A selection procedure of sampling having no involvement of probability is known as

1.A sample consists of:

[a] All units of the population
[b] 50 per cent units of the population

[c] 5 per cent units of the population

[d] Any fraction of the population

2. Sampling is inevitable in the situation[s]:

          [a] Blood test of a person

          [b] When the population is infinite

          [c] Testing of life of dry battery cells

          [d] All the above

3. The number of possible samples of size n out of N population   units without replacement is:

[a] Ncn            [b] [N]n             [c] n²                   [d] N!

4. The number of possible samples of size two from a population of 4   units under SRSWOR:

           [a] 6                      [b] 4                             [c] 8                       [d] 16

5. Probability of drawing a unit at each selection remains same in:

           [a] SRSWOR                 [b] SRSWR    

           [c] Both [a] and [b]        [d]None of them

6. Probability of selection varies at each subsequent draw in:

           [a] Sampling without replacement

           [b] Sampling with replacement

           [c] Both [a] and [b]

           [d] Neither [a] nor [b]

7. An unordered sample of size n can occur in:

            [a] n ways         [b] n! ways             [c] one way          [d] n² ways

8. A selection procedure of a sample having no involvement of probability is known as:

            [a] Purposive sampling                    [b] Judgement ssampling

            [c] Subjective sampling                   [d] All the above

9. Simple random sample can be drawn with the help of :

            [a] Random number tables              [b] Chit method

            [c] Roulette wheel                           [d] All the above

10. Sampling frame is a term used for:

            [a] A list of random numbers         

            [b] A list of voters

            [c]  A list of sampling units of a population

            [d] None of the above

11. If the items are destroyed under investigation, we have to go for:

            [a] Complete enumeration              [b] Sampling studies

            [c] Both [a] and [b]                         [d] Neither [a] nor [b]

12. The discrepancies between sample estimate and population parameter is termed as:

             [a] Human error                               [b] Formula error

             [c] Non-sampling error                    [d] Sampling error

13. A function of variates for estimating a parameter is called:

              [a] An estimate                                [b] An estimator

              [c] A frame                                      [d] A statistic 

14. An estimator can possess:

               [a] A fixed value                                [b] Any value

               [c] Both [a] and [b]                            [d] Neither [a] nor [b]

15. The most important factor in determining the size of the sample is:

               [a] The availability of resources      [b] Purpose of the survey

               [c] Heterogeneity of population       [d] None of the above

16. If the observations recorded on five sampled items are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 the sample variance is:

              [a] 1             [b] 0              [c] 2                 [d] 2.5

17. If all observations in a set of observations are same, the variance of the set of values is:

              [a] Zero                                    [b] One

              [c] Infinity                                [d] Not possible to calculate

18. In simple random sampling with replacement, the same sampling unit may be included in the sample:

              [a] Only once                         [b] Only twice

              [c] More than once                [d] None of the above

19. Under proportional allocation, the size of the sample from each stratum depends on:

               [a] Total sample size             [b] Size of the stratum

               [c] Population size                [d] All the above

20. Systematic sampling means:

              [a] Selection of ‘n’ continuous units

              [b] Selection of ‘n’ units situated at equal distance

              [c] Selection of ‘n’ largest units

              [d] Selection of ‘n’ middle units in a sequence

In which sampling method is the probability of selection of an item?

Probability sampling refers to the selection of a sample from a population, when this selection is based on the principle of randomization, that is, random selection or chance. Probability sampling is more complex, more time-consuming and usually more costly than non-probability sampling.

Which of the following is not a probability sample selection?

In judgmental sampling researchers select units from the population based on their knowledge and judgement about the unit. This kind of sampling does not provide equal probability of a unit being chosen.

Which of the following sampling methods does not lead to probability samples?

Answer and Explanation: The answer is d. Judgment Sampling. It does not lead to probability samples.

What is non

Non-random sampling is a sampling technique where the sample selection is based on factors other than just random chance. In other words, non-random sampling is biased in nature. Here, the sample will be selected based on the convenience, experience or judgment of the researcher.

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