Whitelist Coinbase

on October 12,Coinbaseannounced that it will launch the NFT trading market Coinbase NFT.The project is led by Sanchan Saxena, Vice President of Products at Coinbase, and will allow users to cast, purchase and showcase NFTs.

According to official disclosures,NFTsbased onEthereumwill initially be supported, and will be expanded to other chains after the launch.There is also news that the platform will use self-hosted wallets, so users do not need to pass KYC checks.The current launch date is the end of 2021.

The following is the application process of Coinbase NFTs transaction whitelist waiting list:

1.Coinbase NFT waiting list application page //www.coinbase.com/nft/announce

2. Fill in the mailbox below

3. After filling in the mailbox, click to join the waiting list

4. The page will become a sharing guide page.Copy and share the link to recommend others to join the waiting list. The more recommendations, the higher the ranking order of your experience whitelist.

5. Related issues

Who is eligible to join the waiting list?

If you are over 18 and live in the United States, you can join the waiting list.Coinbase NFT will expand to other countries at some point in the future.The content on the waiting list will also be updated as new countries are added.

When can I join Coinbase NFT?

Coinbase NFT will be launched to the public at the end of 2021.Once you have completed the waiting list registration, we will send you an email to notify you.

Why should I join the email waiting list?

By joining the email waiting list, you will be the first to be invited to join the platform and receive updates about Coinbase NFT, such as the official release date.

What is a referral activity?

We will grant early access to Coinbase NFT to people on the waiting list based on their rankings.By sharing your unique referral link, you can increase your ranking based on the number of waitlist registrations we receive.

What determines my position on the waiting list?

Your position on the waiting list depends on your registration time and the number of people you have successfully recommended.

How are referrals calculated?

Once other users use your unique referral link and complete the waiting list registration, your queue position will be reconfigured to a higher ranking.

Can I see how many people I recommend?

No, we will not show the number of people you recommend, we will only show your location.

When will I be excluded from the waiting list?

We will allow people to withdraw from the waiting list in the order of the waiting list at the end of 2021, starting with user #1.

Posted by:CoinYuppie,Reprinted with attribution to://coinyuppie.com/instructions-of-coinbase-nft-experience-whitelist-application-process-2/
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