littles là gì - Nghĩa của từ littles

littles có nghĩa là

A little is someone that likes to act younger then they really are. It's kind of like having an alter ego that's much younger then yourself. Most littles don't act little 24/7, but when they do slip into their younger alter ego it's called slipping into headspace. When a little is in headspace that is when they are at their most submissive and most vulnerable, and sometimes even talk higher pitch or with more of a lisp then normal. They're more prone to emotional outbursts like throwing a tantrum or getting overly excited about something. They are also the most needy in this state, as they are not thinking like a grown up but like a child, and need a bit more guidence and reasurence. Some littles are shyer in headspace while others may become more outgoing. Every little is different and has their own headspace unique to them. The age range for littles is very broad and can range from newborn baby to toddler young child. 0-8 is usually the agreed range. It could be a fixed age like 3, but it could also be a range like 2-6. Littles tend to enjoy more childlike, babyish items such as pacifiers, sippy cups/bottles, stuffed animals, picture books, toy, games, younger looking clothing, pull-ups/ diapers, ect. Clothing and little items are different for each individual little. Terms for relationships:
DDLG = Daddy Dom/Little Girl
MDLB = for Mommy Dom/Little Boy
DDLB = Daddy Dom/Little Boy
MDLG = Mommy Dom/Little Girl
CGL = for CareGiver/Little


Little: Could I have another cookie please?
Caregiver: Yes sweetie, but only because you asked so politely.
Little: Thank you! I'm gonna finish coloring my dino picture for you now!
Caregiver: You're welcome honey. I can't wait to see your dino when it's finished, I'm sure it looks amazing already, baby doll.

littles có nghĩa là

Something your Dick is


girl: wow it's so... little
Guy: I know

littles có nghĩa là

Used to describe someone who roleplays as an age younger than they are in a BDSM dynamic.


That little is so cute! I just want to spank her.

littles có nghĩa là

small.tiny.[Why wasn't this here?]


that mouse is little

littles có nghĩa là

A little is the submissive partner of a DDLG relationship offtain called names like baby girl and princess. THEY offtain act more childish hen there real age like a 20 year old acting like a 4-5 year old they offtain love coloring stuffed animals and watching cartoons.depending on the age of the little they may also require sippy cups and or pacifiers . Just like there are daddy doms and little girls there are also mommy doms and little boys and the same things will apply They offtain require rules such as bed time and punishments for being bad


Her daddy looked at her in the eyes and asked" who's daddy's little girl?" The little responded with " me daddy me! Can I has treat?"

littles có nghĩa là

A little is often the submissive partner of CGL relationship, though littles can be single too. Littles are often called names like baby girl or baby boy and princess or prince. They are more childish than their real age. For example, a 20 year old acting like a toddler. They often love coloring, stuffed animals, and watching cartoons. Depending on the age of the little, they may also require sippy cups and or pacifiers. More regressed littles will have a lisp. They often require rules such as bed time and punishments for doing something wrong. Many times, littles will be associated with other's called 'caregivers.' These caregivers can be female or male and are often refered to as 'mommy' or 'daddy.'


Mommy!! Mommy!! Yes, baby boy~? Baby wan' cuddle wif mommy!! Ah, you're so cute for mommy, little one~

littles có nghĩa là

1. A race of mouse-sized and mouse-tailed humanoids from an 80s cartoon series called, The Littles. Little is also the surname of just about every mouse-sized humanoid character in the series. Most episodes centered around the adventures, misadventures, and struggles of two preteen littles.
2. Slang term used by the MPD-DID subculture to indicate child personas of adults who have multiple personalities.


My littles like to watch The Littles.

littles có nghĩa là

1] A consenting adult in a d/lg relationship who often acts younger than they are. They use the term when involving “age-play”, but can sometimes be used during day to day life [such as setting bed times and punishments]. 2] A term used by age regressors in a completely non kink way. Uses the term to identify the persona they have because of past trauma. These littles refuse to bring it into their sex life and often just want to color and watch cartoons in their little space.


1] Dom: Daddy told you it was past your bad time, you naughty little. Little: I guess you’ll have to punish me, Daddy! 2] Little: I wanted to go into my little space so bad today because a man yelled at me during work! Little 2: I’m sorry..wanna borrow my stuffie?

littles có nghĩa là

A little is a person who can slip into whats called headspace which is a childlike mindset and sometimes seen as an alter ego in order to cope with trauma or childhood trauma A little can enjoy stuff like coloring, eating sweets, listening to more child like music, cuddling, using pacifiers, or using sippy cups. but they do not necessarily enjoy all of those and others prefer maybe some not listed usually a little has a caregiver [CG] who can have a nickname like mommy/daddy/caregiver. This person is the one who tends to look after the little when they are in headspace as they are not thinking like an adult and tend to need more guidance


isn’t being a little like ageplay?”
“its more of a coping mechanism

littles có nghĩa là

nickname for kellens dick


person 1: did you hear about little little? person two: oh yeah ahahaha little little

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