Lỗi unreconciled new layers exist in the drawing năm 2024

Unreconciled layers are new layers that have been added to the drawing and have not yet been acknowledged by the user and manually marked as reconciled.

  • Reconciling new layers is the process of manually reviewing new layers so that you can avoid potential errors before plotting your drawing or when restoring a layer state.
  • Unreconciled layers are new layers that have been added to the drawing or to attached xrefs since the layer list was last evaluated. The layer list is checked for new layers when a command, such as PLOT is used. In new drawings, the layer baseline is created when the drawing is saved or plotted for the first time. When a new drawing is first saved, the layer baseline is created, and all layers present in the saved drawing are considered reconciled (not new). Layers that are added after a drawing is first saved are considered new unreconciled layers.

Lỗi unreconciled new layers exist in the drawing năm 2024
Note* The layer baseline is created when the system variable is set to 1 or 2.

  • When a command that is set in the Layer Settings dialog box or LAYEREVAL system variable is used, the layer list is checked at that time and compared to the baseline. If there are new layers, notification will display and the Unreconciled New Layers filter is automatically created and activated in the Layer Properties Manager.
  • Unreconciled layers become reconciled by right-clicking the layer and clicking the Reconcile Layer option. Once a layer has become reconciled, it is removed from the Unreconciled New Layers filter. After all new layers are reconciled, the Unreconciled New Layers filter is removed.

Note: You can reconcile multiple unreconciled layers at the same time.

Article ID: 115, Created: 10/3/2019 at 9:25 AM, Modified: 10/3/2019 at 9:25 AM

Hướng dẫn cách sửa lỗi Unreconciled new layers trong khi dùng phần mềm AutoCAD, cách khắc phục triệt để, các lệnh tắt hay dùng để vẽ nhanh trong DWG

Khi bạn mới mở file AutoCAD hoặc thực hiện lệnh In (Plot) thì sẽ xuất hiện 1 thông báo nói file CAD có chứa 1 vài Layer (lớp) mới chưa được nhận dạng. Mỗi khi Nhấn Ctrl + P để in 1 bản vẽ nào đó thì nó lại hiện lên rất khó chịu. Nếu nhấn No thì chắc chắc bạn sẽ gặp lại nó, cách xử lý triệt để là hãy nhấn Yes, cửa sổ quản lý Layer manager sẽ hiện ra.

Lỗi unreconciled new layers exist in the drawing năm 2024

Nhấn Ctrl+ A để bôi đen toàn bộ các layer mới này (thường là từ file Xref nhảy vào), chuột phải rồi chọn Reconcile Layer thì coi như là bạn đã chấp nhận sự xuất hiện của các layer này trong bản vẽ của bạn. Vậy là lần sau không còn thông báo lỗi khó chịu kia nữa.

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Lỗi unreconciled new layers exist in the drawing năm 2024

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Lỗi unreconciled new layers exist in the drawing năm 2024

Please use these tips at your own risk. Arkance Systems is not responsible for possible problems that may occur as a result of using any of these tips.

The layer evaluation feature is meant to provide a warning that new layers have been added to a drawing, either by attaching an external reference (or reloading the reference, and layers not present previously are there now) or by inserting a block reference from an external source. The presumption is that you have set the drawing up, with the desired layer settings, and now new layers have been added, which should be reviewed to verify that the settings are appropriate before plotting and possibly wasting a plot because of incorrect layer settings. If this sort of warning appeals to you, you can leave it active. All you need do what you get the warning is open the Layer Properties Manager and look at the new layers (there will be a filter for unreconcilled layers). You can select all that pass muster and reconcile them and make whatever settings adjustments are needed on the rest.

If you have strong layer standards in place, and effective ways of implementing them, and therefore find the warnings annoying and would rather not have to take the time to reconcile the layers, you can set the values of several system variables to turn off the feature or limit the feature:

LAYEREVALCTL can be set to 0 (turns off evaluation and notification of new layers) or 1 (turns on evalutation of new layers, based on setting of LAYEREVAL). This is saved to the user profile, affecting all drawings opened under that profile.

LAYEREVAL controls whether layers are evaluated, and has three possible settings: 0 (off; no evalutation), 1 (detects when new external reference layers have been added in the drawing), or 2 (detects when new layers have been added in the drawing and in external references in the drawing). This is stored in the drawing. If LAYEREVALCTL is set to 0, the setting of LAYEREVAL is ignored.