waiter là gì - Nghĩa của từ waiter

waiter có nghĩa là

Wheezy Waiter is Craig Benzine, a video content creator, who has a popular channel on YouTube and a blog under the name Wheezy Waiter. Craig has been creating Wheezy Waiter videos since June 2007. Wheezy Waiter is as popular as other video content creators who are defined on Urban Dictionary. Craig calls himself Wheezy Waiter, because when he started creating videos for the internet, he was working as a waiter and because he has asthma. [He no longer works as a waiter.] In his videos, Craig often creates vocabulary that catches on very quickly and begins to be widely used on the internet, including the terms doobly-doo and noodle boiler, which already appear on UD. Wheezy Waiter videos have many repeated themes, including: use of slap bracelets to celebrate, clones of Craig punching each other, winks that make a dinging sound, music playing when Craig's chair slides across carpet, Craig playing a version of his mother who stands at the window and profanely criticizes him, and lots of attention to Craig's beard, which has become Wheezy Waiter's trademark. [Wheezy Waiter viewers are referred to as beardlovers.] There are also long series of videos on a single theme, such as a long series of videos he did of song puns using breakfast items [Eggs over Easy E, Braneater, Iggy Pop Tart, Barack Obomelette, to name a few]. His longest-running series is Free Bagel Friday, when he punches his boss to steal his boss' bagel.


It's time for a Wheezy Waiter clip.
Subscribe to Wheezy Waiter.
Wheezy Waiter is the greatest non-Ze-Frank vlogger of all time. - John Green, another content creator who's defined on UD

waiter có nghĩa là

Waiter Gods are the all knowing, unseen entities who control the ebb and flow of the great tip continuum. They are mysterious and unknowable ,but their wrath can be swift, cruel, and could possibly prevent you from makeing rent this month. As their name implies their dominian of power is over Waiters, but also has been know to effect assistant managers and unscrupulous bus boys.
If one whos income is dependant upon tips is themself a bad tipper then the Waiter Gods insure that mere spare change shall be returned to them with increaseing frequency. If the blasphemer does not repent he can expect to get screwed out of nights and weekends too. The Hindu religion refers to this as Karma, but this is naive and underscores the true power of the Waiter Gods.


Paul totally scamed that waitress at Applebee's last night, but the Waiter Gods made sure that the eight top on table 14 left ,like, six bucks.

waiter có nghĩa là

A bad dream experienced by persons who wait tables for a living. The details in the dream may vary, but the one constant of all waiters nightmares is a full station [assigned tables] of unhappy customers [or members if the establishment is a private club]. A common WN is arriving late at work and finding your station already full to capacity. Another common one is not being able to get organized, and realizing you have forgotten to turn in an order to the kitchen for a table that has been waiting a long time. Coming out of the kitchen with a tray of entrees and dropping it on the floor is a favorite. One of the more disturbing waiters nightmares is having a large table of people, or maybe even more than one table in the party, and after waiting for what seems like hours for their food to come up, and it's like midnight and all other customers and wait staff are long gone, and you go into the kitchen to check on your food, and all the cooks have cleaned up the kitchen and left, and didn't make your table's food.


Anybody who has worked as a server is familiar with the waiter's nightmare

waiter có nghĩa là

Akshay Kumar is called as waiter of Bollywood..He has this past of his that makes him a waiter, also his fans always cry n wait for festival releases but he is not capable of that.


Do u think Waiter of Bollywood will retire without a single Biggest Hit of Year.

waiter có nghĩa là

When everyone is sitting down and an instruction is given to do something which involves standing up then everyone waits around for the first person to do it.


The boss tells everyone to get up and go to the front of a room. No-one moves. One guy says to the next "This is a total waiter"

waiter có nghĩa là

a sex position where u are fucking one woman while fingering the two women either side of the one in the middle, the arms pointing out is where the waiter comes from


person1: hey i just made up a new sex position called the waiter
person2: wot is is
person1: [whispers it to him]
person2: sweet i have 3 girls comin over my house i'll try it!

waiter có nghĩa là

A person who will publicly announce their intention to leave a place, whether it be in real life or on the internet, but will not actually leave until enough people have said 'bye' to them. Often, they will re-announce their intention of leaving multiple times.


"Man, Chris, is such a goodbye waiter. I don't know why he needs everyone in the place to acknowledge that he's leaving, he must be insecure about something."

waiter có nghĩa là

A man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant.


A waiter will come by shortly to take your order.

waiter có nghĩa là

An individual belonging to an old money family who chooses to spend their time idly a
while accomplishing very little. These people may or may not live comfortably, with or without support from their family, while they ‘wait’ for their older, wealthier relatives to die.


Has Carter done anything since graduation? Not really, he tells his family that he’s a playwright, but he’s a waiter — his grandmother is 96

waiter có nghĩa là

Someone who unobtrusively hangs around a place of business that often has a large volume of customers [supermarket, department store, hotel, etc.], and watches for opportunities to "scavenge for leftovers" and otherwise save money on stuff that he can utilize in his own life. Examples of these opportunities could include finishing/gathering uneaten remains of a family's meal after the group leaves the table, catching an opening/closing door of a coin-operated restroom to keep it from latching when a paying restroom-user is exiting/leaving so that the waiter can slip in and use the facility without having to drop in his own quarter to get the door unlocked again, etc.


If a waiter is part of a sizeable low-income family, several members of his family may be recruited to discretely hang out in various locations around town, so that multiple scrounging/money-saving opportunities can be simultaneously observed on the same day. For example, the husband might sit quietly in a corner of the local service-garage and ask customers for their used motor-oil so that he can take it home and burn it for heat in his specially-designed furnace, while the wife and/or older children spend a few hours at the city park and watch for fellow relaxation-seeking visitors to toss returnable beverage-containers into the area's trash cans.

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