southern bell là gì - Nghĩa của từ southern bell

southern bell có nghĩa là

Southern women appreciate their natural assets:
Clean skin. A winning smile.
That unforgettable Southern drawl.

Southern women know their manners:
"Yes, ma'am."
"Yes, sir."
"Why, no, Billy!"

Southern women have a distinct way with fond expressions:
"Y'all come back!"
"Well, bless your heart."
"Drop by when you can."
"How's your Momma?"

Southern women know their summer weather report:

Southern women know their vacation spots:
The beach
The beach
The beach

Southern women know the joys of June, July, and August:
Summer tans
Colorful hi-heel sandals
Strapless sun dresses
Southern women know everybody's first name:

Southern women know the movies that speak to their hearts:
Fried Green Tomatoes
Driving Miss Daisy
Steel Magnolias
Gone With The Wind

Southern women know their religions:

Southern women know their country breakfasts:
Red-eye gravy
Country ham
Mouth-watering homemade biscuits with momma's homemade jelly

Southern women know their cities dripping with Southern charm:
Savannah [S'vanah]
New Orleans [N'awlins]
Atlanta [Addlanna]

Southern women know their elegant gentlemen:
Men in uniform.
Men in tuxedos
Rhett Butler, of course!

Southern women know their prime real estate:
The Mall
The Country Club
The Beauty Salon

Southern women know the four deadly sins:
Having bad hair and nails
Having bad manners
Cooking bad food
Wearing too much makeup in the summer

Southern women know men may come and go, but friends are fahevah!

Southern belle's are a true God givin gift to the world, and of your a northern transplant, well just bless your heart, fake it! We all know that you got here as fast as you could!


A few perfect southern belle's are:

Scarlet O'Harah
Melanie Hampton
All the ladies off of Steel Magnolias

southern bell có nghĩa là

Main Entry: Southern Belle
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: A beautiful and charming woman from the Southern United States. A Southern Belle possesses an undeniable natural charm, has a warm and dazzling smile, and impeccable manners, calling each person she encounters 'sir' or 'ma'am' regardless of their age or position. A Southern Belle can be recognized by her unforgettable Southern drawl, unstinting hospitality and graciousness, and her recognition as Football as a part of her religion. Southern Belles are recognized as one of God's greatest creations and continously overshadow women from Northern US States.


"Look at Reese Witherspoon. She's flawless and brilliant. Look at her smile, look at her charm! I feel mezmerized by her!"
"Of course you do, she's from Tennessee."
"And what does that have to do with anything?"
"It has everthing to do with it! She's a Southern Belle!"

southern bell có nghĩa là

A female from the Southern United States; Usually implies that the female in question possess both beauty, charm and style, while having a core of strength, intelligence and wit.

Can also imply that the female named also has a tendencey to utilise all her cahrm, intellect and style in order to have others - Not exclusively male- to perform unpleasant tasks for her. However, a real southern bell will in fact perform msot such tasks herself.


" Dolly Parton runs her own business, plays several instruments, acts and writes, making her a modern southern bell."

southern bell có nghĩa là

A misspelled form of southern belle, which this website apparently doesn't have the definition of.

A southern belle is a beautiful, rich and innocent girl from the Southern states of the U.S. The term is most commonly found in romance novels or books, since society is being taken over by a new generation that doesn't deign to use it. [psst, that means us, the teenagers and future of America. A sad bunch, aren'we?]


Student's essay: Theodore Roosevelt married a southern bell from the a plantation in the hills of Carolina.

Teacher's note: The proper spelling is southern bell, and Mrs. Lincoln was not from Carolina, check your facts.

southern bell có nghĩa là

A rich young heiress living in the southern U.S., usually beautiful, fair, and spoiled and pampered.


She had a southern bell accent.

southern bell có nghĩa là

1] [noun] A delicate woman of Southern birth, prone to fainting spells, mint juleps, and Electra complexes. More often spelled "southern belle." [From the French belle, meaning beauty.]

2] The really crappy phone service provider that covers most of the Southern US


Scarlet O'Hara is a classic southern belle.

Man, Southern Bell really soaked me on these service charges this month. Seventy-five cents for call return?

southern bell có nghĩa là

1. a farmer's hot daughter

2. a really shitty phone company


1. She looks like a southern bell.

2. There is no phone in southern bell.

southern bell có nghĩa là

n. 1. Generally rung for dinner in the south, where the practice is that the men work in the fields while the women fix meals and alert the men using said object.
2. the other motivation for coming in from the fields.


1. i had to ring the southern bell several times before you made it in from the back 40.
2. my southern bell is the only reason i come home in the evening..

southern bell có nghĩa là

An extremely rich, haughty, arrogant, classy southern lady. She proudly traces her ancestry back to some prestigeous slaveholding family.


My girlfriend from Greenville, South Carolina a southern bell.

southern bell có nghĩa là

The phone company


Don"t mess with Ma Bell.

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