jasonism là gì - Nghĩa của từ jasonism

jasonism có nghĩa là

Jason is a sarcastic person, but when you get to know him he will talk and joke around with you. He is a hopeless romantic that dreads being alone. He calls the woman that he loves beautiful not hot. He makes sure the lucky girl he has in his life is ok at all times. He tries to be a good guy to everyone and is always trying to clear his past.


See that guy right there, that's jason.

jasonism có nghĩa là

The man of my dreams. He's unlike any other. People who don't know him are easy captivated by him. He brings calmness to his surroundings. The best friend anyone could ask for. Listens to you. Never judges you instead challenges you to be a better person. He shows love in everything he does. Slow to love and very guarded with his heart. Loyal beyond words. What he says he will do. He is protective of his family and friends. Most of all whoever becomes his wife will be one lucky woman


Ann-Who is that guy?
Joe- That is Jason.
Ann- I want to be his gf.

jasonism có nghĩa là

Everyone knows a Jason. Jason’s are probably popular and well- known. Jason’s are very smart, kind and probably have a secret artistic side. Jason’s can sometimes be athletic, probably likes sports such as Golf or Frisbee. Jason’s May seem cool and chill but lowkey kinda sensitive and want people to like them. Jason’s make the best friends, so if you know a Jason, keep them close. Jason’s will do anything for the people they love, but may not be appreciated all the time. Jason’s usually get nervous around people they like. Jason’s can either be super hot, kinda nerdy, or both. Most likely to be on student council or a club president. Jason’s are overall amazing people and you are lucky if you have a Jason in your life !


Person 1: Ugh Jason is so hot
Person 2: Yesterday when he was taking photos outside and he looked RIGHT AT ME
Person 1: OMG RLY?? Person 2: ya, I’ll talk to him tmr, he seems super chill. Person 1: not if I talk to him first!

jasonism có nghĩa là

Jason is an amazing guy. He is a guy of which most people would wish to have in their lives. He loves you so much and is not afraid to say it.
He often overthinks things and thinks that he’s doing something wrong when he’s not
He loves to be reassured and loved but feels as if he could never be and that if he ever was, people would try to ruin his relationship.
Jason is a very sarcastic person when it comes to people he dislikes, Ex’s, and odd situations
He has been through tough times but he always manages to get through them.
If you ever go out with a Jason then be prepared for “I love you so much” every single day


Jason is am amazing, kind, witty, sweet, honest, loyal, gorgeous guy

jasonism có nghĩa là

The religion of all religions. Jasonism includes all religions within it's hold. Everyone is a follower of Jasonsim. If you believe in something, you're a follower, simple as that. It is named after it's great creator, "Jason"


"Hey, what do you believe in?"
"You are a follower of Jasonism; you believe in the concept of nothing"

I am a follower of Jasonism.

jasonism có nghĩa là

a condition brought on by over exposure to Jason symptoms include: overly theatrical performances during social interactions
A god like complex
swelling of the head
and finally everone around you may begin to appear inferior


patient "doctor I can't help but despair at the human race for not being as amazing as I am"
doctor "well I think you have a minor case of jasonism"

jasonism có nghĩa là

1.) Awesome, Hardcore
2.) Probably the heaviest bassist ever to live


Did you see that guy explode into a million pieces? That was Jasonic fer sure!

jasonism có nghĩa là

Jason is a very handsome young man who puts himself before others. He knows how to cheer people up when they are down and when to say the right thing. He may not know it but a lot of people appreciate him. Jason is a kind person who would be there for when you need a shoulder to lean on. Jason is the funniest person you will meet. He comes with dark humour but can also be the sweetest man on your Snapchat friends list.


“Jason is one of a kind, be like Jason.” “We love Jason”

jasonism có nghĩa là

jason is the kinda guy who will say he doesn't care but he's actually the one who cares the most. jason is so smart and he's so confident and he knows it, which makes him even more attractive. he has beautiful blue eyes, and precious brown floppy hair. jason is just overall adorable. he doesn't love often but when he does he loves hard. jason is so special and makes me very happy, he makes everyone happy. his smile can light up the whole world. every girl wants jason, but jason only ever wants one. jason is so awesome, if you're ever lucky enough to get him, keep him. give him the world, he deserves it :)


I wish jason would look at me the way i look at him.

jasonism có nghĩa là

the act of showing off your 'well exercised right arm' in a battle of an arm wrestle, usually ending up with the 'Jason' as a winner. unless the 'Jason' loses, he/she becomes saltier than the sea.


*arm wrestle commences*
guy 1: why is Jason doing an arm wrestle again?
guy 2: dunno ask him
guy 3: don't bother, it's...Jasonism
*arm wrestle finishes (the 'Jason' wins)*
guy 3: see... Jasonism