furry haters là gì - Nghĩa của từ furry haters

furry haters có nghĩa là

A person who refuses, by any means, to attempt to understand furry or the furry fandom as a whole. These people commonly hang out on provided forums mostly in a bad attempt to make the members of the furry fandom angry or to cause problems in general with said group. Such "furry haters" generally have nothing better to do and hang out on any forum they can get their hands on for the sole purpose of spreading their drivel and to get others who know nothing of the furry fandom to hate the group. Furry haters generally resort to childish insults and games just to induce a reaction. Nothing can be said to change their minds at all. Some of the worst furry haters come from the furry fandom itself as they have been burned in some way [see burned fur].


This furry hater constantly makes posts in a forum that are hateful towards furries.

furry haters có nghĩa là

People who are ignorant [sometimes deliberately] about furries because they saw an episode of CSI and think it makes them an expert on furries.

People hate on furries because they don't know any better. People repeat all sorts of hateful B.S. about furries without questioning it, and that's sad.

What people say about furries says more about them than it does about furries.


Furry haters are just jealous we're having more fun than they are. I wish they'd get a life already.

furry haters có nghĩa là

A synonym for a person with their own sanity intact.


UGH Abraham Lincoln is one hell of a furry hater.

furry haters có nghĩa là

Someone who, not only disagrees with the idea of a furry, but does so violently. These people usually have never even attempted to understand the furry culture, nor have ever considered just shutting up and letting the furries do their thing and doing their own thing themselves. Furry Haters are frequently seen in furry focused forums and chatrooms, there only to troll.


A: is a furry hater, B: is a furry B: Hi room! :3
A: hey...
B: Hey there B *glomps, tail wagging
A: *pushes the stupid furfag off him and shoots him in the balls
B: wtf, what's wrong with you?
A: stfu you stupid faggot, you don't deserve to live.

furry haters có nghĩa là

Someone who doesn't get turned on by seeing two animals having sexual intercorse. A Person with a human brain.


Furry: I'm a Fox.
Furry Hater: Ever heard of 'Echinococcus multilocularis' ? A Furry Hater prefers human skin over fur.

furry haters có nghĩa là

Sane people who recognise and mock those afflicted with the mental illness known as being a furry.

Furry haters work hard to keep teh internets safe.


"OMG! Those people think us animal-shagging roleplayers are freaks! They are furry haters!"

furry haters có nghĩa là

The origin of this word is unknown. People whose view on the 'furry fandom' drastically conflict with those in the 'furry fandom', and often results in 'trolling'; abusive, aggressive, or otherwise antagonistic behaviour, described as such due to the responses of those in the fandom - aka "Furries" - who take the actions and opinions of 'furry haters' as personal attacks. In many cases [YouTube is a good place to support this claim], 'haters' [broadly concatenated] will claim hatred for those in the 'fandom', and will proceed to virtually disapprove of everything and everyone involved or related to the 'fandom'. Some rumours surrounding the reasons behind 'furry haters' is the belief that 'Furries' commit bestiality. While there is no solid evidence of this, it cannot be ruled out, simply due to probability and human diversity. It may be coincidental that a 'Furry' in the 'fandom' may commit beastiality, but again no proof exists. Ethically, 'haters' may choose to 'hate on' [to commit acts of hatred against] 'Furries' due to the particular 'Fur's'/'Furry's' sexuality. This is rather a combination of perspectives, in so far as a dislike for 'Furries' as a whole, combined with a dislike for homosexuals/bisexuals. Often, 'furry haters' will exercise defamation of character, an offence in the United Kingdom, and can be legally defended if the right advice has been sought.


A common term used by 'furry haters' is: "Yiff In Hell Furfags!"

furry haters có nghĩa là



Furry haters are geniuses.

furry haters có nghĩa là

Furry haters aren't actually violent [Some are, but same is with any group], they are exposing all the stuff furries like to do. SOME furries commonly post NAZI art, cub porn, vore, and harass people occasionally. A furry has actually posted a dead child on a anti furry subreddit, I myself saw it and is scarred. The entire point of furry haters is to stop shit like this from being seen, they disapprove of what furries do. And unlike furries, a lot of their arguments have facts stated to support them. Many arguments from furries are either "Furry haters are nazis", and "There is no proof that we do insert anything". Yes there is proof you do that. Not only are Furry Haters more reasonable than some furries, but are hated for telling the truth about the darkside of the furry fandom. Furry haters also state non biased arguments that make sense and aren't childish insults like some people state on here. Basically in conclusion, furry haters aren't violent and are really reasonable compared to furries judging by whats on here. Their sole purpose is to show what bad stuff furries have to offer and combat against this.


John doe is on urban dictionary for Furry Haters, he see's a post saying that all furry haters are nazis and are senseless retards. John doe knows this is bullshit, and are biased.

furry haters có nghĩa là

Stop assuming these guys randomly attack furries. Some of them do, but most of them are just here to despise furries.
The sole reason is basically because of nazi art, furry porn, pedos, racist/homophobic activity, etc.
Since this is so common in the furry fandom, this started hate on furries. Not all furry haters assume all furries like porn, they just do their best to get rid of all the shits there are in the furry fandom and the internet. Not all of them troll. They are straightforward, they aren't gonna be nationalist. They usually hang out with their friends and when they see a furry they might make a joke about them but all in all, This is what YOU should see furry haters as not see the view furries have on them. there all going to be claims against each other, but the furries haters are there because of the reasons.


Furries: Bro I swear these faggot furry haters are so mentally retarded. Fuck them.
Furry haters: So you're homophobic? Well, you should fuck off and stop being a dog because you just have a dog or want one. Just be a fucking human for once.

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