manchild là gì - Nghĩa của từ manchild

manchild có nghĩa là

An adult male who still posesses psychological traits of a child. Traits include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- whining
- pettyness
- trying to pass the blame for their own underdeveloped judgement
- not "stepping up to the plate" when it's their role to.
- secretly still finds 3rd grade bathroom humor amusing.
- is able to connect with his children, but only as another child, not as a father.
- not to mention an overall insecurity in who he is as a man, from which similar traits sprout.

The manchild, if married, is often found married to Type A women (usually firstborn or only child in their own family) who reluctantly yet aptly take up the slack for the aforementioned manchild.

This manchild will often attempt to augment their lack and/or compete with peers with material posessions such as:
- Harley Davidson Softtail with $30 do-rag
- Hummer H2 or similar oversized fossil-fuel guzzling behemoth
- 6 seat felt poker table with matching humidor
- The very latest electronic gadgets (digital camera, GPS handheld, etc.) to impress peers with.


These examples reflect some of the psychological traits mentioned above, and some that aren't:

Ray from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
Doug from "King of Queens"
Dad from "Malcolm in the Middle"
George Costanza from "Seinfeld"
Al from "Married with Children"

manchild có nghĩa là

Donald J. Trump


A manchild is someone who never takes responsibility for his mistakes or wrongdoings, lies constantly, and accuses every press report that reflects negatively on him of being "fake".

manchild có nghĩa là

A male who is "of age" but still has the emotional/mental capacity of a child. Completely incapable of making decisions regarding women, "manning up" when appropriate or discussing anything maturely, manchildren are becoming increasingly more frequent. Manchildren will have notable traits such as thinking that they are somewhat different to other men because they have no emotional baggage, will find most immature humour widely entertaining and will have not been in a serious relationship, EVER. Longest relationship will be between 1-3 months. When discussing important things, a man child will look at the floor and remain silent, pretend nothing is wrong at the time and then once out of sight drop into radio silence or will give you the "rabbit caught in the headlights" look. However, man children are tempting challenge for women and more often than not an older women will take a man child under her wing as he will be impressed with her "at ease and coolness" and she will be taken back at his emotional naivety. A man child is very easy to train in the ways of the bedroom.


"I was trying to talk about where the relationship with Tom is going and he acted fine but I haven't heard from him since. He's such a manchild!" "Dave has no clue how to handle this situation, he's such a man child" "Look at that fittie! Pity, I bet he's a man child"

manchild có nghĩa là

A child who outwardly appears like an adult -- conventionally this means a full grown male that acts immaturely, or pursues childish interests. For example, it's acceptable to play games like World of Warcraft, but it's generally unacceptable to spend twelve hours a day doing so and/or attending conventions.

Manchildren, of course, are not limited to gamers. There are many types and variants of 'not-quite-men, but look-like-men.'


Dude, I swear that manchild's a furry or something.

You know the guy, always lies about getting laid and wears that Tasmanian Devil tie.

manchild có nghĩa là

Due to the general acceptance of 'manchild' as an unwanted negative stigma, let me offer an alternative take to the definition. A manchild is not necessarily bad, in fact it can be a good trait. A manchild could come to mean that the person retains childish aspects that are beneficial. For example, the childish aspect of being playful and finding playfulness in everyday sober life is beneficial to one's mental health. It could also imply the male individual retaining the "cute" and "bubbly" aspects from childhood that are often lost in adulthood (because of society's expectations for men to be rational and to hide their emotions). Furthermore, a manchild may still crush on a women and have infatuated feelings for them, and that's perfectly okay. So in conclusion: manchild..... not a bad thing per se.


Me: Omg, my co-worker is soooo beautiful!! I think I have a crush on her. Like I'm legit obsessed.
Somebody: Are you a manchild? Just ask her out, maybe you'll get to fuck her some day.....
Me: If manchild implies being able to crush on someone, then yes I am. Sigh... why do you always assume that the end goal for everything is sex? Maybe I just like the ephemeral feeling of being infatuated, nothing wrong with that. It's like enjoying the journey more than the destination, you know what I mean?

manchild có nghĩa là

a teenager who is so large he could be a full grown man


"Brosef, you see that new kid Ian? what a manchild!"

manchild có nghĩa là

Rush Limbaugh


Rush Limbaugh is such a fucking manchild and nobody likes him.

manchild có nghĩa là

a very large husky, hot, sexy, steamy man who can drink beer for breakfast and often grunts in the AM


Justin Andiel is THE manchild

manchild có nghĩa là

An overweight, pill-popping, vain, whiney, paranoid, self-involved, clueless neo-con nimrod who loves the sound of his own voice who exploits the freedom to speak.


Rush Limbaugh is a pathetic manchild.

manchild có nghĩa là

Trump. Him and anything associated to his madness.


Oh look at that manchild! He doesn't even know what tariffs are.