How to increase Remote Desktop connections

Remote Desktop on Windows is a unique and interesting feature that helps you to control your computer remotely similar to TeamView. However, Remote Desktop also has a unique feature that is the ability to connect multiple devices in one session. So how to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections? Invite you to read along to follow the instructions below!

Picture 1 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Method 1. Use Local Group Policy

Step 1: You press Windows + R combination to open the Run dialog box . Next, you enter the keywords gpedit.msc [1] and OK [2] .

Picture 2 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Step 2: Access the following path: Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => Windows Components => Remote Desktop Services => Remote Desktop Session Host => Connections

Next, double-click on the Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services section.

Picture 3 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Then you select the line Disable [1] => Apply [2] => OK [3] .

Picture 4 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Step 3: Then, you go back to the previous section and double-click the item Limit number of connections .

Picture 5 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Next, you select the Enabled [1] => set RD Maximum Connections allowed is 99999 [2] => Apply [3] => OK [4] .

Picture 6 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

After setup is complete, please restart the computer to complete the changes.

Method 2. Edit in the registry

Step 1: You press Windows + R combination to open the Run dialog box . Next, enter the command regedit [1] => OK [2] .

Picture 7 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Step 2: You access the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminalServer

Then you need to click on each item fSingleSessionPerUser and fDenyTSConnections to convert to a value of 0.

Picture 8 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Step 3: Next, change the Value data to 0 [1] => OK [2] .  

Picture 9 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

Picture 10 of How to increase the number of Remote Desktop connections

After setting the above two values ​​with Value Data equal to 0 , restart your computer to apply the new settings.  

With instructions to increase the number of connections on the Remote Desktop, you can easily use multiple devices on a Remote desktop. Please combine both ways to achieve the best results! Good luck!

To fully enable multiple concurrent RDP sessions, you need to install the Remote Desktop Services Session Host role on your server.

After installing the role, you will instantly have the ability to host multiple RDP sessions. However, the setup is unlicensed and you will begin a grace period of 120 days, after which the service will stop working.

To avoid this, you need to license your server. This can be done by simply installing the Remote Desktop Services Licensing role. This will install the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager, which allows you to register your CALs and properly license your server.

To activate the CALs, you need to have your product key, OLP license and activation number or other form of licensing information for your license.

If you use Remote Desktop [RDP] to connect to other computers on your network, you’ll want to speed up the process. Here’s how to configure optimal settings for a faster RDP experience.

Note: This should work with other versions of Windows and other operating systems you’re working with. Keep in mind your results will vary depending on the speed of your network and internet connection.

Speed Up Remote Desktop Session on Windows

After you have Remote Desktop enabled. Start a new RDP session and click Options.

Next, click the Display tab. Slide the Display Configuration to a smaller size. Under Colors, select High Color [16 bit].

Now click the Experience tab. Uncheck all of the settings to optimize performance. Or select Modem [56 Kbps] from the dropdown menu.

Select the computer you want to remote into and click Connect.

Your Remote Desktop session won’t look as glamorous as having the display settings turned up, but it will make for a faster and more fluid, and responsive experience.

This is especially handy on slower networks and older Windows systems.

Microsoft, remote-desktop, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 7

RDP is a protocol developed by Microsoft, that allows a user to access remote systems graphically. The default Windows servers allow only one remote desktop session at a time. But, in some cases, we are required to enable remote desktop for multiple users to allow access at a time.

You can achieve this by making little changes to the system registry keys. Once the changes are done, multiple users can connect to your system using the RDP client. You can also limit the number of users who can connect at a time.

In this tutorial, we will discuss enable and disable multiple remote desktop sessions in Windows server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, and 2019.

Follow the below steps to enable multiple remote desktop sessions on a Windows system.

  1. Log in to the Windows system.
  2. Open the start screen [press the Windows key] and type “Edit group policy” or “gpedit.msc”, and launch it.
  3. Navigate to Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Remote Desktop Services >> Remote Desktop Session Host >> Connections.
  4. Double click on “Set Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services session and set this to Disabled.
  5. Next, double click on “Limit number of connections” and set the RD Maximum Connections allowed to 999999. You can also set the limit to 2 to allow two session only.

Below is the screenshots of changes being made:

To disbale the multiple remote desktop sessions, follow below instructions:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.
  2. Open the start screen [press the Windows key] and type “Edit group policy” or “gpedit.msc”, and launch it.
  3. Navigate to Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Remote Desktop Services >> Remote Desktop Session Host >> Connections.
  4. Double click on “Set Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services session and set this to “Enabled.

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