Đáp án sách bài tập solutions elementary workbook năm 2024

Đáp án sách bài tập solutions elementary workbook năm 2024

Workbook answer keys and transcripts 1



IA Vocabulary

Personal information

Exercise 1 page 4

1 What’s your name? 2 How do you spell that?

3 How old are you? 4 Where are you from?

(Students’ own answers)

Exercise 2 page 4

1 Argentina 2 Brazil 3 Croatia 4 France

5 Germany 6 Hungary 7 Italy 8 Japan 9 Poland

10 Russia 11 Spain 12 Turkey 13 Ukraine 14 UK

Exercise 3 $1.02 page 4

2 Emin is from Turkey 3 Mariana is from Brazil

4 Dominik is from Ukraine 5 Nozomi is from Japan


1 Boy Hi! What’s your name?

Girl Viktoria.

B How do you spell that?

G With a K. V-I-K-T-O-R-I-A.

B Great. Thanks. And where are you from, Viktoria?

G I’m from Hungary.

2 Girl Hi! What’s your name?

Boy Emin.

G How do you spell that?

B Emin? That’s easy! E-M-I-N.

G Thanks. And where are you from?

B I’m from Turkey.

3 Boy Hi! What’s your name?

Girl Mariana.

B How do you spell that?

G M-A-R-I-A-N-A.

B OK. And where are you from, Mariana?

G I’m from Brazil.

4 Girl Hi! What’s your name?

Boy Dominik.

G How do you spell that?

B D-O-M-I-N-I-K.

G Thanks. Where are you from?

B I’m from Ukraine.

5 Boy Hi! What’s your name?

Girl Nozomi.

B How do you spell that?

G N-O-Z-O-M-I.

B Great. And where are you from, Nozomi?

G I’m from Japan.

Exercise 4 $1.03 page 4

1 XC60 2 LG G3 3 B52 4 M62 5 KTM 1190 6 HP

15n 230 US


1 This car is a Volvo XC60.

2 This phone is an LG G3.

3 This aircraft is a B52.

4 This road is the M62 in England.

5 This motorbike is a KTM 1190.

6 This is an HP 15n 230 US laptop.

IB Grammar

be and have got

Exercise 1 page 5

2 She isn’t from Croatia. 3 You are at school. 4 I’m a

student. 5 We aren’t hungry. 6 You aren’t on holiday.

7 I’m not 27 years old. 8 He isn’t from Spain.

Exercise 2 page 5

1 Are you seventeen? No, I’m not.

2 Are they from Britain? Yes, they are.

3 Is it cold today? No, it isn’t.

4 Are we in an English lesson? Yes, we are.

5 Is she very tall? No, she isn’t.

Exercise 3 page 5

1 have / haven’t got 2 have / haven’t got

3 has / hasn’t got 4 have / haven’t got

5 have / haven’t got 6 has / hasn’t got

Exercise 4 page 5

1 Has Liam got a skateboard? Yes, he has.

2 Has Zoe got a skateboard? No, she hasn’t.

3 Have Liam and Zoe got smartphones? Yes, they have.

4 Has Liam got a dictionary? No, he hasn’t.

5 Have Liam and Zoe got bikes? No, they haven’t.

Exercise 5 page 5

1 is / ’s 2 am/ ’m 3 are 4 ’m not 5 are 6 have

got/ ’ve got 7 are 8 is 9 have got/ ’ve got

10 have got/ ’ve got 11 has got / ’s got 12 haven’t got

13 have got/ ’ve got 14 is/ ’s 15 Have 16 got

IC Speaking

Talking about ability and asking for


Exercise 1 page 6

1 piano 2 guitar 3 drums 4 flute 5 violin

6 clarinet 7 saxophone 8 trumpet

Exercise 2 page 6

2 Marie can speak Chinese. 3 Mason can ride a bike.

4 Ted and Sophie can play football. 5 Marie and Sophie

can’t play the violin. 6 Ted can’t speak Chinese.

Exercise 3 page 6

2 Can Marie play the violin? No, she can’t.

3 Can Sophie and Mason ride a bike? Yes, they can.

4 Can Marie and Mason speak Chinese? Yes, they can.

5 Can Mason play football? No, he can’t.

Exercise 4 page 6

2 b Can I borrow a pencil? 3 f Can I borrow £1?

4 d Can I copy your answer? 5 c Can I share your book?

6 e Can I use your dictionary?

Workbook answer keys and transcripts