Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Concerning the trade on this Coast, we notified your Highness that nowadays the natives no longer occupy themselves with the search for gold, but rather make war on each other in order to furnish slaves. . . The Gold Coast has changed into a complete Slave Coast.
- William De La Palma
Director, Dutch West India Co.
September 5, 1705

The history of the European seaborne slave trade with Africa goes back 50 years prior to Columbus' initial voyage to the Americas. It began with the Portuguese, who went to West Africa in search of gold. The first Europeans to come to Africa's West Coast to trade were funded by Prince Henry, the famous Portuguese patron, who hoped to bring riches to Portugal. The purpose of the exploration: to expand European geographic knowledge, to find the source of prized African gold, and to locate a possible sea route to valuable Asian spices.

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

• The Arrival of Europeans in Africa
• Prince Henry the Navigator

In 1441, for the first time, Portuguese sailors obtained gold dust from traders on the western coast of Africa. The following year, Portuguese explorers returned from Africa with more gold dust and another cargo: ten Africans. Forty years after that first human cargo traveled to Portugal, Portuguese sailors gained permission from a local African leader to build a trading outpost and storehouse on Africa's Guinea coast. It was near a region that had been mined for gold for many years and was called Elmina, which means "the mine" in Portuguese. Although originally built for trade in gold and ivory and other resources, Elmina was the first of many trading posts built by Europeans along Africa's western coast that would also come to export slaves.

• Elmina Castle

The well-armed fort provided a secure harbor for Portuguese (and later Dutch and English) ships. Africans were either captured in warring raids or kidnapped and taken to the port by African slave traders. There they were exchanged for iron, guns, gunpowder, mirrors, knives, cloth, and beads brought by boat from Europe.
• African Captives Yoked in Pairs
• A View of Calabar
• An Englishman Tastes the Sweat of an African

When Europeans arrived along the West African coast, slavery already existed on the continent. However, in his book The African Slave Trade, Basil Davidson points out that slavery in Africa and the brutal form of slavery that would develop in the Americas were vastly different. African slavery was more akin to European serfdom --the condition of most Europeans in the 15th century. In the Ashanti Kingdom of West Africa, for example, slaves could marry, own property and even own slaves. And slavery ended after a certain number of years of servitude. Most importantly, African slavery was never passed from one generation to another, and it lacked the racist notion that whites were masters and blacks were slaves.
African slavery lacked the notion that whites were masters and blacks were slaves.
By the start of the 16th century, almost 200,000 Africans had been transported to Europe and islands in the Atlantic. But after the voyages of Columbus, slave traders found another market for slaves: New World plantations. In Spanish Caribbean islands and Portuguese Brazil by the mid 1500s, colonists had turned to the quick and highly profitable cultivation of sugar, a crop that required constant attention and exhausting labor. They tried to recruit native Americans, but many died from diseases brought by Europeans, such as smallpox, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. And the Indians who survived wanted no part of the work, often fleeing to the countryside they knew so well. European colonists found an answer to their pressing labor shortage by importing enslaved workers from Africa.
By 1619, more than a century and a half after the Portuguese first traded slaves on the African coast, European ships had brought a million Africans to colonies and plantations in the Americas and force them to labor as slaves. Trade through the West African forts continued for nearly three hundred years. The Europeans made more than 54,000 voyages to trade in human beings and sent at least ten to twelve million Africans to the Americas.

Which of the following people was famous for supporting Portuguese maritime expansion in the North Atlantic?

Next: New World Exploration and English Ambition

Who was the Portuguese supporter of exploration?

Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process, the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.

Who are two famous Portuguese sailors and where did they explore?

1498—Duarte Pacheco Pereira explores the South Atlantic and the South American Coast North of the Amazon River. 1500—Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered Brazil on his way to India. 1500—Gaspar Corte-Real made his first voyage to Newfoundland, formerly known as Terras Corte-Real.

Who is the most famous Portuguese explorer?

Ferdinand Magellan is best known for being an explorer for Portugal, and later Spain, who discovered the Strait of Magellan while leading the first expedition to successfully circumnavigate the globe. He died en route and Juan Sebastián del Cano completed it.

Who was responsible for much of Portugal's success on the seas?

Dom Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu (4 March 1394 – 13 November 1460), better known as Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese: Infante Dom Henrique, o Navegador), was a central figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire and in the 15th-century European maritime discoveries and maritime expansion.