Orcad capture 16 lỗi unable to open file năm 2024

The instructions that follow explain how to import the files you downloaded from Ultra Librarian into OrCAD Capture v9-16.x.

Ensure that the version you select to download matches the software version that you have installed.

To import a symbol library into OrCAD Capture v9-16.x:

1.Open OrCAD Capture.

2.Open the Import Design screen.

  1. If using v16.6 or earlier, choose the File > Import Design menu items, then select the EDIF tab to open the Import Design screen.

3.Click the Browse button

for the Open field and select the path to the OrcadCaptureEDF.edf file that is included in your Ultra Librarian download folder.

4.Click the Browse button

for the Save As field and indicate the directory path where you want your new library to be saved.

5.Click the Browse button

for the Configuration file field and specify the path to the EDI@CAP.cfg file. This configuration file is included in your download folder.

6.Click OK to complete the import when a confirmation dialog box opens.

To view your symbol:

1.Choose the File > Open > Library after the import is complete.

2.Select the OrcadCaptureEDF.OLB file created when you completed the above steps. Although you can change the name of your new library, this is the default name given to your new library.

Are you familiar with the Cadence utility "switch release"? It should come with your 16.3 installation and should be available in the start menu.

Please run that and check if there's an option to set the release to 16.3.

Thanks, JC

  • Hi ZC, I am not familiar with the Cadence unitlity "switch release". The program provider installed 16.3 remotely. And there is no "switch release" menu at start menu as below picture.
    Please let me know the next step which I can do. Thanks, Ahnse Lee
  • Hi Ahnse, We are trying to duplicate your issue. Will get back to you by 11/20. Thanks, JC
  • Hi JC, Thanks a lot. I will wait for your feedback. BR, Ahnse lee
  • Hi Ahnse, Please see the following screenshot for details on switch release in 16.3. If you see 16.3 in the list, simply select it and click OK.
    Thanks, JC
  • Hi JC, I am using Windows 7 and I could not find "Cadence Switch Release" Command at Start Folder. Please let me know where "Cadence Switch Release" Command is located at Windows 7. BR, Ahnse Lee
  • Hi Ahnse, If you don't see it in the start menu, the name of switch release executable is switchversion.exe and it should be present at \tools\bin\switchversion.exe.

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