Which of the following are elements of the working personality of a police officer?

Qualities of a Police Officer

HUMANITYWe respect life and liberty. We are sensitive and inclusive, treating everyone with dignity and compassion.INTEGRITYWe are guided by the principles of justice. We employ the highest ethical standard, we demand accountability, consistency, fairness and honesty in the performance of our duties.PROFESSIONALISMWe take pride in our department. We are committed to excellence in our profession, and we maintain the highest standard of education in our field.COURAGEMaintain a mental and moral strength to resist opposition and fairness of mind. Always stand by your fellow officers in the face of danger or extreme difficulty. Position duties are inclusive of all required tasks. Employees perform other related work as required.
  • Protects life and property through the enforcement of laws & regulations; Proactively patrols assigned areas
  • Responds to calls for police service
  • Conducts preliminary & follow-up criminal and traffic investigations
  • Conducts interviews
  • Prepares written reports and field notes of investigations and patrol activities
  • Arrest and processes criminals
  • Testifies in court
  • Emergency duties required during adverse weather conditions
  • Ability to exercise judgment in determining when to use force and to what degree
  • Operate a law enforcement vehicle under emergency conditions day or night
  • Comprehending legal documents including citations, affidavits, warrants and other documents.
  • Commanding emergency personnel at accident emergencies and disasters
  • Takes an active role in Community Oriented Policing on campus
  • Self initiate traffic and/or criminal investigations.

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    Bano, Bushara and Parvaiz Talib. "Police Personality: Need for a New Approach." IJGC vol.3, no.1 2012: pp.33-42. //doi.org/10.4018/jgc.2012010103


    Bano, B., & Talib, P. [2012]. Police Personality: Need for a New Approach. International Journal of Green Computing [IJGC], 3[1], 33-42. //doi.org/10.4018/jgc.2012010103


    Bano, Bushara, and Parvaiz Talib. "Police Personality: Need for a New Approach," International Journal of Green Computing [IJGC] 3, no.1: 33-42. //doi.org/10.4018/jgc.2012010103

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Bushara Bano [Aligarh Muslim University, India] and Parvaiz Talib [Aligarh Muslim University, India]

Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 10

DOI: 10.4018/jgc.2012010103


Police personnel are often termed as authoritarian, cynical, psychopathological, rude and submissive. On the other hand, they are said to be responsible, determined and dedicated. People have conflicting stereotypes for personality traits of police. The paper analyses the concept of police personality. The paper investigates on the basis of qualitative research whether personality of police is same as other non-police persons or they possess different personality profiles. The paper also critically analyses the contribution of predispositional and socialization factors in the development of working personality within police population. The findings reveal that the phenomenon is not well investigated by the existing studies. The paper suggests the researchers to investigate the concept of police personality more extensively as the available data is ambiguous in nature.

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“...There are officers who are ‘experts at turning parking tickets into riots’ as well as officers who can arrest extremely dangerous suspects and ‘leave em laughing’. To say we know both types of officers exist, however, is not to say that we know anything systematic about their personal characteristics or methods.” [Braithwaite, 1996, p. 2]


The Police Personality: Myth Or Reality

Personality is the unique organization of characteristics that define an individual and determine that person’s pattern of interaction with the environment [Kleinmuntz, 1982]. As discussed in introduction, the concept of police personality refers to the question as to whether there is evidence for describing policemen as a somewhat homogeneous group, differing psychologically from the general population and/or other occupational groups [Lefkowitz, 1975].

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What are the personalities of a police officer?

Some of the most important qualities that a police officer must possess include:.
Physical fitness..
Critical thinking..
Sound judgement..
Problem-solving skills..
Communication skills..
Interpersonal skills..
Strong moral character..
Sense of ethics..

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