If you use the keyword modifier ____, you indicate that a method can be called by referring to the class rather than an object from the class.


The list of values provided for an array is a [n] ____________________.

Initializer list

When method calls are placed inside other method calls, the calls are ____ method calls.


You indicate that a method parameter is an array by placing ____ after the data type in the method's parameter list.

[ ]

The optional declared ____ for a method [for example, public] sets limits as to how other methods can use it.


If you do not provide an accessibility modifier for a method, it is private by default.


You can easily navigate through arrays using a for or while loop that varies a subscript from 0 to ____.

Array.Length - 1

To more easily incorporate methods into a program, it is common practice to store methods in their own classes and files. Then you can add them into any application that uses them. The resulting compound program is called a [n] ____.

Multifile assembly

A [n]____________________ is an encapsulated series of statements that carry out a task.


A method that uses another is called a ____ of the method it uses.


In C#, an array subscript must be a [n]____.


C# supports a ____ statement that you can use to cycle through every array element without using a subscript.


If you create a Click [] method that responds to button clicks, it will be ____ by default because it is associated with an object that is a Form.


The ____ method can find the array position of a requested value in an array that is sorted with its elements in ascending order.


If a method does not return a value, its return type is ____________________.


To use the Sort [] method, you pass the array name to ____.

Array.Sort []

With the foreach statement, you provide a temporary _that automatically holds each array value in turn.

Index holder

The ____________________ property is a member of the System.Array class and automatically holds an array's length.


A [n]____________________ is an integer contained within square brackets that indicates the position of one of an array's elements.

Subscript or index

The ____ method arranges array items in ascending order.

Sort []

A [n] ____ is a device you can use without knowing how it works internally.

Black box

A method ____________________ is a block of statements that carry out the method's work.


A search in which each array element is examined in order is called a ____ search.


Arrays are useful when you need to store just one value in memory at a time.


Every method has a [n] ____________________, indicating what kind of value the method will return to any other method that calls it.

return type

When you instantiate an array, you can choose its location in memory.


The power of arrays becomes apparent when you use subscripts that are variables rather than constant values.


Because the ReadLine [] method call can be assigned to a string, its return type is____.


A parameter within a method header is called a [n]____ parameter.


If a method expects parameters with different types [for example, an int and a string], then passing arguments to the method in reverse order constitutes a ____ error, and the program will not compile.


You can distinguish each element from the others in an array with a [n] ____.


In C#, an array's elements are numbered beginning with 1.


An array that you can picture as a column of values, and whose elements you can access using a single subscript, is a ____ array.


The set of contents of an object's instance variables also is known as its ____.


A method can return at most one value to a method that calls it.


A [n] ____________________ is a method that instantiates [creates an instance of] an object.

Instance method

Using private fields within classes is an example of ____, a feature found in all object-oriented languages.

Information hiding

You use the keyword ____ as a modifier to indicate an output parameter.


Properties have ____ that specify the statements that execute when a class's fields are accessed.


The ____ class access modifier means that access is limited to the assembly [a group of code modules compiled together] to which the class belongs.


In C#, all data types are ____________________.


A method's name and parameter list constitute the method's ____.


____ parameters act as aliases, or pseudonyms, for the same memory location occupied by the original variable being passed to a method.


Instance variables are often called ____ to help distinguish them from other variables you might use.


An implicit, or invisible, ____ reference is passed to every instance method and property accessor.


When you don't know how many arguments you might eventually send to a method, you can declare a [n]____.

Parameter array

A class that instantiates objects of another prewritten class is known as a class client or class ____.


You cannot use the out or ref keywords when passing an array to a method.


You name an argument in a method call using its parameter name and a ____ before the value.


The ____ class access modifier means that access is limited to another class to which the class belongs.


Only nonstatic methods receive a 'this' reference.


A GUI object, such as a Button, is represented as an object that cannot encapsulate any methods.


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What keyword modifier indicates that a method can be called?

The public keyword is an access modifier and indicates that this method can be called by any object. The static keyword indicates that this method is a class method as opposed to being an instance method. The void keyword indicates that this method has no return value.

How are the parameters for Aclick [] method received?

How are the parameters for a Click[] method received? The method receives the parameters automatically when the corresponding Button is pressed. The type of an argument in a method call must exactly match the type of the corresponding parameter specified in the method declaration.

What is the return type of the readline method call?

The readline method reads one line from the file and returns it as a string. The strings returned by readlines or readline will contain the newline character at the end.

What modifier should you use on a class so that a class in the same package can access it but a class in a different package Cannot access it?

The private modifier specifies that the member can only be accessed in its own class. The protected modifier specifies that the member can only be accessed within its own package [as with package-private] and, in addition, by a subclass of its class in another package.

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