weekday là gì - Nghĩa của từ weekday

weekday có nghĩa là

WEEKDAY GIRL is great...if your a guy.She's super cool. Easy going. Doesn't ask too much of you. Kinda at your mercy in way. She waits for you to call.She needs attention but won't say that she does, she doesn't want to "scare" you so she won't call you too much. She puts up a front, she actually really likes you but knows and accepts that you are busy and have responsibilities. So you can only see her later in the night after you have completed your day. But she's waiting patiently, prettied up and smiling for you when she opens the door...on a WEEKDAY!!! You are tired and want to stay in, we "understand" because you have had a loooong day, we are here for you. Disapointed but we won't let it show. There's always Friday and Saturday. But wait! You are not good enough for a Friday or Saturday...because your WEEKDAY GIRL! Fridays and Saturdays are not her nights. Those are reserved for actual "BUDDIES", WEEKDAY GIRL does not rank those nights. She's in a sense not a buddy nor a friend because she cannot even be mixed with them. She's only good enough for WEEKDAYS when not much else is going on. So there she is on a weekend easily available or worse ALONE, hopeful that he may call her if he strikes out at the bar or is just drunk enough to not know its the WEEKEND. And being WEEDAY GIRL she picks up the phone in hopes of maybe the transition into WEEKEND GIRL may happen. It doesn't. It won't.


Man, I am getting so sick of being a weekday girl...

weekday có nghĩa là

Battling through the weekdays to get to the weekends. People who attend school or work [somewhere they’d rather not be] Monday- Friday and are miserable. Just counting down the days until Friday at whatever time they’re off. People, basically, living for the weekend. Like the only thing waking them up Monday-Friday is the sweet freedom of the weekend to come. A less extreme version of a Weekend Warrior.


"I'm a weekday warrior."
"How so?"
"I can't wait for the weeked."
"Wow, you're awesome."

weekday có nghĩa là

Opposite sex friends that are great to chill with Monday through Thursday but once the weekend comes it's time to go MIA. Friday will typically bring a ton of excuses or other more important things will pop up excusing them from the whole weekend. Once Monday rolls around, things return to normal and you're besties again. Could be considered an insult or a great arrangement depending on your status.


Girl 1: Are you going to his house this weekend?
Girl 2: Nah, girl, we're just weekday friends.

weekday có nghĩa là

Used to describe a person, thing, or event as homosexual, so as to avoid use of the words "gay" or "fag."


"That jacket with those jeans is soooo weekday, but for a straight guy you totally pull it off."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's a weekday."
"Yeah, I heard he was flirting with Danny last night at a party."

weekday có nghĩa là

A reference to having a dad throughout the week that takes care of you and your needs growing up, while the weekends may be an entirely different story.


My weekday father always brought me a chocolate Instant Breakfast drink blended with a banana to start my day.

weekday có nghĩa là

A wife that does not have interaction with her husband during the week due to pressing obligations at work and irresponsible bullshit on the personal side


Wife: I never see you anymore during the week because you are never home or paseed out in the bedroom Husband: My boss is breaking my balls at work and that Damned Bowling league! We'll catch up this weekend. For now you are going to have to be a weekday widow

weekday có nghĩa là

Someone you won't waste a weekend day on, guy or girl.


I don't answer John's/Jill's call from Friday night through Monday morning. They're ok for a weekday friend, but I wouldn't waste a weekend on them.

weekday có nghĩa là

The act of masturbating and promptly falling asleep for an inconveniently long amount of time. Usually, but not exclusively performed during the week after business hours. A typical weekday combo will ruin your schedule and leave you feeling gross and unemployed.


Person 1: Hey man how's your research project going? My group made a lot of progress last night!
Person 2: Dude I fucked up... totally hit it with the weekday combo and missed the meeting. I've been asleep for 4 hours.

weekday có nghĩa là

- a condition of people having negative feelings for weekdays; - a state of mind that usually occurs on later hours of Sunday's - a manner of feeling unmotivated, lazy, etc. to face weekdays - a fear that brings unhappy thoughts for the coming days [Monday- Friday] especially when you are expecting to do task overtime because of too much work load.. and your trying hard to beat deadlines. - also suffered by real students


" I'm not interested to do anything for the moment, I'm on a weekday phobia mode! "

weekday có nghĩa là

Someone you want to do relationship things with when there isn’t anything else going on. On weekends, though, you don’t call or hang out with her, because you’re out with your friends and want to have the opportunity to meet other girls.


Every time I ask to hang on a weekend he says he’s busy, but treats me like he wants a relationship during the week.... I’m starting to think I’m a weekday girl.

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